Home > 2017/10 - Dallas, TX, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top Tables Update: Round 5

Top Tables Update: Round 5

October 21st, 2017

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in Round 5!

Table 1: Michael Parrott (Trickstar) vs. Orion Gonzales (SPYRAL)

Table 2: David Flores (SPYRAL) vs. Manav Dawar (SPYRAL)

Table 3: Marjanco Gorgievski (SPYRAL) vs. Daniel Thorp (SPYRAL)

Table 4: Anthony Gausepohl (SPYRAL) vs. Justin Singh (SPYRAL)

Table 5: Brian Snow (SPYRAL) vs. Alexander Klauger (SPYRAL)

Table 6: Andrew Fredella (SPYRAL) vs. Alexander Sarrain (Paleozoic Frogs)

Table 7: Damian Vazquez (SPYRAL) vs. Michael Fox (SPYRAL)

Table 8: John Taino-Chew (Pendulum Magicians) vs. Michael Forner (SPYRAL)

Table 9: Johnny Nguyen (Lightsworn Zombies) vs. Hani Jawhari (SPYRAL)

Table 10: Lorez Walker (True Draco) vs. Dablessin Wilson (SPYRAL)


SPYRAL Decks appear to be the dominating force at the top tables, but Trickstars, Paleozoic Frogs, Pendulum Magicians, Lightsworn Zombies, and True Dracos all join them. Follow the coverage to see how the rest of YCS Dallas unfolds!