Home > 2017/03 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Atlanta: QQ – How are you handling Zoodiacs?

YCS Atlanta: QQ – How are you handling Zoodiacs?

March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! After YCS Seattle, it was clear that Zoodiacs were the top Dueling strategy. We asked around to see what everyone is using to handle a Zoodiac threat during their Matches.

“[Forbidden] Chalice, Kaiju, My Body as a Shield” -Hani Jawhari, 15

Lost Wind and Dark Hole” -Jamael Moore, 36

Chain Disappearance” -Rick Butler, 24

“Artifacts and Kaijus” -Reynaldo Contreras, 21

“A Zoodiac Deck of my own and 3 copies of Lost Wind.” -Aaron Hunter Levy, 22

Forbidden Apocrypha” -Sam Illegiblelastname

“Artifacts, Dimensional Barrier, Maxx “C”” -Stephen Escobedo, 27

D.D. Crow in the Main. Dimensional Barrier x 3 in the Main.” -Sean Washington, 18

“Ghost Reaper and Sanctum + Scythe” -Jonathan Moore, 27

“I play a card that is really good vs. Zoo” -Julian Cebrian, 20 [Perhaps you could enlighten us, Julian?]

There are quite a few responses here, and all of them good answers. In our previous QQ asking about Raging Tempest sleeper picks, many Duelists named Lost Wind. It looks like Lost Wind is becoming pretty popular, as it’s being used to handle Zoodiacs. Dimensional Barrier is still the most commonly used answer, and Artifacts (specifically Artifact Sanctum and Artifact Scythe) are gaining a lot of use as well. D.D. Crow has seen a resurgence, to banish a Zoodiac Ratpier before their combo can be completed. My Body as a Shield is serving as a way to stop Zoodiac Drident without having to wait a turn setting a Trap like Solemn Strike. Forbidden Chalice is similar, negating all of Drident’s effects and leaving it with just 400 ATK.