. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend?
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QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend?

October 22nd, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! I surveyed the Duelists competing this weekend to see which Decks they’re using in the tournament. Check out their responses!

“SPYRALs. They do more than any Deck.” -Josh Rice

“True Draco. I like it more than all of the other Decks.” -James Rowland

“SPYRAL. They’re really good and I wanted to play the best Deck!” -Jose Guzman

“I am using Trickstar because it is a good counter to SPYRAL seeing as I can Main Deck many ‘hand traps’ while simultaneously burning my opponent.” -Brian Rayos

“Pendulum Magicians because I left my SPYRAL Extra Deck at home.” -Avery Foster

“SPYRALs because the amoint of Link Summons it can do is insane!” -Marjanco Gorgievski

“True Draco Invoked.” -Mason Mattia

“True Draco. It’s easy.” -Jerald Arosta

“Rokket.” -Perry Smith

“SPYRAL. No other Deck can compete with it.” -Andrew Fredella


Lots of Duelists are using SPYRALs this weekend, but some are using other Decks too! True Dracos, Pendulum Magicians, Rokkets, Trickstars, and more are all represented in this tournament. Follow the coverage to see which Deck wins!