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Welcome to YCS Anaheim!

November 26th, 2016

Welcome to YCS Anaheim! We’re here at the Anaheim Convention Center, at 2016’s final YCS in the Americas.  It’s been a huge year for Dueling, and now we’re closing it out with the newest strategies to come from Destiny Soldiers, Invasion: Vengeance, Dragons of Legend -Unleashed-, and the new Structure Deck: Yugi Muto and Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba. There’s been such an influx of new cards over the last few weeks, it’ll be tough to predict what the top strategies will be!


We have a total of 1,769 Duelists entered into the event today! That makes it the third-largest YCS event on record! We’ll be playing nine rounds of Swiss today, followed by two more rounds tomorrow before we cut to the Top 32. Good luck Duelists! It’s time to Duel!

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