Home > 2017/11 – San Diego, CA > YCS San Diego: QQ – Your choice for the Ultimate Duelist Series Belt?

YCS San Diego: QQ – Your choice for the Ultimate Duelist Series Belt?

November 19th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Over the last few years we’ve seen the Championship Belt for the Ultimate Duelist Series with designs around iconic monsters such as Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Exodia the Forbidden One. What monster would you design the next belt around?

“I would design the belt around RA, the strongest of the gods.” -Yoell Ramirez

“Dark Armed Dragon” -Javier Duran

“I would design it around Borreload Dragon” -Beau Johns

“Shaddoll Construct, please, or Minevera the Exalted Lightsworn” -Zach Butler

“Master Peace” -James Markowitz

“Outstanding Dog Marron” -Brian Koster

“Toadally Awesome because the design would be Toadally Awesome!” -Michael State

“Dark Magician” -Fernando Tovar

“Stardust Dragon” -Jesus Tovar

“Seal of Orichalcos” -Jesse Kotton

“Fluffal Cat” -Matthew Bishop

“Gate Guardian” -Gabriel El-Allie

“Kozmo Dark Destroyer” -Mason Blake

A lot of great choices here! Some Duelists want to see iconic classic cards, while others want the design for their favorite cards.

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