. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 1 Feature Match: Orelvis Lantigua vs. Zachary Clark
Home > 2018/02 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 1 Feature Match: Orelvis Lantigua vs. Zachary Clark

Round 1 Feature Match: Orelvis Lantigua vs. Zachary Clark

February 17th, 2018

Welcome to YCS Atlanta!  We have 1143 players as of Round 1, and one of the Matches we’re featuring in the first round is a Pendulum mirror match!  Orelvis Lantigua is from Orlando, Florida running Pendulum Magicians back with Mythical Beast Master Cerberus and Mythical Beast Jackal King from Extreme Force along with Abyss Actor – Curtain Raiser as additional tech, while Zachary Clark is from Tampa, Florida also using Pendulum Magicians using Dragon Shrine to send Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to the Graveyard which can Special Summon itself and search for Supreme King Gate Zero. That’s a turn 1 play that starts with a Dragon Shrine and ends with a Level 4 monster and Scale 0 Pendulum Scale alongside the other 4 or 5 cards from his opening hand.


Duel One


Lantigua won the roll and elected to go first.  He started with a hand of Timegazer Magician, Mythical Beast Bashilisk, Abyss Actor – Curtain Raiser, Allure of Darkness and Wisdom-Eye Magician.  He started with Allure of Darkness, drawing Oafdragon Magician and Purple Poison, banishing Timegazer.  He then activated Purple Poison and used the effect to destroy it and Special Summon it.  He then Normal Summoned Mythical Beast Bashilisk and used both monsters to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite.  He used its effect to send Astrograph from the Deck to the Extra Deck.  He then activated Wisdom-Eye and Oafdragon Magician as Pendulum Scales, then used Wisdom-Eye to get Black Fang, then he drew a card for Electrumite’s effect. It was another Black Fang. He then used Electrumite’s effect on Black Fang adding Astrograph back from the Extra Deck to the hand.  Black Fang and Astrograph activated, Special Summoning Astrograph and searching for Wisdom-Eye from Deck to add it to the hand.  He then Pendulum Summoned 2 monsters from the Extra Deck and one from the hand, then Link Summoned a second Electrumite.  He then used the effect to send another Astrograph to the Extra Deck.  A flurry of plays later, Clark Xyz Summoned Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon with the two Astrograph Sorcerers.  He then used an Electrumite and Odd-Eyes Absolute to Link Summon a Decode Talker, which triggered Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon to Special Summon Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon from the Extra Deck.  He passed with an impressive field!



Clark started off with Dragon Shrine sending Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to the Graveyard.  Darkwurm activated, Special Summoning itself.  Its effect added Supreme King Gate Zero from the Deck to the hand!  He then activated Allure of Darkness, drawing 2 cards and banishing Gate Zero.  He then activated Chronograph Sorcerer as a Pendulum Scale, used its effect to destroy itself and Special Summon Timegazer Magician from the Deck.  He used Timegazer and Darkwurm to Link Summon Electrumite.  He attempted to use the effect but Lantigua Chained Vortex’s effect to negate and destroy it.  Clark activated his own Astrograph Sorcerer from his hand and used its effect to add another Chronograph from his Deck to his hand.  He then Normal Summoned Rescue Hamster, using its effect to Tribute itself to Special Summon 2 more copies of itself from the Deck.  (This is a legal play because there was a monster that could be targeted in the Extra Deck before the effect was activated).  He then used the 2 Hamsters to Link Summon another Electrumite and its effect sent Astrograph from Deck to the Extra Deck.  He then activated Black Fang Magician, its effect destroyed itself to add Astrograph back to hand, which triggered Astrograph, Special Summoning itself and adding another Black Fang from Deck to hand. Clark then activated Pendulum Call, discarding Chronograph Magician and adding Harmonizing Magician and Purple Poison Magician. He sent all of his monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Borreload Dragon!  He then activated Oafdragon Magician and Black Fang Magician, then used Oafdragon Magician’s effect to add back a monster.  He then Pendulum Summoned 2 Astrograph Sorcerers from the Extra Deck alongside Black Fang Magician and Purple Poison Magician from his hand.  He Xyz Summoned Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon.  Black Fang’s effect then activated and targeted Decode Talker, halving its ATK.  In the Battle Phase, Borreload attacked and took control of Vortex Dragon.  Purple Poison Magician then attacked the weakened Decode Talker and Borreload’s effect reduced its ATK even further.  Black Fang and Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon attacked directly.



Lantigua Drew Wisdom-Eye Magician.  Black Fang’s effect made it destroy itself to halve Borreload’s ATK.  Black Fang’s other effect activated, Special Summoning Astrograph from the Graveyard.  Wisdom-Eye was activated but Clark chained Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit to destroy it!  Lantigua activated a second Wisdom-Eye but Clark chained Vortex Dragon to negate and destroy it!  (Clark shuffled Timegazer Magician from the Extra Deck back to the Deck)Purple Poison Magician and Astrograph were used to Link Summon Electrumite which sent Harmonizing from the Deck to the Extra Deck.  Lantigua then used Oaf to add back Harmonizing, then Wisdom-Eye got Black Fang from the Deck.  Lantigua then used Electrumite to draw Abyss Actor – Curtain Raiser.  Electrumite’s effect destroyed Black Fang to add Astrograph back to hand.  In a new Chain Astrograph was Summoned and Black Fang Special Summoned another Astrograph from the Graveyard.  Curtain Raiser was activated next.  Lantigua then Pendulum Summoned Black Fang from the Extra Deck and Harmonizing from the hand. Harmonizing’s effect activated, Special Summoning Purple Poison Magician from the Deck.  Harmonizing and Black Fang were used to Synchro Summon Ignister Prominence, the Blasting DracoslayerIgnister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer’s effect was activated, targeting Clark’s Oafdragon Magician but it was still under the protection of his Pendulum Call from the previous turn!  Nothing was destroyed or spun back to the Deck.  Lantigua went into the Battle Phase, destroying Astrograph Sorcerer, Borreload Dragon and Black Fang Magician.  Black Fang’s effect Special Summoned Astrograph then Electrumite attacked into Purple Poison Magician, and its effect was used to destroy his own Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, which brought out his own Vortex Dragon from the Extra Deck!  In Main Phase 2, two Astrographs were used to Special Summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom.  Electrumite’s effect destroyed Purple Poison Magician to add back Astrograph, and the 2 effects Special Summoned Astrograph and added Purple Poison Magician back to hand.  He Set Purple Poison Magician and passed.


