. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 10 Feature Match: Ryan Levine vs. Brenden Beckmann
Home > 2018/02 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 10 Feature Match: Ryan Levine vs. Brenden Beckmann

Round 10 Feature Match: Ryan Levine vs. Brenden Beckmann

February 18th, 2018

We’ve got two very talented Duelists for our Round 10 Feature Match. Ryan Levine is a YCS Champion, having won the title at YCS Melbourne last month! He’s using Mekk-Knight Invoked for this event, one of the new archetypes introduced in Extreme Force. His opponent is Brenden Beckmann, who’s made the top cut of countless events. Beckmann is using a Pendulum Magician Deck, also featuring new Extreme Force cards – the Mythical Beasts! Beckmann lost his Feature Match earlier in the tournament, but he’s got a chance to redeem himself here.


Duel 1

Beckmann won the dice roll and played first. He started with Dragon Shrine, sending Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to the Graveyard. He Special Summoned it and added Supreme King Gate Zero to his hand. Pot of Desires followed that, then he played Mythical Beast Master Cerberus in his Pendulum Zone. He used it to get Mythical Beast Jackal King, then used that to Special Summon Master Cerberus. He used Master Cerberus and Darkwurm to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite, using its effect to put Wisdom-Eye Magician in his Extra Deck. He played Gate Zero, using Electrumite to destroy Gate Zero and get Wisdom-Eye to his hand; he also drew a card with Electrumite’s other effect. He played Oafdragon Magician and Wisdom-Eye in his Pendulum Zones, and used Wisdom-Eye to get Harmonizing Magician in the Pendulum Zone. He used Oafdragon to get Wisdom-Eye back in his hand. He Pendulum Summoned Jackal King and Gate Zero from his Extra Deck, and Gate Zero, Wisdom-Eye, and Darkwurm from his hand! He stacked both Gates for Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, then used it and Electrumite for Zefra Metaltron! He Special Summoned Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon, then stacked Wisdom-Eye and Darkwurm for Tornado Dragon. He played Foolish Burial to put another Darkwurm in the Graveyard, adding Spell Counters to Jackal King. His ending field was Metaltron pointing to Tornado Dragon, Vortex Dragon, and Jackal King, and the Jackal King had two Spell Counters. An insane opening!

Levine had a hand of 2 Magical Meltdown, Enemy Controller, Mekk-Knight Blue Sky, and Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall. He drew Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, a turn too late. Beckmann had put Metaltron and Tornado Dragon in the same column, so Levine Special Summoned Mekk-Knight Blue Sky. Beckmann responded with Jackal King to negate Blue Sky’s effect, and Levine responded by Tributing Blue Sky with Enemy Controller, trying to steal Metaltron; but Beckmann negated that with Vortex Dragon. Levine Special Summoned Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall next, followed by Magical Meltdown. Beckmann responded with Tornado Dragon to destroy Meltdown. Levine thought a moment and conceded – Beckmann’s opening was just too strong!



Duel 2

Levine chose to play second. Beckmann played Foolish Burial, but Levine used Ash Blossom. Beckmann played Chronograph Sorcerer in his Pendulum Zone, using it to Special Summon Timegazer Magician. He played two copies of Wisdom-Eye Magician in his Pendulum Zones, using one’s effect to put Oafdragon Magician on the field. Oafdragon put Wisdom-Eye back in his hand. He used the second Wisdom-Eye, this time for Harmonizing Magician. He played Black Fang Magician, combining it with Timegazer for Heavymetalfoes Electrumite – but Levine used PSY-Framegear Gamma! Electrumite was negated and destroyed, and Levine Special Summoned PSY-Frame Driver. Beckmann Pendulum Summoned Wisdom-Eye and Black Fang, playing another Electrumite! He put Astrograph Sorcerer in his Extra Deck, then destroyed Harmonizing Magician to get Astrograph Sorcerer in his hand. Electrumite let him draw a card, and Astrograph Sorcerer Special Summoned itself and put another Wisdom-Eye in his hand. He played it to get a new Harmonizing Magician, and Special Summoned another Astrograph Sorcerer! This one added Black Fang Magician to his hand. He used both Astrographs to play Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, and used that with Electrumite to play Zefra Metaltron. Absolute Dragon Special Summoned Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon. In the End Phase, the PSY-Frames were banished.

Levine had a hand of Mind Control, Magical Meltdown, and Mekk-Knight Blue Sky, and he drew Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju. He Tributed Vortex Dragon to hand over Gameciel, in the same zone as Harmonizing Magician. He Special Summoned Blue Sky next, and added both Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall and Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse to his hand. He played Magical Meltdown to get Aleister the Invoker, and Normal Summoned it to get Invocation. He Set Invocation in the same column as Zefra Metaltron, and Special Summoned Indigo Eclipse. He moved it to the next zone, then Special Summoned Purple Nightfall. He had Purple Nightfall banish itself to add a Blue Sky to his hand. He used Mind Control to take Gameciel, then used it with Indigo Eclipse for Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis! He Tributed all his monsters to destroy Beckmann’s entire field! He then flipped Invocation to fuse Aleister with Heliopolis for Invoked Mechaba! He used Invocation’s effect in the Graveyard, and attacked directly with Mechaba.

Beckmann knew the only two cards in Levine’s hand were Blue Sky and Aleister, making Mechaba’s effect less threatening. He played Black Fang and Mythical Beast Jackal King in his Pendulum Zones, and Pendulum Summoned Chronograph Sorcerer from the Extra Deck and Astrograph Sorcerer from his hand. Black Fang’s effect halved Mechaba’s ATK. He attacked with Chronograph, taking out Mechaba, and Astrograph attacked directly. In Main Phase 2, Beckmann used his Sorcerers to play Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom! He had Starving Venom copy Heavymetalfoes Electrumite, and used it to destroy Jackal King, drawing a card and adding Astrograph Sorcerer to his hand. He Special Summoned Astrograph Sorcerer from his hand, adding another Black Fang to his hand. He played Pot of Desires next, then Black Fang in his Pendulum Zone and a face-down card in his back row. All his cards were in different columns to make things difficult for Levine.

Levine drew Invocation – not what you typically want with Aleister in hand already. He returned Purple Nightfall to the field in his far right zone. He played Aleister the Invoker, and Beckmann used Ash Blossom to negate its effect. Levine Set Invocation in the same column as Starving Venom, and Beckmann responded with Time Pendulumgraph to destroy it! That left Levine unable to Special Summon Mekk-Knight Blue Sky – he offered the handshake!



Brenden Beckmann is victorious with Pendulum Magicians!