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Home > 2017/10 – Guadalajara, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: How were you affected by the new F&L List?

QQ: How were you affected by the new F&L List?

October 9th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Duelists are still adapting to the newest Forbidden & Limited List changes: Here’s how it affected Guadalajara attendees, and how they adapted to the changes.

“My Zoodiac Drident and Zoodiac Broadbull were Forbidden. I adapted by switching to Pendulum Magicians.” -E.M.

“It did not affect me, I play Dark World” -Salvador Vargas (Grapha approves, Salvador!)

“I’m happy to see that there will be a bigger variety of Decks played.” -Josue Emmanuel Ramirez Solorio

“I had to purchase cards to build a new Deck.” -Gabriel Eduardo Rodriguez Wong

“It offers me more Deck options.” -Edgar Omar Gonzalez Hernandez

“I used Zoodiac, and I adapted by changing Decks.” -Carlos

“It affected me a lot, but I adapted.” -Ricardo Galvez

“It didn’t affect me.” -Javier Cuauhtemoc Salcedo Esquivel

“It didn’t affect me a lot. I play Pendulum Magicians, and I didn’t add Wavering Eyes.” -Jose Luis Tapia Galvan

“I adapted with Metalfoes.” -Joan Michol Molina

“Just a little bit, I adapted my True Draco Deck using Spellbooks.” -Diego Eduardo Ballesteros Higareda

“R.I.P. Denglong. I had to play Pendulum.” -Jesus Cristobal Espinosa Ramirez (Jesus included a sad broken heart drawing with his answer)

“I was happy even though I played Zoodiac.” -Manuel Lavios

“Cry for my Dinos, they extinguished them.” Luis Gerardo Enriquez Quijas (Included was a drawing of some dinosaurs with a meteor about to strike. The meteor represents the F&L List.)

Seems like there was a big mix of answers here. Many Duelists were completely unaffected by the F&L changes, since they played Decks like ABC or already used Pendulum Magicians, or they’re that one Dark World guy in the room. Other Duelists felt like they needed to completely change Decks after losing their two key Zoodiac cards – most of them said they switched over to Pendulum Magicians or True Draco.