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North America WCQ Standings after Round 4

June 30th, 2018

Here are the standings after four rounds of the North America WCQ.

Rank Full Name Points
1 Weiner, Alex Ian 12
2 Mitchell, Jeremy Taeron 12
3 Levine, Ryan Arthur 12
4 Penaranda, Ruben Andres 12
5 Kotton, Jesse Dean 12
6 Slone, Joseph Ray 12
7 Rodriguez Garcia, Orlando Adrian 12
8 LeDuc, Timothy Russell 12
9 Rayos, Brian CA 12
10 Wong, Allen CA 12
11 Hayden, Marcus Alexander 12
12 Alcaraz, Francisco Iram CA 12
13 Jones, Rashad Franklin 12
14 Kip, Charles Hall 12
15 Hinson, Sean Thomas 12
16 Henson, Chester Hawk 12
17 Slayden, Justin Blane 12
18 Georges, Christian 12
19 Chou Jr., Joseph 12
20 Khan, Mohammed Faisal 12
21 Williams, Thomas John NY 12
22 Angeloff, Dakota Clint 12
23 Rauch, Jackson Dillon 12
24 Crooks-Valdez, Kamal Derrick El 12
25 Verduzco, Toribio 12
26 Mattila, Mason Lee 12
27 Goforth, Blake Austin 12
27 Jule, Walter CA 12
29 Wilson, Dablessin Jaquise 12
30 Wojchowski, Austin Charles 12
31 Thompson Jr., Jerald Duane 12
32 Ortiz, Martin CA 12
33 Lopez, Kevin Lionel NJ 12
34 Torres Reyes, Andres David 12
35 Reid, Fermon Bookal 12
36 Muldoon Marquez, Stephen Neil 12
37 Crevier, Darian Lynn 12
38 Hellwig, Jesse Aaron 12
39 Gamrat, Griffin Dean 12
40 Wang, Simon NJ 12
41 Johnson, Antonio Alexander VA 12
42 Madoui, Sami 12
43 Burlaga, Evan Matthew 12
44 Pham, Bryan NJ 12
45 Dominguez, Trevor Juan WI 12
46 Reynolds, Maximillian John Edwards 12
47 Arraut Jusino, Gabriel Andres 12
48 Vanden Heuvel, Matthew Evan Harris 12
49 Garcia, Santos G. Baytown 12
50 Smith, Dakota Shane 12
51 Kuo, Kenneth Chung-Jeng 12
52 Sanchez, Jordan Gilbert 12
53 Arbuckle, Dean Edward 12
54 Sample, Jeffery Alan 12
55 Sierra Martinez, Isabella Irene 12
56 Urena, Cristian Rafael 12
57 Johnson, Lucas James MI 12
58 Griffin, Nicholas Frederick 12
59 Cunningham, Robert Matthew 12
60 White, Michael Aaron MN 12
61 Nicola Jr., Frank Antonio 12
62 White, Joel Thomas 12
63 York Jr., Jeffrey Parker 12
64 Manabe, Kody Masataka 12
65 Sarrain Salado, Alexander James 12
66 Linch, Joseph Richard 12
67 Paul, Thomas Peter George 12
68 Deihim, Azad 12
69 Ogando, Rami RI 12
70 Reed, Jonathan William 12
71 Brown, Reginald Gabriel 12
71 Izquierdo Jr., Eddie FL 12
73 Velez, Oscar Uriel 12
74 Chow, Randy ON 12
74 Loa Jr., Robert Sylvester 12
76 Gill, Karan CA 12
77 Aossey, Zakaria Robert 12
78 Vu, Denny Ngo 12
79 Burket, Michael Nathan 12
79 Morrow, Chandler Eugene 12
81 Richards Jr., Rickey Eugene 12
82 Betzig, Evan Ronald Hahn 12
83 Norris, Harvey Stone 12
84 Wagner, Dirk Richard 12
85 Solis, Luis Mateo 12
86 Myatt, Mark Randall 12
87 White, Eric Thomas 12
88 Vargas, Gabriel Antonio 12
89 Greene, Noah Reid 12
90 Nguyen, Duy Cong LA 12
91 Dulay, Miguel Angelo Tongko 12
92 Pixley, Benjamin Clay 12
93 Levy, Aaron Hunter 12
94 Wun, Jasper Paksun 12
95 Kuenzi, Jake Frederick 12
95 Andrews, Timothy Kelly 12
97 Moore, Hunter Jacob 12
97 Miotke, Brandon Joseph 12
99 Williams, Gerald Christopher NC 10
100 Posca, Michael Pietro 10
101 Nguyen, Thanh Cong 10
102 Nobile, Jason Anthony 10
103 Rice, Joshua Dewayne OK 10
104 Fuentes Jr., Saul Amilcar 10
105 Choy, Felix 10
106 Commer, Trevor Glenn 10
107 Dorcin, Junior 10
108 Yi, Kevin Jong Kun 10
109 Lewis, Darelle Jae 10
110 Kelly, Nathan James IA 10
111 Neal, Cameron Taylor 10
111 Alvarado, Andres Marcelo FL 10
111 Orlando, Dylan Edward 10
114 Frangella, David Lucas 10
115 Chen, Hao CA 10
116 Neal, Marcus Jason 10
117 Bernal Rodriguez, Jorge PR 10
118 Nichols, Jordan Larry MS 10
119 Wu, Xiuyuan 10
120 Ochoa, Ricardo Ivan OK 10
121 Oglesby, Richard Skyler 10
122 Bergen, Kyle Mark James 10
123 Subasic, Damir 10
124 Zimmerman, Jarret Scot 10
125 Chu, Jason CA 10
126 Khan, Mohammed Imran 9
127 Jones, Jeffrey Michael Alexander 9
128 Fain, Travis Paul 9
129 Li, Yuhang ON 9
130 Anaya III, Leonard K. 9
131 Shoemake, Brett Ryan 9
