. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 4 Feature Match: Brendan Beckmann vs. Peter Xiang
Home > 2017/05 - YCS Pittsburgh, PA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 4 Feature Match: Brendan Beckmann vs. Peter Xiang

Top 4 Feature Match: Brendan Beckmann vs. Peter Xiang

May 14th, 2017

Peter Xiang  and Brendan Beckmann are competing to make it to the YCS Finals! A win here will guarantee one of them a copy of the YCS Prize Card Number 93: Utopia Kaiser!  A loss will put the Duelist into a 3rd/4th place playoff to determine who gets the prize card. Both Duelists are running Zoodiac Kaiju Decks. Which one will advance? Let’s find out! It’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Xiang won the roll and elected to go first.  He started with a hand of Maxx “C”, Speedroid Taketomborg, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Flying “C” and Dark Hole.  He passed without taking any actions.

Beckmann Normal Summoned Zoodiac Whiptail and Xiang gave him a Flying “C”.  Beckmann attacked with Zoodiac Whiptail, then in Main Phase 2 he activated Lunalight Black Sheep from his hand, getting Fusion Substitute. He Set 3 to the back and passed.

Xiang drew Zoodiac Barrage for turn.  He activated it, and then Normal Summoned Speedroid Taketomborg.  He used Zoodiac Barrage’s effect to destroy Speedroid Taketomborg to Special Summon Zoodiac Thoroughblade from his Deck.  Zoodiac Thoroughblade attacked into Zoodiac Whiptail.  In Main Phase 2, Zoodiac Broadbull went on top of Zoodiac Thoroughblade, but fell into a Torrential Tribute!  Xiang passed with only a face-up Zoodiac Barrage on the field.

Beckmann Set a back row and passed.

Xiang drew Zoodiac Ratpier and Normal Summoned it, then Summoned Zoodiac Boarbow on top of it; but the Summon was negated by Solemn Warning.  Xiang then activated Zoodiac Barrage, destroying itself to Summon another Zoodiac Thoroughblade from the Deck.  It attacked for 1600, then in Main Phase 2, Xiang put another Zoodiac Broadbull on top of the Zoodiac Thoroughblade, but that was hit with a Solemn Strike!

Beckmann Normal Summoned Zoodiac Thoroughblade and Xiang gave Beckmann another Flying “C”!  Beckmann attacked for 1600 and passed.

Xiang topdecked Zoodiac Whiptail which he Normal Summoned, then put a Zoodiac Broadbull on top of it, using the effect to search for Lunalight Black SheepZoodiac Tigermortar went on top of Zoodiac Broadbull, and its effect detached Zoodiac Broadbull and targeted Zoodiac Ratpier to attach it to Zoodiac TigermortarZoodiac Ratpier’s effect was used to Special Summon the other one from the Deck, then Lunalight Black Sheep was activated; but Beckmann chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop Xiang from adding Fusion Substitute to his hand!  He then put Zoodiac Chakanine over the Zoodiac Tigermortar, using the effect to Special Summon Zoodiac Whiptail from the Graveyard. Then Xiang put Zoodiac Hammerkong, followed by Zoodiac Drident, over the Zoodiac ChakanineZoodiac Drident’s effect was used to destroy Beckmann’s Zoodiac Thoroughblade, and Xiang passed.

Beckmann switched Flying “C” to Attack Position, and attacked into the Zoodiac Drident.  Xiang activated Zoodiac Whiptail to attach it to the Zoodiac Drident.  Flying C was banished.  In Main Phase 2, Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju was Special Summoned by Tributing Xiang’s Zoodiac Drident.  Then Instant Fusion Special Summoned Elder Entity Norden, which Special Summoned Zoodiac ThoroughbladeZoodiac Boarbow was placed over Zoodiac Thoroughblade and Zoodiac Broadbull over the Zoodiac Boarbow.  Beckmann attempted to use Zoodiac Broadbull’s effect but Xiang chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop the effect.  Zoodiac Hammerkong went over the Zoodiac Broadbull, then Zoodiac Chakanine went over Hammerkong.  Zoodiac Chakanine’s effect brought back Zoodiac Hammerkong, and then Zoodiac Tigermortar was Summoned over the Zoodiac ChakanineZoodiac Tigermortar’s effect was used to detach Zoodiac Broadbull and attach Zoodiac Whiptail to it.  Zoodiac Drident was placed over Zoodiac Tigermortar, which was used to destroy Xiang’s Zoodiac Drident.

Xiang Special Summon Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju over Beckmann’s Zoodiac Drident, then Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju attacked over Zoodiac Hammerkong.  He passed.

Beckmann switched the Battle Position of Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju and passed.

Xiang used Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju to attack Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju and passed.

Beckmann activated Zoodiac Barrage, destroying it to Special Summon Zoodiac Thoroughblade form the Deck; but Xiang had the third Flying “C”! He passed.


flying c


Xiang’s Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju attacked into Zoodiac Thoroughblade and that was enough damage to end the first Duel.

Duel 2

Beckmann elected to go first.  He started with a Normal Summoned Zoodiac Ratpier, which turned into a Zoodiac Hammerkong whose effect Special Summoned another Zoodiac Ratpier from the Deck.  Zoodiac Broadbull went on top of the Zoodiac Ratpier and its effect added Lunalight Black Sheep from the Deck to the hand.  He tried to use its effect to find Fusion Substitute but Xiang had an Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate that effect!  Zoodiac Chakanine went on top of Zoodiac Hammerkong, and Zoodiac Chakanine’s effect Special Summoned Zoodiac Hammerkong from the Graveyard.  Zoodiac Tigermortar went over the Zoodiac Chakanine, whose effect attached Zoodiac Ratpier to Zoodiac HammerkongZoodiac Boarbow went over the Zoodiac Tigermortar, then Zoodiac Drident went over the Zoodiac BoarbowFire Formation – Tenki came down next, searching for Zoodiac Whiptail.  He Set a face-down card and passed.




