Round 7: Top Tables Update
Let’s take a look at what’s being played at the Top Tables here in Round 7!
Table 1:
Eric Pacheco with True Draco Zoodiacs
Tom Braudo with Demise True Dracos
Table 2:
Bejamin Slutsky with Pure Zoodiacs
Jeremy Thibeau with Pure Zoodiacs
Table 3:
Patrick James with Pure Zoodiacs
Chase Cunningham with Pure Zoodiacs
Table 4:
Azad Deihim with Pure Zoodiacs
Jeffrey Leung with Pure Zoodiacs
Table 5:
Johnny Li with Kaiju Zoodiacs
Mario De Micco with True Draco Zoodiacs
Table 6:
Deep Patel with Pure Zoodiacs
Thomas Morran with True Draco Zoodiacs
Table 7:
Jesse Kotton with Pure Zoodiacs
John Wilkin with Kaiju Zoodiacs
Table 8:
James Randolh with Pure Zoodiacs
Richard Yam with Pure Zoodiacs
Table 9:
James Kim with True Draco Zoodiacs
Christpher Ho with True Draco Zoodiacs
Table 10:
Yucheng Li with True Draco Zoodiacs
Shadhursen Puvanendra with True Draco Zoodiacs
The landscape looks very similar to how it looked in Round 5: out of twenty decks we’ve got 10 Pure Zoodiacs, 7 True Draco Zoodiacs, 2 Kaiju Zoodiacs, and a lone Demise True Draco Deck. In addition, everyone currently playing at the VIP Tables are undefeated or X-1. Here’s what’s going on at those tables.
Table 1001:
Christopher Barwicki with True Draco Zoodiacs
Steven Smith with Demise True Dracos
Table 1003:
Anthony Lawrence with Pure Zoodiacs
Benjamin Wyman with Pure Zoodiacs
Table 1005:
Christopher LeBlanc with True Draco Zoodiacs
Tanner Howes with Demise True Dracos
Table 1007:
Aaron Furman with True Draco Zoodiacs
Ricky Lee with True Draco Zoodiacs
It’s all Zoodiacs all the time, but we might have something pretty different for our last Feature Match of the day. Check back in a bit to see what’s up.
-Jason Grabher-Meyer