. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Santiago, Chile: Top Tables Update – Round 8
Home > 2018/04 – Santiago, Chile, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Santiago, Chile: Top Tables Update – Round 8

YCS Santiago, Chile: Top Tables Update – Round 8

April 29th, 2018

Check out the Duelists and Decks at the top tables in Round 8:

Table 1: Beckmann, Brenden Elijah (Pendulum Magicians) vs Morales Ramirez, Guillermo Benjamin (Trickstars)
Table 2: Stephenson, Darren James (Pendulum Magicians) vs Valenzuela Seals, Matias Alberto (Pendulum Magicians)
Table 3: Farfan Soto, Sergio Mauricio (Pendulum Magicians) vs Sarras Nunez, Asper Cristobal (Zefra-Metalfoes)
Table 4: Venegas Acevedo, Diego Alejandro (Trickstars) vs Presas Pascual, Juan Manuel (Invoked Mekk-Knights)
Table 5: Munoz Palma, Chistian Ignacio (Trickstars) vs De Obaldia Soza, Galileo Mauricio (True Draco)
Table 6: Thomas, Cristian (True Draco) vs Carreno Cartez, Daniel Esteban (Pendulum Magicians)
Table 7: Palma Tralma, Mauricio Andres (Dino-Zombie 60-cards) vs Torres Vargas, Sebastian Eduardo (Pendulum Magicians)
Table 8: Vergara Gazul, David Antonio (True Draco) vs Miranda Visa, Christian Felipe (True Draco)
Table 9: Ulloa Salinas, Claudio Patricio (Invoked) vs Melo Campuzano, Eric Waldemar (Burning Abyss)
Table 10: Sanchez Pino, Emerson Alexis (Zefra) vs Fernandez Villa, Tomas Enrique (True Draco)