. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: Which Deck Are You Running This Weekend and Why?
Home > 2016/11 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Deck Are You Running This Weekend and Why?

QQ: Which Deck Are You Running This Weekend and Why?

November 12th, 2016

QQ stands for Quick Questions! We surveyed some of the competitors to find out which Decks they’re using and why they chose to use their particular Decks. Check out their responses!

“ABC, because it puts your opponent on lockdown.” –Rafael Roberto de Paulo from Campinas, Brazil.

“ABC, it is the best Deck.” – Vitor Soares from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“ABC, it is the best Deck out there..” – William da Fonseca Couto from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“Yang Zing Metalfoes, because I really enjoy playing with it.” – Joel S.V de Almeida from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“Metalfoes, because I like fusion.” – Guilherme Cecilio Lima from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“Nekroz Blue-Eyes, because other players are not expecting it.” – Michael Evaristo from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“Mermail, my favorite Deck.” – Alessandro Melecani from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

“ABC, it is very affordable.” – Michael V.S. Luiz.

“Fairy Counter, I simply love the deck.” – Cristobal Munoz from Santiago, Chile.

“Lightsworn, because it is very consistent.” – Roger Medina from Santiago, Chile.