132 Snow, Conner Noble 9
133 Furman, Aaron Chase 9
134 Centamore, Jarrid Daniel 9
135 McGuire, Sean Thomas 9
136 Schawang, Dawson James 9
137 Dowell, Bradley William 9
138 Bradshaw, Caulin David 9
139 Flores, Jesse Jose 9
140 Orellana, Hector Josue 9
141 Lockett, Evan James 9
142 Mitton, Thomas Mark Allen 9
143 Deol, Amit Singh 9
144 Johnson, Drew Warren TX 9
145 Salins, Eden Joseph Allen 9
146 Alcaraz Jr., Cesar CA 9
147 Solano, Joshua Edgardo 9
148 James, Patrick Owen 9
149 Melfi, James Ramon 9
150 Tran, Bryant NC 9
151 Kachurin, Georgiy Andreyevich 9
152 Camburako, Thomas Vasilis 9
153 Kartanowicz, Jason Daniel 9
154 Flowers III, Roderick Christian 9
154 Hernandez Orozco, Joaquin NV 9
156 Sham, Chak Seng Jonathan 9
157 Zembrowski, Jordan Alexander 9
157 Kelm, Nathan Curtis Holland 9
159 Yu, Denny CA 9
159 Heinricher, Zachary Michael 9
159 Lankford, Alexander Jay 9
162 Kelly, Stephen Thomas 9
163 Hood, Christopher Payton 9
164 Garcia, Daniel Ye NY 9
165 Andretta, Stephen Thomas 9
166 Bauer, Matthew William 9
167 Kaspi, Destin Ari 9
168 Trosen, Sean Austin 9
169 Verdusco, Pedro Luis 9
170 Iles Jr., David Dean 9
171 Jackson, Jalen Christopher 9
172 Pasnik, Ryan Michael 9
173 Bridges, Tristan Daniel 9
174 Lauziere, Peter James 9
175 Mack, Tate Emmitt 9
175 Urban, Timothy Nelson 9
177 Henderson, Charles David MI 9
178 Wang, Qingyang MA 9
179 Broadway, Mason Wade 9
180 Hill, Lenard King 9
181 Mallick, Muhtasim Tahmid 9
182 Leong, Brandon PA 9
183 Qadi, Mohamad 9
184 Stoddard, Jalani Ramon 9
185 Couch, Dominic Eduardo 9
186 Brooker, Christopher Patrick 9
187 Cimo, Alexander William 9
188 Abrahim, Akeem Abu 9
188 Rodas Jr., Julio CA 9
190 Bishop, Chase Christopher 9
191 Gray, Joseph Collins 9
192 Strom IV, Eddie Martin 9
193 Stivers, David Joseph 9
194 Hernandez, Andy Andres CA 9
195 Brunner, Christopher Alexander 9
196 Hunter, Blair Alexander 9
197 Zimmerman, Jason Patrick 9
198 Nguyen, Kenny Huy CA 9
199 Lee, Nikki Keahyun 9
200 Nguyen, Nhan Thanh TX 9
201 Cutler, Jason Kyle 9
202 Hau, Kendrew Henry 9
202 Slutsky, Benjamin Aaron 9
204 Devara, Davin 9
204 State, Michael John 9
206 Bedolla, Octavio 9
206 Li, Qi Hong 9
206 Marini, Gabriel Matthias 9
209 Gravesen, Kyle Robert 9
210 Tambassopoulos, Nestor Anthony 9
211 McLanahan, Shawn Lee 9
212 Pham-Le, Dennis 9
213 Taylor, Ryan Ellis CA 9
214 Tran, David Anh-Hoang WA 9
215 Kuskin, Jacob Noah 9
216 Nguyen, Richard BC 9
217 Nunez, Christopher James FL 9
218 Kenny III, Robert FL 9
219 Ritchey, Dakota Alan 9
220 Redmon, Shelby Ray 9
221 Jawhari, Hani Yasser 9
222 Williams, Garon Lamar 9
223 Seboth, Jacob Jeffrey 9
224 Schroeder, Garrett Ryan 9
225 Jawhari, Hisam Yasser 9
226 Broadhead, Timothy Alexander 9
227 McRae, Matthew Jesse 9
228 Lumbre, Carlos Eduardo 9
229 Taravella, Hanson McHale 9
230 Reardon, Nicolas Scott 9
231 Mosca, Ludovic 9
232 Simpson, Nicholas Tyler 9
233 Bergland, Aspen Cole 9
234 Garcia-Bautista, Blake Nicklas 9
235 Rajabhathor, Arvind NY 9
236 Ruble, Shaun Thomas 9
237 Faunce, David Michael 9
238 Locklear, Billy Thomas 9
239 Shook, Kyle Anthony 9
240 Cosie Jr., Herman Charles 9
241 Jordan Paz, Raul Eduardo 9
242 Fang, Roland Albert 9
243 Herrig, Dylan Nicholas 9
244 Sciulli, Anthony James 9
245 Xu, Shunping 9
246 Rafanan, Mark Anthony Ipalari 9
247 Turner, Dakoda Joseph 9
248 Reyes, William Alexander FL 9
249 Raskin, Noah Benjamin 9
250 Juarez-Barba, Luis Alek CA 9
251 White Jr., Billy Gene 9
252 McVeigh, Alexander James 9
253 Song, Christopher Chang-Chih 9
254 Nguyen, Tuan Khoi Hoang TX 9
255 Methvin, Carter Mark 9
256 Yang, Evan Chi NJ 9
257 Mei, Austin Yale 9
257 Johnson-Schreiber, Erik Charles 9
257 Marquez, Genaro Hernandez 9
260 Rivera, Alex C. MO 9
261 Tsokov, Tsvetan Momahilov 9
261 Barber, Jonathan Ray 9
263 Huss III, David Joseph 9
264 Howard, Brandon Lomanz 9
265 Gaskins, Ryan Thomas 9
266 Salas Barraza, Aaron Javier 9
267 Ross, Ayinde Ezekiai 9
