. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Denver Top Tables Update: Round 5
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YCS Denver Top Tables Update: Round 5

April 8th, 2017

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top tables of YCS Denver!

Table 1: Dakota Cottrell (ABC) vs. Jordan Sanchez (Zoodiac)

Table 2: Lane Frazier (Metalfoes) vs. Devin Banham (Zoodiac)

Table 3: Andrey Flynn (Infernoid) vs. Ramon Jacquez (Paleozoic)

Table 4: Zachary Siepser (Zoodiac) vs. Denny Vu (Infernoid)

Table 5: Herman Cosie (Volcanic Paleozoic) vs. Daniel Scott (Infernoid)

Table 6: Robert Scarpelli (Infernoid) vs. Anderson Tsang (Infernoid)

Table 7: Jesse Choate (Invoked Lightsworn) vs. Quinton Brown (Infernoid)

Table 8: Paul Cooper (Zoodiac) vs. James Esquibel (ABC)

Table 9: Billy Brake (Kaiju Infernoid) vs. Anthony Iem (Zoodiac)

Table 10: Tien Pham (Infernoid) vs. Jimy Meza (Paleozoic)