Home > 2017/02 - Seattle, WA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Seattle Top Table Update: Round 10

YCS Seattle Top Table Update: Round 10

February 19th, 2017

This is the final round before the cut to Top 32! Let’s take a look at the top Duelists.

Table 1: Mohammed Faisal Khan (Zoodiac) VS Anthony Joseph Wenham (Kaiju Zoodiac)

Table 2: Brenden Elijah Beckmann (Kaiju Zoodiac) VS Grant Alexander Wilhelm (Infernoid)

Table 3: Jason Anthony Nobile (Paleozoic Frog) VS Chancy Williams Wigglestove (Zoodiac)

Table 4: Maximillian John Edward Reynolds (Zoodiac) VS Michael John State (Zoodiac)

Table 5: William Jacy (Kaiju Zoodiac) VS Alexis Roberto Rodriguez Jimenez (Kaiju Zoodiac)

Table 6: Anthony William Eckroth (Kaiju Zoodiac) VS James Byron Garcia (Kaiju Zoodiac)

Table 7: Nicholas David Fantus-Reininger (Metalfoes) VS James Thomas Lawson (Infernoid)

Table 8: Christopher Blaine Watton (60-card Zombie Zoodiac) VS Yueqi Zhu (Lightsworn Zombie)

Table 9: Jovanny Velsain Castillo (Kaiju Zoodiac) VS Justin Singh Delhon (Artifact Zoodiac)

Table 10: Esala Sammidha de Alvis Wathathantrige (Zoodiac) VS Zhenning Guo (Zoodiac)

Zoodiac are showing their strength, but it’s interesting to see some of the variations within the Zoodiac strategies. Here’s the breakdown:

7 Kaiju Zoodiac
6 Zoodiac
1 Artifact Zoodiac
1 Zombie Zoodiac
2 Infernoid
1 Lightsworn Zombie
1 Metalfoes
1 Paleozoic Frog

The Kaiju and pure Zoodiac builds are about even in popularity, but we’re seeing several other variants, like the Artifact version playing Artifact Sanctum and Artifact Scythe to stop the opposition. The two Zombie Decks are using That Grass Looks Greener, along with Mezuki and Shiranui monsters. Rounding out the other Decks are Infernoids, seeing some big success for first time since their release thanks to some awesome new Void cards in Raging Tempest. Finally, Paleozoic Frogs are still doing their thing thanks to Toadally Awesome.