268 Engle, Joshua Michael 9
269 Aispuro, Ulises Remigio 9
270 Castro Castro, Giancarlos Jesus 9
271 Hales, Alexander Stephen 9
272 Yepes, Julius James 9
273 Greco, Luciano Frank 9
274 Moon, Stevie Bo 9
275 Short, Kobe Louis 9
275 Bryne, Austin Wyatt 9
277 Espinosa, Andres Felipe 9
277 Vertrees, Jeffrey Steven 9
279 Montiel Contreras, Isaac Luciano 9
280 Middleton, Christopher Michael PA 9
281 Lopetegui Payne, Joseph Armando 9
282 Garcia, Ramiro TX 9
283 Chow, Hanko Hon Kau 9
284 Nguyen, Arthur FL 9
285 Pinnow, Tyler Christopher 9
286 Sekulic, Stefan 9
287 Saldana Jr., Paul 9
288 Acosta, Lazarus Angel 9
289 Young, Traveon DeAnte 9
291 Vo, Anthony Josue LA 9
292 Mapes, Nicholas Landon 9
293 Tischer, Dylan Lee 9
294 Collins, Ivin Ryan Dixon 9
295 Zhou, Anthony Fan 9
296 Galindo Cardenas, Jhonatan 9
297 Valenzuela, Mario Antonio Gabriel 9
298 Park, William Lucas 9
299 Saillant, Jean Paul GA 9
300 Thornton, Ty Allen 9
301 Batista, Brian MA 9
302 Destories, Nicholas Michael 9
303 Sajjad, Dawood Syed 9
304 Shadeck, Nicolas David 9
305 Lumagui, Avial Rocillo 9
306 Sooklaris, James Anthony 9
307 Walker Jr., Lorez Lonn 9
308 Sales Jr., Tyler Benjamin 9
309 Scarpelli Jr., Robert Joseph 9
310 Johnson, Logan Patrick 9
311 Gaze, Lukas Michael-Paul 9
312 Reilly, Daniel Liam 9
313 Poling, Zachary C. 9
314 Hernandez, Steven Alfonso TX 9
315 Hug, Cody Thomas 9
316 Hasan, Ishraq Sakib 9
316 Pasikhani, Sohrab Reza 9
318 House, Shemar Shardel 9
318 Springer, Jason Holbert 9
320 Larkin, Harrison Marco 9
320 Garcia, Jonathan FL 9
322 Valdez, Jose Miguel MN 9
323 Zayas, Saul David 9
324 Dupuis, Jackson Lee 9
325 Hickey, Marc Adam 9
326 Ames, Brandon Matthew 9
326 Sanchez Jr., Juan Antonio TX 9
328 Reilly, Kevin Robert MA 9
329 Rojas Morales, Rodrigo OR 9
330 Hamby, Jamie Lee 9
331 Lerret, Maxwell Jacob 9
332 Kalina, Brian John 9
333 Acepcion, Ed Elton Devera 9
334 Bown, Corey Joseph 9
335 Foster, Joshua Tyler 9
336 Yu, Kevin 9
336 Gibson, Matthew Steven NV 9
338 Senecal, Ethan Robert 9
338 Staehling, Christian Bartholomew 9
340 Zimmitti Jr., Michael CT 9
341 Luu, Ricky Justin 9
342 Bishop Stone, Zachary William 9
343 Escobar Calderon, Christopher Giovanni TX 9
344 Land II, Clifton Scott 9
345 Torres Jr., Melvin Anthony FL 9
345 Logan, Steven John 9
347 Pfeifer, Nathan Alan 9
347 Gonzalez, Ricardo Ivan PA 9
349 Dillard, DeMarcus Dwayne 9
350 Nobile, Jordan Anthony 9
351 Rich, Matthew Eric 9
352 Gallicchio, Kyle Rocco 9
353 Trotter, Alexander Steven 9
354 Castillo, Erick IL 9
355 Hasan, Hamzah Samuel 9
356 Ahmad, Raheel 9
357 Nguyen, Brendon Thuong 9
358 Santoli, Steven ON 9
359 Cottrell, Dakota Kin 9
360 Confletti, Anthony Nicholas 9
361 Boulanger, Ryan Adam 9
361 Rime, Jeffrey Alan 9
361 Foster, Avery Nicholas 9
364 Outlaw, Demonte Lee 9
365 Smith, Dakota Leland 9
366 Dawar, Manav 9
366 Cooper, Paul Lamar 9
368 Arreola Jr., Andres Antonio 9
369 Green, Elijah James KY 9
370 Jason, James Bryan ME 9
370 Mininger, Levi Jay 9
372 Paris, Jude Robben 9
373 Burnett, Marcus Anthony 9
374 Hunt, Jordan Charles 9
375 Rush, Jonathan Michael 9
376 Nguyen, Khai Trung Minh 9
377 Hostler, Courtney Lavelle 9
378 Mahoney, Christian Joseph 9
379 Alexander, Andrew Jackson Locquiao 9
380 Hernandez Andrade, Sergio Vladimir 9
380 Armstrong, Matthew Bailey 9
382 Applewhite, Ishmael Shaquille 9
383 Huynh, Taylor Do 9
384 Smith, Darius Darnell Russell 9
385 Donnelly, Spencer Preston 9
386 Hountalas, Joseph Robert 9
387 Thang, Sony MA 9
388 Rosario, Jonathan D. CA 9
389 Oliver, Landon Edward 9
390 Mora Jr., Rolando Geraldo 9
391 Gomes, Bradley Robert St. Amant 9
392 Gallamore, Davis Nelson 9
393 Vang, Chia Wa Meng WI 9
394 Vilardo, Alexander Joseph 9
395 Ludwig, Tyler Adam 9
396 Dai, Raymond Young 9
397 Miranda, Bernardo IL 9
398 Torres, Daniel Fernando AZ 9
399 Bunch, Michael Anthony 9
400 Thai, Danny T. 9
401 Burnett-Allen, Orion Anton 9
402 Vu, Timothy Thien 9
