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YCS San Diego: QQ – Favorite Spirit Warriors monsters?

November 19th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The new Spirit Warriors booster pack dropped on Friday, bringing brand-new monsters The Weather Painters, Secret Six Samurai, and Magical Musketeers. What are the YCS San Diego Duelists liking the most from Spirit Warriors?

“Secret Six Samurai because come on. Six Samurai.” -Yoell Ramirez

“Magical Musketeers seem like they could compete competitively.” -Beau Johns

“Secret Six Samurai” -Javier Duran

“Weather Painters!” -Zach Butler

“Magical Musketeers” -James Markowitz

“Not sure – but I have my eye on Weather Painters” -Emory Landry

“Weather Painters.” -Brian Koster

“Six Samurai because I played the Deck back in the day.” -Michael State

“Six Samurai” -Fernando Tovar

“All of them” -Jesus Tovar

“The new Six Samurai” -Jesse Kotton

“Magical Musketeers” -Fortino Cabrales

All three of the new themes were popular, but it looks like the Secret Six Samurai have the most fans. That makes sense – the Six Samurai are a fixture of Dueling, after all! First released way back in Strike of Neos in 2007, the Six Samurai have seen many iterations over the years, even getting their own Structure Deck. Spirit Warriors brings yet another aspect to the Samurai with a new focus on banishing.