The Champs Are Here!

October 15th, 2016

Ryan Murakami claimed his victory at the UDS Summer Invitational – Los Angeles, while Aaron Furman bested the field at the UDS Summer Invitational – Chicago. Now, both Duelists have earned the title of UDS Champion as well as their own title belts. While the belt is one of the coolest prizes we have to offer, the biggest perk of winning an Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational is a little less tangible. Both Ryan Murakami and Aaron Furman are able to enter any Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Main Event for FREE with Byes for their first two rounds, much like you would be allowed to do if you won a YCS VIP Qualifier.




Two free wins at every YCS is a huge deal when a Top Cut appearance can be the difference between a single win or loss, so Murakami and Furman both plan to capitalize on their advantage by entering as many YCS events as possible! What better reason do you need to compete in the Ultimate Duelist Series?