. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 10 Feature Match: Ed Acepcion vs. James Jarred Randolph
Home > 2017/10 - Dallas, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 10 Feature Match: Ed Acepcion vs. James Jarred Randolph

Round 10 Feature Match: Ed Acepcion vs. James Jarred Randolph

October 22nd, 2017

Welcome to Day 2! We’re playing 2 rounds of Swiss before cutting to the Top 32 playoff. We’re at Table 28 this time looking at Ed Acepcion from Carson, California (who plays at Murillo Digital Systems in Southern California) and his Invoked Deck facing off against James Jarred Randolph from North Brandford, Connecticut and his SPYRAL Deck. Both players have 7 wins and 2 losses, and a loss here will very likely remove one of these Duelists from Top 32 contention. Who will keep their X-2 record intact! Let’s find out. It’s time to Duel!


Duel 1

Randolph won the roll and elected to go first. Acepcion started with a hand of Set Rotation, Terraforming, PSY-Frame Driver, Droll & Lock Bird and Invocation. Randolph started off with Terraforming for SPYRAL Resort. Acepcion activated Droll & Lock Bird after the chain resolved to prevent further searching this turn.

Randolph drew Magical Meltdown and activated it, adding Aleister to hand, but Randolph activated his own Droll & Lock Bird! Acepcion then Normal Summoned Aleister the Invoker and then activated Invocation! He banished the on-field Aleister and Randolph’s Droll & Lock Bird in the Graveyard to Fusion Summon Invoked Raidjin! He then used Invocation’s effect to add Aleister to hand and Invocation back to the Deck. He attacked with Raidjin for 2200, then in Main Phase 2, he Set Set Rotation and passed.

Randolph drew for turn and activated SPYRAL Resort, then activated the effect to search but Acepcion chained Set Rotation, giving himself Meltdown and giving Randolph Oracle of Zefra. Randolph then Normal Summoned SPYRAL Quik-Fix, using its effect to add SPYRAL GEAR – Drone from Deck to hand. He passed there.

Acepcion drew PSY-Framegear Gamma for turn. He flipped the Set Magical Meltdown to add another Aleister to hand. He Normal Summoned an Aleister and used its effect to add Invocation from Deck to hand. He then had Raidjin attack SPYRAL Quik-Fix and Aleister attacked directly. In the Battle Phase, Raidjin used its effect to turn Aleister face-down and Acepcion passed there.



Randolph Normal Summoned SPYRAL GEAR – Drone and used its effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of Acepcion’s Deck. He then equipped SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort to SPYRAL GEAR – Drone, then activated SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red to Special Summon SPYRAL Quik-Fix from the Graveyard, and Quik-Fix’s effect added another SPYRAL GEAR – Drone from Deck to hand. Acepcion then used Raidjin to turn SPYRAL Quik-Fix face-down to prevent an Extra Deck Summon, and that was enough for Randolph to scoop up his cards and go to game 2.



Duel 2

Randolph elected to go first. He activated SPYRAL Resort and used its effect to add SPYRAL GEAR – Drone from Deck to hand. SPYRAL GEAR – Drone was Normal Summoned and its effect let Randolph rearrange the top 3 cards of Acepcion’s Deck. Randolph then activated SPYRAL Super Agent calling Monsters, revealing Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring from Acepcion’s Deck. After SPYRAL Super Agent was Summoned, Acepcion dropped Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries, ripping 2 copies of SPYRAL Double Helix from Randolph’s Extra Deck! Acepcion also gleaned the info that Randolph had Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson in his Deck because he saw Ancient Fairy Dragon in Randolph’s Extra Deck. Randolph passed there and SPYRAL Resort destroyed itself since there were no monsters in the Graveyard to return to the Deck.

Randolph drew Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and activated Magical Meltdown, using it to add Aleister the Invoker. Aleister the Invoker’s effect activated but Randolph Chained his own Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop it from happening. Acepcion then activated Invocation from his hand anyway! He banished Aleister the Invoker and Randolph’s Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to Fusion Summon Invoked Purgatrio! Acepcion then activated Invocation from Graveyard but Randolph chained D.D. Crow to banished Invocation! Acepcion then had Purgatrio attack SPYRAL GEAR – Drone but in the Damage Step, Randolph used SPYRAL GEAR – Drone’s effect to boost SPYRAL Super Agent’s ATK. He Set Set Rotation and passed.



Randolph had the powered up SPYRAL Super Agent destroy Invoked Purgatrio by battle. He Set one to the back row and passed.

Acepcion drew Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring for turn. He activated Terraforming to add Magical Meltdown which was activated and used to add Aleister the Invoker. He Normal Summoned it to add Invocation to hand. Randolph then tried to activate Artifact Sanctum but Acepcion Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop it! Invocation was activated next, Fusion Summoning Invoked Raidjin! Its effect turned SPYRAL Super Agent face-down allowing Invoked Raidjin to destroy SPYRAL Super Agent by battle!

Randolph drew and passed.

Acepcion Normal Summoned Aleister the Invoker, and Randolph Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate its effect. Both Aleister and Raidjin attacked directly. Acepcion passed with a Set Set Rotation and a Cosmic Cyclone.

Randolph Normal Summoned SPYRAL Quik-Fix, adding SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red to his hand, and that was activated to try and Special Summon SPYRAL Super Agent from the Graveyard; but Acepcion chained Cosmic Cyclone to banish SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red and Randolph extended the handshake!



Acepcion moves on with a 8-2 record, his hopes for making Top 32 still alive!