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Home > 2017/02 - Seattle, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Out and About: Walking the Floor at YCS Seattle

Out and About: Walking the Floor at YCS Seattle

February 19th, 2017

Here’s a up close look at YCS Seattle!

Here’s a panoramic shot of the venue. All the tables are filled with Duelists! All the tables on the right side are dedicated to Public Events, while the majority of the room goes to the massive Main Event.


YCS Seattle Panorama-8

Here we have Billy Brake, who just won YCS Bochum! He’s currently lost in thought, probably trying to figure out how he ended up on Table 115.

Billy Brake comtemplating the meaning of Yu-Gi-Oh

Here’s where the magic happens: our live stream table! Here, two Duelists battle while Yugi and Kaiba observe.

Streamer's Domain

Over here, we have the VIP Duelists. You get to be a VIP Duelist by winning the Ultimate Duelist Series Championship, or by winning a VIP Qualifier. That gets you a seat at the VIP section away from the rest of the crowd, and byes for the first two rounds of the event!

VIP Duelists 1

VIP Duelists 2

Here’s our Dragon Duelists! These twelve-years-old and under Duelists are playing with Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Sealed Decks.

Dragon Duelists 1

These Duelists are participating in Generation Duel, ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!!, and Structure Deck tournaments.

And everyone here is playing in the Main Event. Good luck, Duelists!