. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 4 Feature Match: Noah Greene vs. Zetron Cakha
Home > 2018/02 - Atlanta, GA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 4 Feature Match: Noah Greene vs. Zetron Cakha

Round 4 Feature Match: Noah Greene vs. Zetron Cakha

February 17th, 2018

One of our Round 4 Feature Matches is coming from Table 6. Noah Greene from right here in Atlanta, Georgia is the 2015 North American WCQ Champion, and he’s here with Pendulum Magicians powered up with Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. His opponent, Zetron Cakha from Chantilly, Virginia is using a 40-card Shuranui Zombie Deck without Lightsworns. It’s time to Duel!


Duel 1

Cakha won the roll and elected to go first. He started with Gold Sarcophagus to banish Shiranui Spectralsword followed by another Gold Sarcophagus for Shiranui Solitaire. Spectralsword was Special Summoned by Solitaire’s effect. He passed there with just the one monster on the field.

Greene started with a hand of Black Fang Magician, Astrograph Sorcerer, Purple Poison Magician, Supreme King Gate Zero, Oafdragon Magician, and Harmonizing Magician. He activated Astrograph Sorcerer in the Pendulum Zone and used its effect to destroy itself to Special Summon Stargazer Magician. Purple Poison Magician was Normal Summoned and the 2 monsters were used to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. He then placed Black Fang Magician in the Pendulum Zone followed by Oafdragon Magician. Greene then Pendulum Summoned Purple Poison Magician and Stargazer from the Extra Deck along with Gate Zero and Harmonizing Magician from his hand. Harmonizing Magician’s effect activated, but Cakha chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate that effect. Greene then used Stargazer and Gate Zero to Special Summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, then Purple Poison Magician and Harmonizing Magician were used to Xyz Summon Abyss Dweller. Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect was used to destroy a Pendulum Scale, but Cakha Chained Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, destroying Heavymetalfoes Electrumite; but the effect resolved anyway to destroy Black Fang Magician. Black Fang Magician’s effect Special Summoned Purple Poison Magician from the Graveyard while Astrograph Sorcerer was Special Summoned from the hand and that was enough to get Cakha to concede the Duel and go to Duel 2.



Duel 2

Cakha elected to go first in Duel 2. He started off with Gozuki, and its effect was used to send Shiranui Solitaire from the Deck to the Graveyard. He Set 2 cards and passed.



Greene started off with Pendulum Call, discarding Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to add Harmonizing Magician and Black Fang Magician to his hand. He then activated Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm‘s effect to Special Summon it from the Graveyard and its effect was activated; but Cakha chained Dimensional Barrier calling Pendulums to negate the effect. Greene then Normal Summoned Purple Poison Magician and Cakha activated Shiranui Style Swallow Slash to Tribute Gozuki, destroying both of Greene’s monsters and banishing Shiranui Samurai from the Deck. Samurai’s effect added the banished Solitaire back to the hand.



Cakha Normal Summoned Shiranui Solitaire and attempted to activate the effect, but Greene activated Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to shut it down. Cakha Set one and passed.

Greene activated Purple Poison Magician and Black Fang Magician but Cakha activated Dimensional Barrier declaring Pendulum. Greene Pendulum Summoned Chaos Hunter from his hand anyway and attacked for 2500!

Cakha now had to deal with a 2500 ATK monster that prevents him from banishing cards. As the Shiranui all use banishing in some way, Chaos Hunter stops his deck cold. He Normal Summoned Uni-Zombie and used its effect to send Spectralsword to the Graveyard. He then also activated the other effect, discarding Mezuki to increase Uni-Zombie’s Level. He passed there.

Greene started his turn and began making plays, but Cakha flashed the last card in his hand: PSY-Frame Driver, which wasn’t an answer to the on-field Chaos Hunter.



Greene moves on with an undefeated record!