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Home > 2018/04 - Memphis, TN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 10 Feature Match: Mason Mattila vs. Nicholas Petzold

Round 10 Feature Match: Mason Mattila vs. Nicholas Petzold

April 22nd, 2018

This is the last round of Swiss before the top 32 playoff cut. Mason Mattila, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, has a Trickstar Deck which we haven’t seen at the Feature Match tables at all this weekend. His opponent is Nicholas Petzold from Austin, Texas with a Metalfoes Deck. An X-2 record has a chance of making the top cut while a loss is essentially an elimination. Who will come out of this round with their hopes of making the top cut still alive?  it’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Mattila won the roll and elected to go first. Mattila started with a hand of 2 copies of Trickstar Reincarnation, Honest, Droll & Lock Bird and Pot of Desires. He started off with Pot of Desires, banishing the top 10 cards to draw Torrential Tribute and Scapegoat. He Set Trickstar Reincarnation, Torrential Tribute, Scapegoat and the second Trickstar Reincarnation.

Petzold drew and Mattila activated one of the Trickstar Reincarnations, with Petzold banishing 6 cards and drawing 6 more. After the chain resolved, Mattila activated the second Trickstar Reincarnation and chained his in-hand Droll & Lock Bird to force Petzold to banish the other 6 cards and draw none to replace them. When Mattila activated Scapegoat in the End Phase, Petzold immediately conceded. We’re off to a quick Duel 2.

Duel 2

Petzold elected to go first. He started off with Rescue Rabbit and tried to use the effect but Mattila chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to stop that from happening. Petzold then activated Terraforming to add Dragonic Diagram to his hand. He then activated Rescue Hamster and Metalfoes Steelen in the Pendulum Zones and used Steelen’s effect to destroy Rescue Hamster to Set Metalfoes Combination directly from the Deck. Dragonic Diagram came down next and Petzold used the effect to destroy the Set Metalfoes Combination to add True Draco Heritage to his hand. Metalfoes Combination’s Graveyard effect added Metalfoes Silverd from his Deck to his hand. Silverd’s effect destroyed Dragonic Diagram to Set another Metalfoes Combination from the Deck. Another Terraforming came down to add a second Dragonic Diagram from the Deck to the hand which was activated, destroying Combination to add Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King from Deck to hand, with the destroyed Combination adding Metalfoes Volflame from the Deck to his hand. Petzold then Pendulum Summoned Metalfoes Volflame from his hand and Rescue Hamster from the Extra Deck. He sent both monsters o the Extra Deck to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite whose effect sent Astrograph Sorcerer from the Deck to the Extra Deck. Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect destroyed Metalfoes Silverd and added Astrograph Sorcerer back from the Extra Deck to his hand. Astrograph Sorcerer’s effect Special Summoned itself and added another Metalfoes Silverd from his Deck to his hand while Heavymetalfoes Electrumite also let Petzold draw a card. Petzold then activated Metalfoes Silverd and used its effect, destroying Dragonic Diagram to Set the third Metalfoes Combination from the Deck. He then activated the third Dragonic Diagram (that he drew from Heavymetalfoes Electrumite) and used its effect to destroy Metalfoes Combination to add True King’s Return to his hand while Combination’s effect added another Metalfoes Volflame from his Deck to his hand. Petzold Set 2 to the back and passed.

Mattila started with a hand of 2 copies of Trickstar Candina, Scapegoat, Trickstar Light Stage, and Solemn Strike. He tried to go into the Battle Phase with no field, bluffing an Evenly Matched. Petzold activated the Set True King’s Return and used the effect, Tributing the other Set Spell/Trap (True Draco Heritage) and Astrograph Sorcerer to Tribute Summon Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King. Petzold used True Draco Heritage’s effect to destroy his own Metalfoes Steelen. Still in the Main Phase, Mattila activated Trickstar Light Stage to add Trickstar Lycoris from the Deck to his hand. He then Normal Summoned Trickstar Candina and activated its effect to add Trickstar Reincarnation from his Deck to his hand. He went into the Battle Phase and had Trickstar Candina attack Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King now bluffing an Honest. However, Petzold didn’t bite and let the attack continue without using Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King’s effect. Mattila then used Trickstar Lycoris’s effect from his hand to Special Summon Lycoris in Defense Position and bounce the Trickstar Candina back to his hand. In Main Phase 2, Mattila Set Trickstar Reincarnation, Scapegoat and Solemn Strike and went to the End Phase. Petzold used Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King’s effect to destroy the Set Trickstar Reincarnation.

