Home > 2017/03 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Atlanta: Top Table Update, Round 7

YCS Atlanta: Top Table Update, Round 7

March 5th, 2017

Here are your top Duelists as we begin Round 7.

Table 1: Michael Angel Campos (60-card Paleozoic Frog) vs. Hao Nguyen (Metalfoes)

Table 2: Jonathan Michael Nagel (58-card Kaiju Zoodiac) vs. Melvin Anthony Torres Jr. (Zoodiac)

Table 3: Rudolph Nathan Munoz (Zoodiac) vs. Michael Zimmitti Jr. (Windwitch Invoked Artifact)

Table 4: Jesse Michael Choate (Zoodiac) vs. Joel Thomas White (Zoodiac)

Table 5: Corey Ryan Roca (Paleozoic Frog) vs. Tyler Christian Ohlenforst (Shaddoll Burning Abyss)

Table 6: Mohammed Imran Khan (Zoodiac) vs. Alex Anthony Bergeron (Zoodiac)

Table 7: Brandon Shane Wong (Kaiju Zoodiac) vs. Noah Reid Greene (Artifact Zoodiac)

Table 8: Chase Tyler Lee Seidel (60-card Lightsworn) vs. Kamal Derrick El Crooks-Valdez (Invoked Zoodiac)

Table 9: Bernardo Miranda (Zoodiac) vs. Ayinde Ezekiai Ross (Zoodiac Infernoid)

Table 10: Shay Michael Kelley (Invoked Zoodiac) vs. Matthew James Hagan (60-card Burning Abyss Phantom Knight)

Here’s the breakdown:

7 Zoodiac
2 Kaiju Zoodiac
2 Invoked Zoodiac
1 Artifact Zoodiac
2 Paleozoic Frog
1 Shaddoll Burning Abyss
1 Burning Abyss Phantom Knight
1 Lightsworn
1 Zoodiac Infernoid
1 Metalfoes
1 Windwitch Invoked Artifact

Suddenly, we find a lot of variety this round! There are still quite a few Zoodiac Decks – 13 of these feature Zoodiacs in some way. These numbers are a lot lower than at YCS Seattle, though. Duelists seem to have found some ways to handle the Zoodiacs.

Besides Zoodiacs, we have two Burning Abyss variants and two Paleozoic Decks doing very well. Interestingly, out of these only one of the Paleozoic Decks is using That Grass Looks Greener, and only the Phantom Knight Burning Abyss Deck is using it. The card did find its way into the Lightsworn and Infernoid Decks, though.

Rounding out the top tables is a lone Metalfoes strategy, and a Windwitch Invoked Deck (much like the one we profiled here). With the Windwitch Deck plus two Zoodiac Decks, there’s actually a fair number of Invoked being played at the top tables.