. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Check Out These TWO New Judge Mats!
Home > 2018/02 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Check Out These TWO New Judge Mats!

Check Out These TWO New Judge Mats!

February 18th, 2018

This weekend’s YCS in Atlanta premieres TWO brand new Game Mats! But these Game Mats are ONLY given out to the dedicated Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME judges that make tournaments like this one possible.


The first of these 2 new Game Mats features Lumina, Twilightsworn Shaman. This special mat will be given out to all of the judges that are helping to make YCS Atlanta and its Public Events run smoothly this weekend.



The second Game Mat features Apprentice Illusion Magician.



This Game Mat is especially rare. It will only be given out to the handful of judges that traveled far and incurred great cost to be here this weekend.


These two Game Mats are unavailable to all Duelists competing this weekend, regardless of how well they do in the tournament. They were specifically designed to reward the individuals who are active in Konami’s Judge Program. You can learn more about Konami’s Judge Program and get involved by clicking here.