Petzold took 400 damage from drawing a card thanks to Trickstar Lycoris’s effect. Petzold Set a Spell/Trap and activated Dragonic Diagram’s effect, destroying the Set True Draco Heritage and adding another Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King from his Deck to his hand. True Draco Heritage’s in-grave effect targeting Mattila’s Set Scapegoat which was chained to give Mattila 4 Sheep Tokens. Petzold then used Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King’s effect targeting the last Set which was Solemn Strike which was chained to negate and destroy Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King (which was Tributed using a monster and a Spell). Petzold then used Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect to destroy Silverd and add back Astrograph Sorcerer from his Extra Deck. Astrograph Sorcerer’s effect then Special Summoned itself and added back another Metalfoes Silverd. After everything resolved, Petzold was at 5600 LP to Mattila’s 6500 LP. Petzold activated Metalfoes Silverd and Metalfoes Volflame, then Pendulum Summoned 2 copies of Metalfoes Silverd and Rescue Rabbit. Next, he used Metalfoes Volflame to destroy Metalfoes Silverd and Set Metalfoes Fusion from the Deck. He activated it using the 2 Metalfoes Silverds to Fusion Summon Metalfoes Orichalc. Since Orichalc gives all Metalfoes double piercing damage, that was enough to send us to a third and final Duel!

Duel 3

Mattila elected to go first. He started with a hand of 2 copies of Scapegoat, Heavy Storm Duster, Droll & Lock Bird and Twin Twisters. He one of the Scapegoats, Heavy Storm Duster and Twin Twisters.

Petzold activated Metalfoes Goldriver then activated True Draco Heritage. He then used Goldriver’s effect to destroy True Draco Heritage, setting Metalfoes Combination from the Deck. He then used True Draco Heritage’s Graveyard effect to destroy his own Metalfoes Combination. Combination’s effect added Metalfoes Steelen from his Deck to his hand, which prompted Mattila to activate Droll & Lock Bird to prevent further drawing and searching this turn. Petzold activated Steelen to the Pendulum Zone and Mattila chained Heavy Storm Duster to destroy both. Petzold then Normal Summoned Rescue Hamster and used its effect, Tributing it to Special Summon 2 copies of Metalfoes Goldriver from his Deck in Attack Position. He used both monsters to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. he used the effect to kick Astrograph Sorcerer from his Deck to the Extra Deck. He then activated Purple Poison Magician into the Pendulum Zone and tried to use Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect to destroy Purple Poison Magician but Mattila chained Twin Twisters, discarding Scapegoat to destroy Purple Poison Magician before Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’s effect could. Petzold Set one to the back and in the End Phase, Mattila chained Scapegoat to give himself 4 Sheep Tokens.

Mattila top decked Terraforming! He activated it, adding Trickstar Light Stage from his Deck to his hand. he activated it but Petzold chained Typhoon to prevent Mattila from adding a Trickstar to his hand. With 4 Sheep Tokens and no Set cards to worry about, Mattila was free to Link Summon. He started with Missus Radiant, then 2 Link Spiders. he had Missus Radiant attack and destroy Petzold’s Heavymetalfoes Electrumite then both Link Spiders attacked directly, leaving Petzold at 4900 LP. In Main Phase 2, Mattila used all 3 monsters to Link Summon Borreload Dragon.

Petzold drew to 2 cards in hand with none on the field. He Set one to the back and passed.

Mattila top decked another Terraforming! He activated it to add Trickstar Light Stage which was activated but Petzold chained another Typhoon! Mattila attacked with Borreload leaving Petzold at 1900 LP.

Petzold top decked Rescue Rabbit! He Normal Summoned it and used the effect to Special Summon 2 copies of Metalfoes Silverd from the Deck. He used both monsters to Link Summon Heavymetalfoes Electrumite whose effect sent Metalfoes Volflame from his Deck to the Extra Deck. He then activated Dragonic Diagram and used the effect of Heavymetalfoes Electrumite to destroy Dragonic Diagram and add Rescue Hamster back to his hand. he activated Rescue Hamster to the Pendulum Zone and used its effect, banishing it to add the 2 Metalfoes Goldrivers from the Extra Deck back to his hand. Time was called at this point. he activated both Goldrivers to the Pendulum Zones, using one to destroy the other and Set Metalfoes Combination and pass. In the End Phase, Mattila used Borreload to decrease Heavymetalfoes Electrumite by 500 ATK.

In the first turn of time, Mattila drew Solemn Strike. He had Borreload Dragon attack Heavymetalfoes Electrumite and Mattila used the ATK decreasing effect again, giving him enough damage to end the match!

Mattila has an 8-2 record and a good chance of making top 32!