. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Dragon Duel Playoff Feature Match: Rohan Motie vs. Tate Mack
Home > 2016/10 - Minneapolis, MN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Dragon Duel Playoff Feature Match: Rohan Motie vs. Tate Mack

Dragon Duel Playoff Feature Match: Rohan Motie vs. Tate Mack

October 17th, 2016

13-year-old Rohan Motie took down the Dragon Duel on Saturday, while 13-year-old Tate Mack claimed victory in the Sunday Dragon Duel. Now both Dragon Duelists are facing off for the title of YCS Minneapolis Dragon Duel Champion! Motie is piloting a Blue-Eyes based Hieratic Dragon strategy, while Mack has chosen to use an Amorphage Deck. Who will come out on top? It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Motie won the roll and chose to go first. He opened up with Arkbrave Dragon, Trade-In, Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, Hieratic Dragon of Su, and Sage with Eyes of Blue. He activated Trade-In and discarded Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon which let him draw another Trade-In as well as Soul Charge. He Normal Summoned Sage with Eyes of Blue next and used its effect to add The White Stone of Ancients to his hand, then Set Trade-In to his back row before ending.

Mack started with Amorphage Gluttony and followed it up with Amorphage Greed as Pendulum Scales. He Normal Summoned Amorphage Lechery and declared an attack over Sage with Eyes of Blue before ending his turn.

Motie drew Pot of Desires for turn and slammed it down! He banished his top ten cards and drew two copies of Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit. He clarified what the opposing Amorphages did, and then ultimately decided to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit. He then Tributed it away for Hieratic Dragon of Su, but couldn’t activate the effect of Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit because of Amorphage Gluttony. He declared an attack over Amorphage Lechery with his Hieratic Dragon of Su, then Set The White Stone of Ancients before he ended his turn.

Mack drew and during his Standby phase, both of his Amorphage Pendulum Scales destroyed themselves because he did not control an Amorphage. He placed Amorphage Goliath and Amorphage Sloth in his Pendulum Scales, then Pendulum Summoned Amorphage Greed and Amorphage Pride in Defense Position. He Set a monster before ending.

Motie drew Labradorite Dragon then activated Soul Charge to revive his fallen Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit.

Mack drew and then announced a Pendulum Summon for Amorphage Pride and Amorphage Greed from his Extra Deck. He considered possible other actions, but ultimately decided to end his turn.

Motie drew Return of the Dragon Lords. He declared attacks with his Hieratics over Mack’s Amorphages, then in Main Phase 2 he Tributed his Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit for the other copy in his hand. This activated the effect of the Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit that was Tributed so he could Special Summon Labradorite Dragon from his hand. He then sent both to the Graveyard to Special Summon Ultimaya Tzolkin, then Set his Return of the Dragon Lords so he could trigger the effect of Ultimaya Tzolkin to Special Summon Stardust Spark Dragon!

Mack drew to two cards and during his Standby Phase, he paid the cost for Amorphage Goliath Tributing his Effect Veiler, but couldn’t pay for Amorphage Sloth so it destroyed itself. He then placed Amorphage Pride in his Pendulum Scale as a replacement so he could Pendulum Summoned Amorphage Pride along with Amorphage Greed from his Extra Deck.

Motie drew The White Stone of Legend. He Flip Summoned his Set Hieratic Dragon of Su and then Normal Summoned The White Stone of Ancients. He moved to his Battle Phase and declared an attack with The White Stone of Ancients over Amorphage Pride, then over Amorphage Greed with Hieratic Dragon of Su before attacking directly with Stardust Spark Dragon. This left Mack with 4650 Life Points, and in Main Phase 2 Motie Synchro Summoned Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon using his Stardust Spark Dragon and The White Stone of Ancients. He then flipped his Set Return of the Dragon Lords to Special Summon back the Stardust Spark Dragon and ended his turn.

Mack drew and both of his Amorphages destroyed themselves during the Standby Phase because he didn’t control any monsters to tribute. With just two cards in hand, Mack Set a monster hoping that the defense was enough to keep him in the game.

Motie drew Hieratic Dragon of Eset. He clarified how much life Mack had, then moved to his Battle Phase and had enough damage to end the Duel!




Mack’s Amorphage Deck failed to get its engine online and fell apart in the face of Motie’s Dragons. Can Mack climb back from the deficit to become the YCS Minneapolis Dragon Duel Champion? Or will Motie clench victory with another game win?

Duel Two

Mack started with Amorphage Greed and Amorphage Lechery both in his Pendulum Scales. He Pendulum Summoned Amorphage Envy as well as Amorphage Pride from his hand, then Set a back row and ended.

Motie opened with a hand of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, The White Stone of Ancients, Hieratic Dragon of Su, and Mask of Restrict before he drew Trade-In. He Tributed Mack’s Amorphage Envy for Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju, then Set The White Stone of Ancients in Defense Position along with Mask of Restrict to his back row before ending.

Mack drew and Tributed off both of his monsters for his Amorphages, then Pendulum Summoned back Amorphage Envy and Amorphage Pride. He declared an attack over The White Stone of Ancients with Amorphage Greed, and then Set a card before moving to his End Phase. Motie activated the effect of The White Stone of Ancients to Special Summon Dragon Spirit of White from his Deck and activated its effect to banish Mack’s Amorphage Lechery.




