Home > 2018/02 - UDS 2018 Winter Invitational - Sacramento, Ultimate Duelist Series > Welcome to the UDS 2018 Winter Invitational!

Welcome to the UDS 2018 Winter Invitational!

February 24th, 2018


Welcome to the UDS 2018 Winter Invitational in Sacramento, California!

The most recent North American Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event was just a week ago in Atlanta, Georgia, and Duelists are already eager to see what’s next! Pendulum Magicians made a big showing last week in Atlanta thanks to Heavymetalfoes Electrumite from Extreme Force, and many Duelists are expecting repeated success from them this weekend. But the current Advanced Format is still relatively new, and many Decks remain unexplored. Some of the most creative and talented Duelists in the world qualified for the UDS 2018 Winter Invitational this weekend, and there are some incredible prizes including a championship belt on the line. Competing Duelists are sure to bring their best this weekend.

SPYRALs, Trickstars, True Draco, Metalfoes, Lightsworn, Zombies, ABC, and the Invoked all joined Pendulum Magicians in the Top 32 last weekend at YCS Atlanta, and are certain to be powerful forces this weekend. Each Duelist now in attendance is also armed with the knowledge that Pendulum Magicians will be out in full force as a result of the Deck’s success last weekend, and those Duelists will consequently be able to select and utilize cards that they believe will be most effective against Pendulum Magicians, including Anti-Spell FragranceEvenly MatchedDimensional Barrier, and Cosmic Cyclone.

Complicating matters even further, a brand new set – Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium – just released yesterday, and is already legal to be used in tournaments! We may see the brand-new Millennium-Eyes Restrict (easily Special Summoned with Instant Fusion) used to stifle popular “hand traps” like Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit and Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, or we may see other powerful character-themed cards from Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium make an appearance.

Duelists are gradually entering the Sacramento Convention Center and getting ready to compete. One of these competitors will earn the title of “Ultimate Duelist” by the end of the weekend. It’s time to Duel!