Home > 2017/10 - Dallas, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 7 Feature Match: Leonard Ray Williams vs. David Alexander Facey

Round 7 Feature Match: Leonard Ray Williams vs. David Alexander Facey

October 22nd, 2017

Leonard Ray Williams is from Fort Worth, Texas and is running ABC-Dragon Buster.  As of Round 6, he was the only Duelist in the top 10 tables not running SPYRALs.  At Table 23, he’s facing David Alexander Facey from Baton Rouge, Louisiana running SPYRALs.  Both players have 5 wins and 1 loss.  Who will add another win to their record?  Let’s find out!  It’s time to Duel!


Duel 1

Facey won the roll and elected to go first. He Set 2 cards to the back row and passed.

Williams started with a hand of Solemn Strike, Raigeki, Limiter Removal, Galaxy Soldier and Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson and drew Set Rotation for his turn.  He activated Set Rotation and Set Union Hangar to his own side of the field and Oracle of Zefra to Facey’s side.  He then activated Union Hangar and added B-Buster Drake to his hand; but Facey responded with Droll & Lock Bird to prevent any more searching or drawing from the Deck this turn.  Williams Normal Summoned B-Buster Drake and used Union Hangar to equip A-Assault Core from the Deck.   He Set Solemn Strike and Limiter Removal and attacked with B-Buster Drake for 1500, reducing Facey to 6500 LP.



Facey drew to 3 cards in hand.   He Normal Summoned SPYRAL GEAR – Drone to the far right Main Monster Zone and used the effect but was shut down by Williams’s Solemn Strike!  Facey was forced to pass.

Williams drew Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju.  He activated A-Assault Core to Special Summon it which triggered Union Hangar to equip C-Crush Wyvern from the Deck.  He then sent A-Assault Core and B-Buster Drake (and C-Crush Wyvern was also sent to the Graveyard) to Link Summon Proxy Dragon!  He then activated the effects of A-Assault Core and B to add A-Assault Core from Deck to hand and C-Crush Wyvern from Graveyard to hand.  Williams proceeded to Special Summon Galaxy Soldier by discarding C-Crush Wyvern.  Its effect added another Galaxy Soldier from Deck to hand.  He then paid half of his LP to Special Summon Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson from his hand, but Facey activated Book of Eclipse to turn Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson and Galaxy Soldier face-down. (Proxy Dragon is a Link Monster and can’t be turned face-down or be placed in Defense Position.)  Williams then Normal Summoned A-Assault Core.  He sent it and Proxy Dragon to the Graveyard to Link Summon Decode TalkerA-Assault Core’s effect got the other A-Assault Core back to his hand, and then Williams banished the 3 machines in the Graveyard to Special Summon ABC-Dragon Buster from the Extra Deck!  Decode Talker attacked to drop Facey down to 3200 LP, then ABC-Dragon Buster attacked and in the Damage Step Williams activated his Set Limiter Removal to wipe out the rest of Facey’s Life Points!



Duel 2

Facey elected to go first.  Williams started with a hand of 2 Galaxy Soldier, Magical Spring, C-Crush Wyvern and Artifact Lancea.  Facey Normal Summoned SPYRAL GEAR – Drone and rearranged the top 3 cards of Williams’s Deck.  Facey then activated SPYRAL Super Agent declaring Spells, and Williams revealed the stacked Dragon Ravine.  SPYRAL Super Agent and SPYRAL GEAR – Drone were used to Link Summon SPYRAL Double Helix.  He activated the effect, declaring Spell and Special Summoning SPYRAL Master Plan directly behind SPYRAL Double Helix.  Master Plan’s effect was used to add SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from Deck to hand.  SPYRAL Master Plan and SPYRAL Double Helix were used to Link Summon another SPYRAL Double Helix and SPYRAL Master Plan’s effect was used to add SPYRAL Resort and SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort to hand.  SPYRAL Resort was activated and its effect added SPYRAL Quik-Fix to hand.  He then banished 3 SPYRAL cards from the Graveyard to Special Summon SPYRAL Sleeper from hand.  SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort was then equipped from hand to SPYRAL Sleeper.  Facey Set a Spell/Trap and in the End Phase, SPYRAL Resort destroyed itself.



Williams drew Dragon Ravine.  He activated it then activated Magical Spring to draw 1 (from his opponent’s SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort) and discard 2 (from his own Dragon Ravine and Magical Spring).  He drew Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow and discarded Galaxy Soldier and Artifact Lancea.  He then activated Dragon Ravine’s effect, discarding C-Crush Wyvern to send Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson to the Graveyard.  He passed with no other plays.

Facey drew for turn.  He activated SPYRAL Super Agent from hand and declared Spells but revealed a Solemn Strike on top of Williams’s Deck.  Facey then Normal Summoned SPYRAL Quik-Fix and searched for SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red.  He then used SPYRAL Double Helix’s effect, called Traps and Special Summoned SPYRAL Quik-Fix from the Deck, adding a SPYRAL GEAR – Drone from Deck to hand.  He then overlaid both SPYRAL Quik-Fixes to Xyz Summoned Lyrilusc – Recital Starling!



Recital Starling’s effect was used, detaching one material to add D.D. Crow to hand.  SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red came down next, Special Summoning SPYRAL Double Helix from the Graveyard, then both SPYRAL Double Helix were used to Link Summon Firewall Dragon!  All the monsters attacked, leaving Williams at 2700 LP.  Facey Set 2 cards to the back row and passed.

Williams drew Solemn Strike.  He Special Summoned Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow and Special Summoned 2 Vague Shadow Tokens.  He used both Tokens to Link Summon Proxy Dragon in the other Extra Monster Zone and then activated Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson to Special Summon it; but Facey chained D.D. Crow to banish it!  Proxy Dragon and Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow were used to Link Summon Decode TalkerDecode Talker attacked into Recital Starling for 2300 damage.  In Main Phase 2, Williams Set Solemn Strike but it and Decode Talker were destroyed by Facey’s SPYRAL Sleeper.  With no other defenses, all of Facey’s monsters attacked for game next turn.



During Side Decking, time in the round was called!  As the Match was tied 1-1, the Match is a draw.  Both players will move on with a record of 5-1-1!