QQ: How Did You Prepare for YCS Dallas?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! I surveyed the Duelists in contention this weekend to see how they prepared to compete in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Dallas 2017. Check out their responses!
“I prepared 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.” -Cesar Alcaraz
“I practiced with my friend for 2 weeks.” -Jose Guzman
“We theorized for weeks and stayed up late the night before the tournament practicing.” -Brian Rayos
“I test with my team.” -Kamal Crooks-Valdez
“I tested around 3-4 hours a day and talked to a lot of friends.” -Randolf Wilson
“Lots of practice with my team!” -Marjanco Gorgievski
“I got some good sleep and tested a little bit throughout the week.” -Mason Mattia
“I did a lot of playtesting.” -Sean Miller
“I played at local tournaments.” -Perry Smith
“I watched SPYRAL combo videos.” -Andrew Fredella
“I played as many Duels as possible.” -Marcello Barberi
How would you prepare for YCS Dallas?