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Home > 2017/10 – Guadalajara, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Guadalajara, Mexico: Round 7 Top Table Update

YCS Guadalajara, Mexico: Round 7 Top Table Update

October 8th, 2017

Here are the top Duelists and their Decks as we begin the final Swiss round!

Table 1: Luis Christian Villalpando Chavez (True Draco) vs. Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva (Pendulum Magician)

Table 2: Oscar Alexis Vargas Martinez (Pendulum Magician) vs. Adrian Madriz Espinoza (Pendulum Magician)

Table 3: Edgar Silva Angel (True Draco) vs. Jose Lagunes Maitret (Pendulum Magician)

Table 4: Alejandro Aldair Navarro Sanchez (SPYRAL) vs. Christopher Juarez Fraijo (Pendulum Magician)

Table 5: Mario De Anda Munoz (ABC) vs. Gerald Yagans South Chaves (True Draco)

Table 6: Eduardo Daniel Cortes Moreno (Pendulum Magician) vs. Jose Maria Cervantes Cepeda (Paleozoic Frog)

Table 7: Rodolfo David Rosete Alcantara (True Draco) vs. Jonathan Rogelio Padilla Medina (True Draco)

Table 8: Domingo Obed Espejel Jimenez (Pendulum Magician) vs. Carlos Jesus Mercado Ramirez (True Draco)

Table 9: Jeffrey Louang Khamhan (True Draco) vs. Francisco Javier Pena Sanchez (True Draco)

Table 10: Bryan Salvador Mar Berumen (Pendulum Magician) vs. Guillermo Soto Beltran (Paleozoic Frog)

The breakdown is:

8 Pendulum Magician
8 True Draco
2 Paleozoic Frog

Pendulum Magicians are still the most popular… but now they’re tied with True Draco! Could True Draco end up overcoming the Pendulums? We’ll see how this pans out as we get closer to the Top 16. A pair of Paleozoic Decks are still hanging at the top tables, likely in part due to their ability to play Anti-Spell Fragrance in the Main Deck. One ABC Deck is still at the top, as well as a surprise SPYRAL Deck?! SPYRALs are expected to be a very strong Deck once Circuit Break releases, but that’s still two weeks away! We’ll be keeping a close eye on Alejandro Navarro’s progress in this event.