2017/04 - YCS Bogota, Colombia,
Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Bogota, Colombia: Top 16 Pairings with Deck Information
YCS Bogota, Colombia: Top 16 Pairings with Deck Information
Here are the pairings for Top 16:
Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
1 |
Silva Cardona, Daniel – Colombia (Zoodiacs-Metalfoes) |
vs. |
Nadaban Zanabria, Arnold – Peru (60-cards Paleozoics) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
2 |
De Obaldia Soza, Galileo Mauricio – Panama (Zoodiacs) |
vs. |
Holguin Romero, Jhon Alexis – Colombia (60-cards Paleozoics) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
3 |
Brake, Billy Presley – United States (Zoodiacs-Infernoids) |
vs. |
Cruz Gomez, Exenjawer – Colombia (Zoodiacs-Paleozoics) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
4 |
Cadena Zurita, Irving Hernan – Ecuador (Invoked-Windwith) |
vs. |
Torres Reyes, Andres David – Colombia (Zoodiacs-Infernoids) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
5 |
Garcia Moreno, Alejandro – Mexico (Zoodiacs) |
vs. |
Asfour Al Jaubri, Kanaan – Venezuela (Zoodiacs) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
6 |
Vera Avila, Nicolas Miguel – Ecuador (Zoodiacs) |
vs. |
Lomelli, Jhosep Miguel – Venezuela (Zoodiacs-Infernoids) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
7 |
Goncalves da Silva, Paulo Roberto – Brazil (Zoodiacs) |
vs. |
Buritica Gonzales, Manuel Felipe – Colombia (Zoodiacs) |

Table |
Player 1 |
vs. |
Player 2 |
8 |
Penagos Rojas, Cristian Danilo – Colombia ( 60-cards Paleozoics) |
vs. |
Silva Rua, Jonathan Alexander – Colombia (Zoodiacs-Metalfoes) |