Motie drew Hieratic Dragon of Su, but during his Draw Phase Mack flipped his Set Amorphage Lysis! Motie started with Trade-In discarding Blue-Eyes White Dragon and drew two copies of Pot of Desires. He activated one of them and banished ten cards which drew him Blue-Eyes White Dragon as well as The White Stone of Legend. He Normal Summoned The White Stone of Legend next, then moved to his Battle Phase where he declared an attack with Dragon Spirit of White over Amorphage Envy.

Mack drew a card and couldn’t pay the cost for his Amorphage Pendulums because of Mask of Restrict, so Amorphage Greed destroyed itself, which triggered Amorphage Lysis to get Amorphage Gluttony from his Deck, which destroyed itself because he still could not tribute any monsters. He activated Amorphage Infection next then declared an attack with Amorphage Greed over The White Stone of Legend, which let Motie add Blue-Eyes White Dragon to his hand.

Motie drew another copy of Mask of Restrict, which he immediately Set. He then activated Pot of Desires, banishing another ten cards off the top of his Deck to draw another Mask of Restrict and Dragon Shrine. He activated Dragon Shrine to send The White Stone of Ancients from his Deck to the Graveyard, then Set the last copy of Mask of Restrict. He moved to his Battle Phase and declared an attack over Amorphage Greed with Dragon Spirit of White before ending his turn.




Mack drew Raigeki and activated it, destroying Motie’s Dragon Spirit of White.

Motie drew Amorhpage Goliath and passed.

Mack drew a card and passed back as well.

Motie drew Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju and ended his turn without any actions.

Mack drew and Set a card to his back row trying to climb back into the game.

Motie drew another Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju and had to discard Hieratic Dragon of Su during the End Phase.

Mack drew and gave both Graveyards a look before ending his turn.

Motie drew Swords of Concealing Light and discarded Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju during his End Phase.

Mack drew and Normal Summoned Ally of Justice Quarantine! He declared a direct attack and left Motie with 4250.

Motie drew Sage with Eyes of Blue and Set it before ending his turn.

Mack drew, Set a monster, and then declared an attack with Ally of Justice Quarantine over the Set Sage with Eyes of Blue.

Motie drew Hieratic Convocation and Set it as a bluff before ending his turn.

Mack drew for turn and Flip Summoned Amorphage Greed. He moved to his Battle Phase and declared a direct attack with Ally of Justice Quarantine before ending his turn.

Motie drew The Melody of Awakening Dragon and was forced to discard Blue-Eyes White Dragon during his End Phase.

Mack drew for turn and clarified exactly how Mask of Restrict worked. He switched Amorphage Greed to Defense Position and Set a monster, then declared a direct attack with Ally of Justice Quarantine, leaving Motie with 850 Life Points.

Motie drew Return of the Dragon Lords and activated Sword of Concealing Light! Everything went facedown and Motie ended his turn.

Mack drew and placed Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn along with Amorphage Sloth in his Pendulum Zones, then Pendulum Summoned Amorphage Pride in Attack Position and Amorphage Envy in Defense Position. Mack struck directly with his Amorphage Envy to end the Duel!



A couple of rough Pot of Desires lead Motie to banish key cards from his Deck, allowing Mack to stabilize and win the Duel! Who will win in this final game and be crowned the YCS Minneapolis Dragon Duel Champion?

Duel Three

Motie started with Trade-In, Dragon Spirit of White, Arkbrave Dragon, Soul Charge, and Return of the Dragon Lords. He activated Trade-In and discarded Dragon Spirit of White to draw Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju along with The Melody of Awakening Dragon. He used The Melody of Awakening Dragon to discard the Arkbrave Dragon so he could add Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon and Blue-Eyes White Dragon to his hand. He Special Summoned Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon by revealing Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his hand, then followed it up with Return of the Dragon Lords to Special Summon Dragon Spirit of White. He combined both of his Dragons for Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon and then ranked up into Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon! The effect activated and he sent The White Stone of Ancients, Hieratic Dragon of Eset, and Amorphage Goliath to the Graveyard from his Deck, while Mack banished two copies of Amorphage Greed and a single copy of Amorphage Envy from his Deck. During the End Phase, Motie activated The White Stone of Ancients to Special Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his Deck.

Mack drew a card and during his Standby Phase, Motie activated the effect of Arkbrave Dragon to Special Summon Amorphage Goliath from his Graveyard. Mack placed Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn and Amorphage Sloth in his Pendulum Zones, then Pendulum Summoned Ally of Justice Quarantine and Koa’ki Meiru Drago from his hand in Defense Position trying to defend himself from the massive field that Motie established. During the End Phase, he revealed Amorphage Gluttony for the effect of Koa’ki Meiru Drago.

Motie drew The White Stone of Ancients and activated the effect of Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon, then declared an attack over before of his monsters with the mighty Xyz Monster! He made direct attacks with Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Amorphage Goliath, leaving Mack with 2250 Life Points.

Mack drew and saw the writing on the wall, but wanted to go out on his own terms! He Normal Summoned Amorphage Gluttony and attacked into Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon to finish off the rest of his own Life Points!




Mack could not handle the huge threats that Motie’s Dragon Deck exploded onto the field, and Rohan Motie is your YCS Minneapolis Dragon Duel Champion!