402 Vazquez, David OK 9
404 Bozzano, Quinn James 9
405 Clement, Zachary Michael 9
406 Tepper, Douglas Maxwell 9
407 Hooker, Braedon Dale 9
408 Arunnaveesiri, Ittipat 9
409 Punzalan, Edward Erfe 9
410 Garza Jr., Jesus August TX 9
411 Schneiter, Sean Andrew 9
412 Patterson III, JT 9
413 Tello, Zackary Anthony 9
415 Riley, Matthew David 9
415 Rodriguez, Joseph Mario August CA 9
417 Petzold, Nicholas Joseph 9
417 Boatright, Joseph Clinton 9
419 Reynolds, Xavier DeAnthony 9
420 Seitz, Markel Alexander Joash 9
421 Gonzalez, Kevin CA 9
422 Bergeron, Alex Anthony 9
423 Acosta, Jerald Leury 9
424 Gutierrez, Robert Andrew TX 9
424 Bolanos, Edgar CA 9
426 Hayes, Emmanuel Eugene MD 9
427 Anis, Mina George 9
428 Otares, Val Joseph 9
429 Joseph, Isaiah Kirk 9
430 Dobrochasov, Alexander Mikhailovich 9
431 Stoll, Riley Chance 9
432 Heroux, Zachary Michael 9
433 Lentini, Brian Patrick 9
434 Osores, Jose Anthony Bren 9
435 Fortune, Robert Arthur 9
436 Dumont, Raymond Paul 9
437 Faitak, David Joseph 9
438 Wong, Brandon Shane 9
439 Schnur, Cory Michael 9
440 Hoopingarner, Steven Thomas 9
440 Hughes, Noah Riley 9
442 Frighetto, Joseph Edward 9
443 Crum, Paul Cordell 9
444 Wolter, Barron Miller 9
445 Stone, Brian William 9
446 Gillies, Christian Devaugh 9
447 Cairoli, Matthew Alexander 9
448 McMearty, Steven Jonathan 9
449 Martin, Mitchell Ryan 9
450 Moar, Michael Robert Martin 9
451 Najib, Ashik MD 9
451 Maldonado, Edwin NY 9
453 Jaffer, Michael Rahim 9
454 Gonzalez, Gilbert TX 9
455 Funk, Duane Edward 9
456 Silverman, Vincent Thomas 9
456 Howell, Brett Anthony Gene 9
458 Poff, Gregory 9
459 Sturek, Elijah Lange 9
460 McCarty, Brandon Matthew 9
461 Ascencio, Angel CA 9
462 Breton, Samuel 9
463 Meredith, Justin Matthew 9
464 Zhang, Ziju 9
465 Blalock, James Charles 9
465 Ma, Nicholas NJ 9
467 Brown, Quinton DeVante Marvin 9
468 Rivas-Bernard, Orlando MA 9
469 Condecon-Acker, Johnathan Marquiz 9
470 Verdin, Eddie Martin 9
471 Krolnik, Nicholas Ian 9
472 Thomas, Michael Haynes MI 9
473 Soler, Kristin Alexandra 9
474 Durnil, Thomas James 9
475 Davis, Akeem Cecil 9
476 Ramirez, Miguel Angel GA 9
477 Babamirza, George Daniel 9
478 Befera, Timothy Garrett 9
479 Parikh, Raj Alpesh 9
480 Garcia, Jorge Ivan WA 9
481 George, Dylan Thomas Thong 9
482 Jurgens, Nathanael Michael 9
483 Lorengo, Nishaad Sebastian 9
484 Gallet, Jesse Dylan 9
485 Ramirez, Luis Miguel TX 9
486 Vences Brito, Esteban 9
487 Cebrian, Julian 9
488 Fantus-Reininger, Nicholas David 9
489 Nabit, Ashik Mohammed GA 9
490 Muehlbach, George Woodfin 8
491 Cazeau, Michael Taylor 8
492 Franklin, Justin O’Brien 8
493 Pecoraro, John Francis 8
494 VanHoorebeke, Tyler Don 8
495 Felix, Tyler Jo 8
496 Nash, Ethan Nguyen 8
497 Dietrich, Joseph Francis 8
498 Deer, Kaheem Jumal 8
499 Gould Jr., Joseph Mitchell 8
500 Tran, Kevin OR 8
501 St. Romain, Marc Daniel 7
502 Horner, Isaiah Douglas 7
503 Ramos, Omar R. UT 7
504 Dennis, Brandon Lee 7
505 Danklefsen III, Alfred Robert 7
506 Guerrero Jr., Jonathan Matthew CA 7
507 Locks, Terrell Lamar 7
508 Soon, Brendan Scott 7
509 Brown, Deondre Marcel 7
510 Lu, Jiawei ON 7
511 Kalas, Nicholas John 7
512 Shirley, Brett Hunter 7
513 Lainez Diaz, Reinaldo Jose 7
514 Ask, Eddy Tyler 7
515 Lizcano, Santiago Jose 7
516 Baker, Ashley Esther 7
517 Kushalnagar, Kesavan Raja 7
518 Butler, Zachariah Jules Maurice 7
519 Garcia Ruiz, Aldo Andre IL 7
521 Wong, Mitchell Edward CA 7
522 Novak-Burdick, Russell Kenneth 7
524 Cappelletti, Austin Tyler 7
526 DuLaney V, Jefferson Davis 7
527 Varela, Gerardo CA 7
528 Brentzel, Devin Joseph 7
529 Horner, Dakota Alexander 7
530 Jones, Bryson Ahmaud 7
531 Gottlieb, Gregory Ben 7
532 Liu, Steven TX 7
533 Smith, Trenton Kole 7
534 Little, Alexander Nolan 7
535 Steck, Matthew Alan Rey 7
536 Bates, John Mark 7
537 Campos, Mark Anthony Bautista CA 7
538 Mocklin, Tyler Mackenzie 7
538 Potts, Colby Jarrett 7
540 Pomar-Alfaro, Daniel Alberto 7
