QQ: How Did You Prepare to Compete in the UDS Invitational – Summer 2017
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The new Forbidden & Limited List dropped less than a week ago, giving Duelist little time to prepare their new Advanced Format Decks for this weekend’s tournament. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see how they optimized their use of that time to prepare for the competition this weekend. Check out their responses!
“I stayed up 2 days straight building combos.” -Richard Wallace
“I practiced almost every day this week.” -Kevin Brandon Vila
“I tested at 3 locals this week.” -Franklin Behm
“I Dueled against friends.” -Marck Fernandez
“I got a good night’s sleep, drank coffee in the morning, and added 3 Magical Mallets to my Deck.” -Patrick Kowal
“I slept last night to feel refreshed today.” -Joe Winkler
“I prepared with friends and brainstormed Deck ideas.” -Rohan Motie
“I played all four days leading up to it.” -Noah Greene
“I booked my flight.” -Stephen Silverman
“I Dueled against others.” -George Motie
There wasn’t much time to practice with the new Forbidden & Limited List before this weekend’s event, but some Duelists made the most of their time to prepare. How would you prepare for the UDS Invitational – Summer 2017?