. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Welcome to YCS Minneapolis!

Welcome to YCS Minneapolis!

October 15th, 2016


Since we’ve crowned the 2016 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Champion, there hasn’t been a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event in the United States. That changes this weekend as premiere-level Yu-Gi-Oh! returns to Minneapolis, Minnesota for the first time in over six years!


Minneapolis Convention Center


The last time Yu-Gi-Oh! made an appearance in the North Star State, X-Sabers, Infernity, Gladiator Beasts and Frogs were the Decks to beat at the 2010 United States World Championship Qualifier. Today, 769 Duelists have returned, packing strategies like Blue-Eyes, Burning Abyss, Phantom Knights, Pendulums, and many others! Who will prevail? Which Deck will rise to the top before Structure Deck: Yugi Muto, Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba, and Invasion: Vengeance release in the coming weeks? Stay tuned for Pairings, Standings, Feature Matches, Tech Updates, and other tournament coverage throughout the weekend!

Welcome to YCS Minneapolis!