541 Nguyen, Anthony Thai TN 7
542 Thomas, Justin Anthony CA 7
543 Ramsammy, Justin Joseph 7
544 Fox, Matthew Arden 7
545 Rhody, Wesley Tanner 7
546 Loveland, Wesley David 7
547 Rincon, Tony Vazquez 7
548 Mead, Derek Charles 7
549 Chang, A Chang 7
550 Isbell IV, Robert Francis 7
551 Pandolfi, Gregory Stephen 7
552 Molina, Luis Angel HI 7
553 Gong, Anthony Chung CA 7
554 Elliott, Phillip Floyd NJ 7
555 Ridley, Michael Daniel 7
556 Ramos, Raul FL 7
557 Conacher IV, James Robert 7
558 Aicard, Timothy Steven 7
559 Kerr Jr., Michael Anthony 7
560 Young, Daniel Kuo Ding TX 7
561 Gaussoin, Christopher Robin 7
562 Cortez Omana, Eric de Jesus 7
563 Wu, Elbert L. FL 7
564 Cadet, Marvens UT 7
566 DeLaney, PJ OK 7
567 Nguyen, Wesley Vy GA 7
568 Rewald, Jacob Kryztopher 7
569 Adams, Jerome Raymond FL 7
570 Wheatley, Dustin Kyle 7
571 Sukienik, Avery Nicholas 7
572 Walker IV, Robert L. 7
573 Tomines, Dakota James 7
574 Collins, Christopher Charles 7
575 Gonzalez, Santiago IL 7
576 Cruz, Jerrod Dion 7
577 Braudo, Dan Haim 7
578 Skoglund, Tristan Wesley 7
578 Vonarx, Derek John 7
580 Whitlow, Dylan Michael Anthony 7
581 Katagiri, Sena ON 7
582 Gaston, Deadrien Trayshurmiah 7
583 Griffin, Matthew Rich 7
584 Troan, Isaac Matthew 7
585 Connor, Lyle Roman Anthony 7
586 Richmond Jeffers-Walter, Timothy James 7
587 Guillotte, Maxim 7
588 Quach, Dzung Phan 7
589 McClanahan, Randal Adam 7
590 Silverman, Jacob Alec 7
591 Juneja, Alexander Singh 7
592 Hussein, Auzzie Hamdi 7
593 Cheung, Thomas Lai Ho 7
594 Medeiros, Manuel Tyler 7
595 Hutchinson, Jason TX 7
596 Nguyen, Quan Son Paul 7
597 Mullins, Brandon Ray 7
598 Stroup, Trenten Cole 7
599 Zertuche Honorato, Hector Otorrel 7
600 Rice, Christopher Lee MO 7
601 Wathuthantrige, Esala Sammidha de Alwis 7
602 Bhattacharya, Arvin 7
603 Flores, David July TX 7
604 McDonagh, Timothy Satya 7
605 Mendoza, James Anthony MD 7
606 Molett Jr., Jevon Ray 7
607 Boring, Lawrence Michael 7
608 Sukienik, Piersen Matthew 7
609 Bartley, Zachary William 7
610 Sosa Calderon, Leonardo AZ 7
611 Neville, Vai Christian 7
612 Cattle, Timothy Jon 7
613 Crosett, Aaron John 7
614 Fisher, Kyle Monroe 7
615 Laud III, Oscar 7
616 D’Alessandro, Rory Anthony 7
617 Pack, Hunter Lee 7
618 Davidson, Donald William 7
619 Coats, Ian Madison 7
620 Yamada, Jarred Hiroshi 7
621 Buchanan III, Daniel Ray 6
622 Usis, Justin David 6
624 Li, Yucheng ON 6
625 Lewis, Jacob Robert 6
626 Catalan, Mario Alfredo 6
627 Rivera, Luis Anthony FL 6
628 Massey, Taylor Joshua 6
632 Alcantar, Alejandro de Jesus 6
634 Siu, Marcus Jairo 6
635 Herrera Zaragoza, Kevin CA 6
636 Zamora, Arthur Robles 6
639 Bogli, Joseph Earl 6
642 Wolens, Daniel Richard Spencer 6
645 Filos, Devon Wayne 6
645 Sampson, Quindares Marquise 6
647 Mak, Jonathan Wai-Yang 6
647 Sabti, Ahmad Ab’dullah Ali 6
649 Adewunmi, Montunrayo Folaropo 6
651 Delgado, Evardo Aaron 6
652 Fornaris, Deilys Adrian 6
653 Hernandez Bonilla, Roberto Carlos TX 6
654 Soto Morales, Juan Luis 6
655 Santiago Jr., Octavio FL 6
656 Nunez, Abraham MN 6
657 Benitez Jr., Louie Fernando 6
658 Nguyen, Thinh MI 6
659 Yu, Ryan Linus ON 6
661 Sherard, Thomas Logan 6
662 Przymierski, Justin Joseph 6
664 Forbis, Joshua Chad MO 6
666 Pelt, Eric Thomas 6
667 Hughes, Christopher Cornell 6
668 Brown, Anton Dominick 6
669 Halili, Deo Reyes 6
670 Mastalarek, Matthew CT 6
671 Johnson, Dalton Taylor TX 6
672 Shogan, Daniel Peter 6
673 Roy, Shovon ON 6
674 Fuller, Kendrick Deon 6
675 Ruff, Eric Michael 6
676 Wilson Jr., Billy Baxter TX 6
679 Birch, Clay Beasley 6
680 Goldberg, Dean Gilroy 6
681 Moore, Nicholas Brayden IN 6
682 Galdamez, Adam Ernesto TX 6
682 Brown, Marcos Jaren 6
684 Chan, Nicholas Kasey NJ 6
684 Mabley, Tyler Allen 6
686 Orem, Louis Thomas 6
689 Schameheorn, Dimitrius Lee 6
690 Soto Jr., Miguel David TX 6
690 Stima, Noah Michael 6
694 Rodriguez, Emmanuel TX 6
695 Nguyen, Tam Thanh CA 6
697 Banham, Devin Christopher 6
