QQ: Which Cards Are You Using To Get Ahead of the Competition?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! In a large field where a single strategy is seen among a high percentage of players, unexpected cards can often make the difference in a player’s Deck, giving them options their opponents didn’t prepare for. We asked the Duelists in attendance today what surprise cards they’re using to get ahead of the competition.
“Artifacts.” – Mason Mattila, Wisconsin
“Herald of the Arc Light.” – Majanco Gorgievski, Michigan
“Psi-Blocker.” – Avery Foster, Texas
“I am Main Decking 13 ‘hand traps’ to combat SPYRAL.” – Brian Rayos, California
“Artifact Sanctum.” – Josh Rice
“Evenly Matched and Dimensional Fissure.” – James Rowland, Oklahoma
“Retaliating “C”.” – Sean Miller
“13 ‘hand traps’.” – Alberto Marazzi, Italy
“Evenly Matched.” – Jerald Acosta, New Jersey
“Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir.” – Perry Smith, Georgia
“Solemn Scolding.” – Marcello Barberi, Italy
“Artifact Lancea.” – Giovanni Gonzalez, Florida
The most said answers were the Artifact monsters, whose effects activate during the opponent’s turn for some great effect, or monster effects that activate in the hand during the opponent’s turn, which allow for an interaction that wouldn’t be there otherwise. Stay tuned for more QQ’s from this weekend’s YCS!