Clark activated Star Pendulumgraph.  He then used Oafdragon Magician to pick up Black Fang from the Extra Deck.  He then used Black Fang’s effect, destroying it to weaken Clark’s Starving Venom.  Star Pendulumgraph’s effect added another Purple Poison Magician to hand.  He then activated Black Fang and proceeded to Pendulum Summon Harmonizing Magician, Black Fang Magician and Purple Poison Magician.  He used Harmonizing Magician to Special Summon a Black Fang from the Deck.  He then used Harmonizing and Black Fang to Synchro Summon his own Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer!  He used the effect to destroy Lantigua’s Curtain Raiser and spin Lantigua’s face-down Purple Poison Magician.  Electrumite’s effect allowed Lantigua to draw Pot of Desires.  Clark then activated Black Fang’s effect on Lantigua’s Astrograph, then Black Fang’s effect Special Summoned Chronograph Sorcerer.  In the Battle Phase, Purple Poison Magician crashed into Starving Venom, which allowed Purple Poison Magician’s effect to destroy Starving Venom.  Ignister then attacked into Electrumite.  Chronograph attacked and destroyed Astrograph and the other monsters attacked, leaving Lantigua at 150 LP.


Lantigua drew Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit.  He activated Pot of Desires, banishing 10 cards and drawing Chronograph Sorcerer and Mythical Beast Master Cerberus which weren’t enough to come back out of this.  We’re going into Duel 2 with less than 8 minutes left in the round!



Duel Two


Lantigua opened Duel 2 with Curtain Raiser, Wisdom-Eye Magician, Chronograph Sorcerer, and 2 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbits.  Clark started off with Dragon Shrine, dumping Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to the Graveyard.  Darkwurm was Special Summoned out of the Graveyard and its effect added Supreme King Gate Zero from Deck to hand.  Astrograph Sorcerer was then activated as a Pendulum Spell and destroyed to Special Summon Stargazer Magician.  Both monsters were used to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite, but Lantigua used Ghost Ogre to destroy Electrumite.  Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect still resolved and Clark sent another Astrograph Sorcerer from his Deck to his Extra Deck.  Clark then activated Pendulum Call, sending Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit from hand to Graveyard to add Harmonizing Magician and Black Fang Magician to his hand.  He then activated Black Fang Magician and Supreme King Gate Zero as Pendulum Spells, then Pendulum Summoned Harmonizing Magician and Mythical Beast Jackal King from his hand!  At this point, time in the round was called.  Harmonizing Magician’s effect Special Summoned Purple Poison Magician from the Deck.  He then used Purple Poison Magician and Darkwurm to Xyz Summon Evilswarm Nightmare.


Lantigua drew Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries.  He activated it immediately, revealing Electrumite to banish the rest of Clark’s Electrumites and allowing Lantigua a look at Clark’s Extra Deck.  Lantigua then activated Abyss Actor – Curtain Raiser.  Its effect let him Special Summon it from the Pendulum Zone.  Clark activated Evilswarm Nightmare to turn Curtain Raiser face-down, Clark Chained Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit from hand, then Clark Chained Jackal King to negate Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit!  Lantigua then sent his monsters to the Extra Deck to Special Summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom.  He used its effect to copy Electrumite’s effect, then used the copied effect to destroy his own Wisdom-Eye Magician and add Chronograph Sorcerer to hand, which let him activate Chronograph’s effect to Special Summon it.  He then attacked into Nightmare.



Clark drew to 1 card in hand.  He had a Black Fang Magician and a Supreme King Gate Zero as Pendulum Spells along with a Mythical Beast Jackal King as a monster.  Black Fang Magician’s effect targeted Starving Venom which let him destroy Black Fang Magician, adding back Chronograph Sorcerer, Special Summoning it, then letting him Special Summon his own Starving Venom!  A few more plays left Clark with Starving Venom and an Astrograph Sorcerer in play.  He then activated Black Fang Magician in the vacant Pendulum Zone.  He then Pendulum Summoned Oafdragon Magician from hand.  He then attacked his Starving Venom into Lantigua’s Chronograph.  Then Lantigua’s Staving Venom was destroyed, and Oafdragon Magician attacked directly.


Lantigua drew Purple Poison Magician.  He activated both Harmonizing Magician and Purple Poison Magician as Pendulum Scales and Pendulum Summoned Chronograph from the Extra Deck.  It attacked into Astrograph, and Purple Poison Magician’s effect was used to boost his own monster.


Clark top-decked Mind Control!  He activated it, and that was enough to force the concession!



Clark starts off the day with a win, and there’s plenty of more Yu-Gi-Oh! to be played!