697 Glankler, Cullen Thomas 6
697 Truong, Kevin TX 6
700 Zambo, Michael Anthony 6
703 Riggs, Robin Marie 6
704 Aceves III, Luis Robert 6
705 Ramos, Cristopher Geovany TX 6
706 Sparks, Sebastian Von Wolfgang 6
708 Reeves, Kenny Allen 6
709 Nguyen, Tony Nhat MN 6
710 Aronson, Paul Stephen 6
712 Bishop, Matthew David 6
714 Dalpe, Alexandre 6
716 Bryant, Benjamin Michael CA 6
719 Marzan Figueroa, Jose Carlos PR 6
720 Hand, Collin Louis 6
721 Trivedi, Tej Shashank 6
723 Clark, Zachary Allan FL 6
724 Intchovski, Alexander Pavlinov 6
725 England, Nick Tanner 6
726 Staskey, Joseph Francis 6
728 Terrazas, Edgar Ali 6
728 Leong, John Keoni Wai Kin 6
731 Stecher, Robert Anson 6
733 Wu, Jiahuang CA 6
735 Valdes, Ricardo Octavio NC 6
736 Norton, Connor James 6
737 Lav, Brandon Ty 6
738 Haberstroh, Christopher Michael 6
738 Benz, Alexander Michael 6
740 King, Abraham Donald 6
740 Walters, Michael Kyle 6
743 Sledd III, James Loyd 6
744 Muy Fajardo, Edwin Oswaldo 6
746 Gregory, John William WA 6
747 Torres, Oscar Armando IL 6
748 Enea, Jason Patrick 6
749 Ralph, Douglas Hue 6
750 Luccani XII, Luis Giovanni 6
751 Raymond, Jeff Robert 6
753 Castillo, Jovanny Velsain 6
754 Thies, Adam Walter 6
755 Musgrove Jr., Larry Dean 6
756 Nawrocki, Cory Austin 6
757 Larrimore, Franklin Mason 6
758 Smith Jr., Ernie Terrell 6
759 Tahan, Calvin Habib 6
760 McGlynn, Matthew James 6
760 Hildreth, Jeramie John 6
763 Sisti, Ferruccio Anthony 6
763 Little, Johnathan Alexander-Palmer 6
763 Farrington, Anthony Dale 6
766 Norton, Jeff Scott 6
767 Mendoza, Manuel MO 6
768 Randolph, Jarred Charles 6
770 Gomez, Erick AZ 6
771 Zhou, Andy Long 6
771 Chow, Calvin Tam 6
773 Shrum, Hunter Jon 6
774 Li, Wilson ON 6
777 Worthington, Frederick Lee 6
777 Benning, Christopher Lee 6
779 Jacotin, Romeo 6
780 Vedok, Joshua Alan Joseph 6
782 Lansdell, James Martin 6
783 Brown, Tyler Anthony NY 6
783 Williams, Michael Jarell CA 6
785 Penate, Brian Derek 6
786 Wilson, Tyler Wade 6
786 Sahli, Yacine 6
786 Fain, Brian James 6
789 Martinez, David Antonio TX 6
789 Uphoff, Michael Lloyd 6
791 Johnson, Jameel Darell 6
793 Fowler, Dylan Cole 6
795 Kent, Timothy Allen MI 6
796 May, Ryan Michael 6
796 Gonzalez, Giovanni FL 6
798 George, Austin Nicholas 6
799 Giffin, Zachary Michael 6
799 Coblentz, Jesse Marvin CO 6
801 Crowley, Tayvon Garrett 6
802 Campbell, Cody Ryan 6
803 Colley, Jesse Scott Douglas 6
804 Barnett, Richard Gabriel 6
804 Fuller, Keith Deon 6
806 Moncrief, Brandon Joseph 6
807 Wix-Peeler, Carter Rodney 6
808 Higgins, Jacob Ryan 6
809 Wu, Yilun BC 6
812 Fricker, Dylan Kojiro Nolet 6
814 Fernandez Umbria, Carlos Rafael 6
815 Eppard, Andrew Steven 6
816 Xiong, Kendrick Muaj 6
817 Rosenfeld, Mitchell Andrew 6
818 Jones, Kyle Conner 6
819 Smith, Ian Emmerson AB 6
821 Scott, DaJuan Jamayle 6
822 Rodriguez III, James Paul 6
823 Messecar, Mitchell William 6
825 Svoboda, Brandon Thomas 6
826 Yocum, Henry J. 6
827 Cramer, Nicholas Lawrence 6
829 Matos, Javier 6
829 Swiss, Brandon Corey 6
831 Aguilar, Antonio TX 6
832 Santiago Molina, Jose Javier PR 6
833 Lopez, David March AZ 6
834 Gardner, Justin Paul 6
834 Young, Victor Thomas 6
836 Moon, Ji Woo 6
836 Gjertsen, Eric Mickal 6
836 Smith, Austin Kyle MN 6
839 Dalton, Bradley Todd 6
841 Masterson II, Mitchell Paul 6
842 Weston, Adam Joshua 6
844 Stargel, Robert Lee 6
847 Casey, Brent Joseph 6
848 Whelchel, Alexander Sebastian Isaac 6
849 Ryan, Brendan Nicholas 6
850 Peters, Bailey Chandler 6
852 Beltran, Edmund Philip CA 6
852 Yeh, Andrew 6
854 Gutierrez, Sergio Javier CA 6
855 Wilson, Brent Robert 6
856 Estrella, Dominic Anthony 6
859 Sew, Benjamin Justin 6
861 Slocum, Cody James 6
861 McIntyre, Sean Preston 6
863 Torrez, Dillon Manuel TX 6
863 Thorne, Christopher James 6
866 Edwards, Kyle Deon 6
867 Kass, Martin Joseph 6
867 Rosendo, Ernesto Pasco 6
870 Van Dyke, Nathan William 6
873 Johnson Jr., Michael James VA 6
874 Thao, Lang MN 6
