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YCS San Diego: Top 16 Deck Breakdown

November 19th, 2017

Here are the Top 16 pairings and Deck breakdown.

Table 1: Jule, Walter (Pendulum Magician) vs. Gonzales, Orion Christian TX (SPYRAL)

Table 2: Jiang, Xinyu (ABC) vs. Ramirez Juarez, Rodolfo (SPYRAL)

Table 3: Vences Brito, Esteban (Pendulum Magician) vs. Quiroz, Raul CA (Pendulum Magician)

Table 4: Khan, Mohammed Faisal (SPYRAL) vs. Walters, Michael Kyle (Trickstar)

Table 5: Garcia Moreno, Alejandro (SPYRAL) vs. Llerenas, Valente Alonso CA (SPYRAL)

Table 6: Linch, Joseph Richard (SPYRAL) vs. Arias, Justice Christian CA (Trickstar)

Table 7: Guerrero Jr., Jonathan Matthew CA (SPYRAL) vs. Aguirre Osuna, Aaron Arturo (Trickstar Windwitch)

Table 8: Osores, Jose Anthony Bren (Trickstar) vs. Zhang, Bruce Hong (Trickstar)


SPYRAL isn’t as dominant as it was in the Top 32 but are still the most represented Deck in the Top 16. Trickstar and its variants has definitely made it’s presence felt in Single Elimination.