Home > 2018/02 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Who’s Your Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Villain?

QQ: Who’s Your Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Villain?

February 18th, 2018

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium comes out next week! It features new cards from classic villains like Maximillion Pegasus, Weevil Underwood, and Bandit Keith, to name a few. Who’s your favorite villain from any Yu-Gi-Oh! series?


“Rex Goodwin from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s.” -Romello W.

“Rex Goodwin.” -Tyler Holland

“Bandit Keith, Sartorius, Sigfried.” -Jeremiah Cole, 22

“Bakura.” -Andrew Fredella, 28

“Yami Bakura – he’s always ready to send somebody to the shadow realm.” -Tanner Sparrow, 19

“Bakura, Z-one, and Revolver.” -Bradley Dalton

“Kaiba.” -Michael Siapno, 25 (Hey, Kaiba is only a villain for… a little while. He’s totally an antihero now!)

“Weevil Underwood.” -Nicholas Nathan Snowberger, 21

“Z-one.” -Ethan Jones, 26

“Rex Raptor.” -Arthur Nguyen, 23

“Pegasus.” -Denis Yan, 21

“Pegasus.” -Brenden Beckmann, 25

“Z-one.” -Alexander Juneja

“Bandit Keith, baby.” -Keaton Horner, 27

“Pegasus.” -Miguel Ramirez, 27

“Chazz, even though he became good later. Ojamas are the best.” -Frank Zalar, 18

“Marik.” -Nick Petzold, 18


Z-one, Rex Goodwin, Pegasus, Bakura, Bandit Keith – even the no-good Weevil has some fans!