874 Lee, Ricky Lak-Hang MI 6
876 Perry, Nathan Andrew 6
878 Deng, Lijie CO 6
879 Kok, Bo De 6
879 Rutherford III, James Paul 6
881 Conti, Bryant Carandang 6
882 Terry, Noah Lee 6
882 Vila, Kevin Brandon 6
884 Jacquez, Ramon Humberto 6
885 Sofia, Jeremy NV 6
887 Vu, Elvis CA 6
889 Drake, Mitchell Eugene 6
889 Chen, Johnson CA 6
891 Lor, Chia WI 6
892 Stys, Joshua Michael 6
893 Gomez Luna, Guillermo 6
895 Baumert, Rickie James 6
896 Minasov, Arseniy 6
897 Edwards, Kevin Charles WI 6
898 Cham, Stephen Assan 6
899 Gawley, Andrew Stephen 6
901 Bermudez, Adrian Andres TX 6
902 Martinez, Israel Nathaniel TX 6
903 Velasquez, Anthony Alejandro FL 6
904 Cole, Demonte Lemeir 6
905 Chavez, Cesar Gabriel CA 6
906 Eikhoff, Andrew William 6
907 Adams, William Ray WA 6
908 Paglia Jr., Vincent Mathew 6
910 Wallin, Brandon Nicholas 6
911 Gonzales, Orion Christian TX 6
913 Forman, Evan Matthew 6
913 McCarthy, Kenneth Andrew-Thomas 6
913 Thomas Jr., Larry Lee 6
916 Lopez, Alberto CA 6
917 Beggs, Kyle Steven 6
917 Flora, Jared Brett 6
919 Albers, Tristan Joseph 6
925 Min, Zeno IN 6
925 Farren, Matthew Alexander 6
928 Sarver, Isaac Quin 6
929 Bruner, David Murphy 6
930 Shaner, Samuel Kenneth 6
931 Barwicki, Christopher 6
932 Nowak, Timothy Anthony 6
933 Coley, Donald Thomas 6
935 Cravioto Puente, Rafael Isaac 6
936 Morales Castro, Juan Antonio 6
937 Andrews, Gavin Michael 6
939 Martinez Jr., Agustin CA 6
940 Gray, Timothy Lane CO 6
941 Lichter, Brandon Steven 6
942 Shung, Aaron Jang 6
944 Thomas, Dontrell Atwan 6
945 Herring, Alex Ryan 6
946 Bonner, Kavaughn Rashawn 6
947 Webb, Caleb Seth 6
948 Siepser, Zachary Scott 6
948 Swartley, Kyle Anthony 6
951 Albanese, Michael Joseph 6
952 Fajem, Emmad Nafiz 6
954 Kruse, Jonathan Andrew 6
955 Rowley, Zacari Joseph 6
956 Rodriguez Jimenez, Alexis Roberto CA 6
957 Tomlinson, Brian Joseph 6
957 Diaz, Catalina Isabel 6
959 Nappi, Ross Kerrington 6
960 Gorgievski, Marjanco Nikolce 6
960 Rodriguez, Kevin Alexander FL 6
962 Velez Candelario, Michael GA 6
963 Hernandez, Eric Christian TX 6
965 Getter, Aviel 6
967 Witthuhn, Tyler Jameson MN 6
967 Hobbs III, William Fredrick 6
969 Rodriguez, Matthew Steven TX 6
970 Hollett, Austin Naoto 6
972 Gonzalez, Adrian IL 6
974 Ghazi, Ahmed 6
976 Smith Jr., Johne Joe 6
976 Morales, Alexandro CA 6
976 Swynar, Jesse Tyler 6
979 Kennedy, Brandon Michael 6
982 Winarski, Brian Edward 6
983 McNaughton, Pierce Michael 6
983 Figueroa, Israel TX 6
985 Sawyer, Anna Marie 6
987 Kelly, Christopher Kamario 6
988 Nunez, Jose Roberto TX 6
989 Solorzano, Christian TX 6
990 Yi, Solomon Boram 6
993 Nakata, Corey Michael 6
994 Paz, Antonio CA 6
995 Knight, Jacob Matthew 6
997 Lewis, Avery Mark 6
998 Majied, Alim David 6
999 Gregory, Steven Michael William 6
1001 Rothschild, Joseph Lee 6
1003 Aumiller, John Jacob 6
1004 Walker, Andre Daniel MI 6
1005 Tate, Anthony Patrick 6
1007 Vega III, Feliciano TX 6
1008 Deeter, Benjamin Thomas 6
1010 Pham, Paul Khanh TX 6
1010 Esquibel, James Robert 6
1012 Eldridge, Brandon Michael 6
1013 Godin, Robert Joseph 6
1015 Honan, James Michael 6
1019 Halpin, Daniel Patrick 6
1020 Nadas, Denis NM 6
1022 Navarro, Anthony Bernard GA 6
1023 Ledezma-Jaimes, Gerardo TX 6
1024 Coleman, David Winston 6
1025 Wilson, Romello DeShawn Tyrone 6
1026 Marburger, Brett Marshall 6
1027 Dimitrov, Ronald Antony 6
1028 Sowerby, Kieran Thomas Roy 6
1030 Oelling, Tyler Ray 6
1031 Thraen, John Michael 6
1032 Brown, Tamir Lawrence 6
1033 Anthony, Jamal Vincent 6
1034 Savignano, Thomas Anthony 6
1035 Tingen, Troy Alec 6
1036 Klemp, Andrew Joseph 6
1037 Roytburd, Aleksander 6
1039 Taylor, Zachary John 6
1040 Squire, Kristian Ricky 6
1041 Flores, Timothy Maxwell CA 6
1043 Velasquez, Joshua Aaron NE 6
1044 Jones, Bryce Cameron MN 6
1044 Chen, Alex Jun September NY 6
1046 Simmonds, Darian Ward Yonaton Held 6
1046 Fiscella, Nicholas Andrew 6
1049 Winning, James Dean 6
1050 Box, Erick Sung 6