Xiang started with Raigeki, but Beckmann flipped up Imperial Order to negate it!  He then Tributed Beckmann’s Zoodiac Drident to Special Summon Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju!  He then Normal Summoned Zoodiac Thoroughblade and activated the effect but Beckmann chained Flying “C”!  Xiang discarded Zoodiac Ramram and drew Zoodiac Whiptail to go alongside his own Flying “C”.  Xiang’s Zoodiac Thoroughblade attacked Beckmann’s Zoodiac Hammerkong and he passed there.

Xiang started by putting Zoodiac Chakanine over Zoodiac Broadbull, but Xiang activated Flying “C”, giving it to Beckmann.  Zoodiac Chakanine’s effect Special Summoned Zoodiac Drident from the Graveyard.  In the Battle Phase, Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju attacked into Zoodiac Thoroughblade.  He Set one card and passed.

Xiang switched Flying “C” to Attack Position and attacked into Zoodiac Chakanine, destroying it.

Beckmann paid another 700 LP for Imperial Order, putting the Duel at 5900 to 7200.  In the Battle Phase, Beckmann’s Flying “C” crashed with his opponent’s, and Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju attacked directly for 2400 points of damage.  In Main Phase 2, Beckmann Normal Summoned Zoodiac Whiptail, then Zoodiac Broadbull went over that, using its effect to search for Zoodiac Whiptail.

Zoodiac Tigermortar went over Zoodiac Chakanine, using its effect to put Zoodiac Whiptail under Zoodiac Drident.

Xiang drew Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries but it was no help. We’re moving on to a third and final Duel!


top 4 game 2


Duel 3

Xiang elected to go first in the final Duel of the Match. He started by Special Summoning Speedroid Terrortop, activating its effect but being met with Beckmann’s Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit!  Xiang still added the Speedroid Taketomborg to hand.  Xiang then Normal Summoned Zoodiac Ratpier, sending Zoodiac Ramram from the Deck to the Graveyard.  Zoodiac Boarbow went on top of the Zoodiac Ratpier whose effect was used to Special Summon another Zoodiac Ratpier from the Deck.  Zoodiac Broadbull went on top of the Zoodiac Boarbow and its effect added Lunalight Black Sheep, which was discarded to add Fusion Substitute to his hand.  Zoodiac Chakanine went on top of Zoodiac Ratpier, which Special Summoned Zoodiac Boarbow from the Graveyard. Then Fusion Substitute was used to Fusion Summon Elder Entity Norden, whose effect Special Summoned Speedroid Terrortop from the Graveyard.  Speedroid Taketomborg was Special Summoned, then M-X-Saber Invoker was Xyz Summoned!  Its effect was used to Special Summon Zoodiac Thoroughblade from the Deck.  Zoodiac Thoroughblade and Elder Entity Norden were used to Xyz Summon Daigusto Emeral, and Zoodiac Boarbow, Zoodiac Chakanine and Zoodiac Ratpier were sent back to the Deck to draw Zoodiac ThoroughbladeFire Formation – Tenki came down next, adding Zoodiac Whiptail to Xiang’s hand.  Zoodiac Tigermortar came over the Zoodiac Broadbull, and Zoodiac Tigermortar’s effect put Zoodiac Ratpier under it.  Zoodiac Ratpier’s effect Special Summoned the other one from the Deck.  A second Fusion Substitute came down using Daigusto Emeral and Zoodiac Tigermortar as materials to Summon Norden, and Elder Entity Norden Special Summoned Zoodiac Thoroughblade from the Graveyard. Norden and Thoroughblade were used to make another Daigusto Emeral, whose effect shuffled another 3 monsters back into the Deck to draw Ghost Reaper & Winter CherriesFusion Substitute’s effect in the Graveyard drew a Flying “C”Zoodiac Drident then went over the Zoodiac Ratpier on the field, and Xiang passed with 6 cards in hand and 3 Xyz Monsters on the field.




Beckmann Set 4 cards to his back row and passed.

Xiang drew Dark Hole for his turn.  He activated Daigusto Emeral, targeting 3 monsters, but was met with a Dimensional Barrier declaring Xyz.  Xiang attacked with all of his monsters, Set Dark Hole, and passed.

Beckmann Normal Summoned Zoodiac Whiptail, Xiang used Zoodiac Drident to try and destroy it, and Beckmann negated Zoodiac Drident’s effect with Solemn StrikeZoodiac Hammerkong went over the Zoodiac Whiptail, and Xiang gave Beckmann a Flying “C” for his troubles.  Zoodiac Barrage came down next trying to destroy the Flying “C”, but Xiang stopped Zoodiac Barrage with his in-hand Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit.  In the Battle Phase, Zoodiac Hammerkong attacked into M-X-Saber Invoker, banishing it but destroying Zoodiac Hammerkong in battle.

Xiang drew Raigeki for turn.  He Normal Summoned Zoodiac Thoroughblade, passed on the effect, and then activated Raigeki! That was enough to end it!


top 4 game 3


Xiang advances to the Finals!