. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 8 Feature Match: Jeff Jones vs. Esala Wathuthantrige
Home > 2018/04 - Memphis, TN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 8 Feature Match: Jeff Jones vs. Esala Wathuthantrige

Round 8 Feature Match: Jeff Jones vs. Esala Wathuthantrige

April 22nd, 2018

Welcome to the final Swiss Round in Day 1 of YCS Memphis! For this last round, we have 2017 World Championship competitor Esala Wathuthantrige Dueling against Ultimate Duelist and 2-time YCS Champion Jeff Jones! Both of these Duelists have 6-1 records so far in the tournament and are looking for a win to improve their shot at a Top 32 finish tomorrow. The best is facing off against the best in this Round 8 Feature Match. It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Wathuthantrige started off the first Duel by activating Foolish Burial to send Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to the Graveyard. He Special Summoned it to the field and used its effect to add Supreme King Gate Zero from his Deck to his hand. He activated Pot of Desires next, banishing the top 10 cards of his Deck face-down to draw 2 cards. Wathuthantrige activated Allure of Darkness next, drawing 2 cards and banishing Chronograph Sorcerer from his hand. He activated Supreme King Gate Zero and Supreme King Gate Infinity in his Pendulum Zones and then used Infinity’s effect to destroy both Pendulum Scales and add Instant Fusion to his hand. He activated Instant Fusion to Summon Lyrilusc – Independent Nightingale and used its effect to inflict 500 points of damage to Jones. Next, he sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Linkuriboh. He activated Harmonizing Magician and Xiangke Magician in his Pendulum Zones next, and then Pendulum Summoned Gate Zero from his Extra Deck and Harmonizing and Chronograph Sorcerer from his hand. He used Harmonizing Magician’s effect to Special Summon Purple Poison Magician from his Deck. Next, he combined Gate Zero and Chronograph to Special Summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom and used its effect to copy Nightingale and inflict 4000 points of damage to Jones. Next, he combined Linkuriboh and Starving Venom to Link Summon Underclock Taker. He combined Harmonizing and Darkwurm to Summon another Starving Venom. He used its effect to copy Lyrilusc’s effect, and Jones discarded Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit from his hand to negate the Starving Venom’s effect and destroy it, keeping him in the Duel!

Jones drew a card and then had Monster Reborn, Souleating Oviraptor, Performage Hat Tricker, and 2 copies of Brilliant Fusion in his hand.

He used Brilliant Fusion to send Gem-Knight Garnet and Performage Trick Clown to the Graveyard and Special Summon Gem-Knight Seraphinite. He Special Summoned Trick Clown by giving up 1000 Life Points and then used Seraphinite’s additional Normal Summon to Summon Souleating Oviraptor. He used Oviraptor’s effect to send Overtex Qoatlus from his Deck to his Graveyard and then used its effect to add Double Evolution Pill to his hand. Jones Special Summoned Hat Tricker from his hand next and used Hat Tricker and Seraphinite to Link Summon Underclock Taker. He activated Double Evolution Pill next, banishing Seraphinite and Qoatlus from his Graveyard to Special Summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from his Deck, Linked to Underclock Taker. Jones used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom next, and Wathuthantrige conceded. With Underclock Taker ready to weaken Wathuthantrige’s monster, Jones’s field was all set to wipe out all 8000 of Wathuthantrige’s Life Points.

Jones stops Wathuthantrige’s attempt to win on the first turn of the Duel and manages to win on his first turn instead!

Duel Two

Wathuthantrige started off Duel 2.

He activated Astrograph Sorcerer in his Pendulum Zone and used its effect to destroy it and Special Summon Stargazer Magician. Then he Tributed Stargazer to Summon Mythical Beast Jackal King.

Jones opened up Duel 2 with Brilliant Fusion, Left Arm Offering, Soul Charge, Pot of Desires, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, and Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson. He activated Brilliant Fusion, sending Trick Clown and Garnet to the Graveyard to Special Summon Seraphinite to his Extra Monster Zone. Next, he used Trick Clown’s effect to Special Summon it, taking 1000 points of damage. Then, he activated the effect of the Destrudo in his hand by giving up half of his Life Points and targeting Seraphinite, and Wathuthantrige used the effect of his Jackal King to negate Destrudo’s effect and destroy it. Jones activated Left Arm Offering next, banishing Soul Charge, Pot of Desires, and Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from his hand to get That Grass Looks Greener from his Deck. He activated it, sending the top 17 cards of his Deck to his Graveyard!

He used the effect of the Qoatlus he sent to the Graveyard to add Double Evolution Pill from his Deck to his hand, and then used the Double Evolution Pill to banish the Qoatlus and a Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio from his Graveyard and Special Summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from his Deck. The Tyranno attacked and destroyed the Jackal King, and then play passed to Wathuthantrige.

Wathuthantrige drew a card and then conceded, revealing his hand of Supreme King Gate Zero, Mythical Beast Jackal King, and 2 copies of Mythical Beast Master Cerberus.

Jeff Jones takes a swift victory over Esala Wathuthantrige in the final Swiss Round of Day 1 to advance with a 7-1 record going into Day 2!