YCS Atlanta: Top Table Update, Round 5
Now that we’re halfway into Day 1, let’s take a look at what’s sitting on the top tables.
Table 1: Gaetan Georges (Infernoid) vs. Melvin Anthony Torres Jr. (Zoodiac)
Table 2: Rudolph Nathan Munoz (Zoodiac) vs. Alexander Louis Cancel (Zoodiac)
Table 3: Ayinde Ezekiai Ross (Zoodiac Infernoid) vs. Yifei Yang (Volcanic Paleozoic Zoodiac)
Table 4: Dakota Clint Angeloff (Zoodiac) vs. Travis Allen Smith (Kaiju Zoodiac)
Table 5: Chase Tyler Lee Seidel (Lightsworn) vs. Daniel Meng Wang (Zoodiac Invoked Artifact)
Table 6: Michael Joseph Albanese (Artifact Zoodiac) vs. Travis Jeffrey Tackett (Artifact Zoodiac)
Table 7: Kenneth Andrew-Thomas McCarthy (Kaiju Zoodiac) vs. Corey Ryan Roca (Paleozoic Frog)
Table 8: Daniel Benjamin Harper (Artifact Zoodiac) vs. Patrick Shaun O’Leary (Infernoid)
Table 9: Leonardo Sosa Calderon (Zoodiac) vs. Alen Anatolyevich Dekhanov(Kaiju Zoodiac)
Table 10: Trei Alexander Lewis (Artifact Zoodiac) vs. Tyler Christian Ohlenforst (Shaddoll Burning Abyss)
Zoodiac are showing their strength still today, with appearances in three fourths of our top Decks so far. Several of these aren’t pure Zoodiac Decks, however. They’re using a few Zoodiac cards for the power of the normal combo that goes off using Zoodiac Ratpier, but fitting that into other strategies like Infernoid and Paleozoic. In addition, most of the Artifact Decks are just using Artifact Sanctum and Artifact Scythe, since it’s so strong against Zoodiac and other strategies.
The Infernoid, Paleozoic, and Lightsworn Decks are using 60 cards in the Main Deck along with That Grass Looks Greener, allowing them to instantly set up their Graveyards for the Duel. The Burning Abyss Deck may be using That Grass Looks Greener as well, but the Deck list was unavailable at the time of this writing.