1051 Brooks, Thomas John 6
1053 Heil, John Francis 6
1054 Banks, Shawn Terrell 6
1055 Doroudian, Tyler Arash 6
1057 Bonner Jr., Warren Bernard 6
1058 Miller Jr., Terry Wayne 6
1058 Mejia Ortiz, Bernard Joseph CA 6
1060 Cerku, Ryan Joseph 6
1061 Porter, Blake Colton 6
1061 Buckland III, John Joseph 6
1061 Nails, Allen Michael 6
1064 Kim, Kyungil BC 6
1065 Leonard, Jaime Ryan 6
1066 McGinnis, Brandon Scott 6
1067 Holland Jr., George Henry 6
1068 Makela, Michael Cody 6
1069 Cole, Jeremiah Daniel 6
1070 Grooms, Matthew Curtis 6
1071 Nguyen, Truong Richard BC 6
1073 Terpening, Noah Warren 6
1075 Powers, Alexander Wei 6
1076 Garcia, Juan Guadalupe TX 6
1077 Duong, Trong Ngoc 6
1078 Boone, Earl Shabazz 6
1079 Humphrey, Mitchell Randolph 6
1080 Narro, Bastian Tristan 6
1081 Pabon Jr., Jose Abraham FL 6
1082 Edwards, David Ray MI 6
1083 Oliveira, Adrian Antonio 6
1084 Carreras Romero, Daniel 6
1085 Aleman, Homero 6
1086 Kennedy III, John Clair 6
1087 Kleissle, James Kyle 6
1088 Daskivich, Grant Joseph 6
1089 Dal Porto, Joshua Donald 6
1090 Cornelison, William Michael 6
1091 Cella, Andrew Thomas 6
1093 Villarica, Leon Nathan Joshua Jimenez 6
1094 Randolph, James Jarred 6
1094 Funderburke, Blake Antonio 6
1096 Duggan, Aaron Sebastian Brice 6
1097 Meza, Manuel Alejandro CA 6
1098 Davis, Dustin James 6
1099 Geslani, Marc Arj Boquiren 6
1101 Patton, Nathanael Ross 6
1102 Tani, Kyle Christopher 6
1103 Mundt, Robert Daniel 6
1104 Ambriz Jr., Jesus Alejandro 6
1105 Dekhanov, Alen Anatolyevich 6
1106 Trepanier, Dave 6
1110 Stackhouse, Maguire Benton 6
1111 Ferchau, Henry Karl 6
1112 Alvarez, Manuel Raymond CA 6
1114 El-Allie, Gibran Hussam 6
1115 Bonds III, Johnny Wayne 6
1116 Usen, Johnny Cornelius 6
1117 Pena, Jose A. NM 6
1118 Hayashi, Craig Shun 6
1121 Manuel, Andrae Jarvis 6
1122 Gasaway, Gabriel Reed 6
1123 Eaglespeaker, Willow Reed Alexander 6
1124 Massingill, Jordan Marcus 6
1125 Nguyen, John Z. NY 6
1126 Velastegui, Timothy Joseph 5
1127 King, Anthony Levon 5
1128 Mitradarmbidhaks, Zachary Thomas 5
1129 Bhatia, Vishon Sam 5
1132 Velazquez, Angel Gabriel AZ 5
1133 Maldonado Lozano, Pablo Abraham 5
1134 Massengale, Traviis Terrell 5
1135 Tran, Peter Nguyen GA 5
1136 Zhu, Jianyi TX 5
1139 Ventura, Mitchell Jason 5
1140 Rogers IV, Preston Earl 4
1141 Lafontaine, Yannick QQ 4
1142 Tomanio, Julie Jin 4
1144 Rosen, Benjamin Lester 4
1145 Chughtal, Mohammad Nameem Peter 4
1146 Xie, Andrew David 4
1147 Nguyen, Keita TX 4
1148 Hernandez-Figueroa, Jonathan Huan FL 4
1149 Powers, Robert Wayne 4
1150 Mosher, Jacob Ryan 4
1151 Calvert, Braden Mitchell 4
1152 Almonte, Thongxay Roberto 4
1156 Guilfoyle, Patrick Allan 4
1157 Williams, Sanchez Desmond MS 4
1158 Dugas, Joshua Todd 4
1159 Racioppi, Nicholas Anthony 4
1162 Augart-Peponis, Dimitri Theodore 4
1163 Smothers, Austin Ryan 4
1164 Hernandez, Jacob Paul MN 4
1167 Dailey, Ryan Jacob 4
1168 Hall, Dhabran Cornelius 4
1169 Kitts, Caleb Joshua 4
1170 Keongam, Tyler Lokham 4
1171 McClendon Jr., James 4
1172 Stern, Daniel Leon-Weisbrod 4
1174 Hamilton, Jordan Tyler 4
1175 Williams, Caleb Michael WA 4
1176 Overcash, Chase Caldwell 4
1177 Chavez Arceo, Luis Adrian CA 4
1180 Stephens, Kalon Todd 4
1181 Metayer, Patrick Mario 4
1182 Hilario, Michael Roman 4
1186 Ghanem, Mustapha Sean 4
1187 Taylor, Christopher Anthony MA 4
1188 Gibbs, James Charles 4
1191 Murray, Anthony GA 4
1194 Joazil-Wallace, Bradley Xavier 4
1195 Lai, Lok Tin Calvin 4
1196 Meyer, Christian Raphael 4
1197 Mullineaux, Patrick Anthony 4
1198 Freeman, Cody Alan John 4
1198 Garcia Fantauzzi, Alex Roberto 4
1200 Duggan, Tyler Jordan 4
1202 Littlepage, Corey Rex 4
1203 Sotelo, Guillermo Eder 4
1204 Valenzuela, Daniel Brok 4
1206 Davis, Brandon McQuage 4
1207 Handlon, Jared Armise Gene 4
1212 White, Cameron DeShawn 4
1213 Schroeder, Jacob Brent 4
1214 Rodriguez, Jeffrey NJ 4
1215 Larko, Cody Wendell 4
1216 Tobin, Jon Richard 4
1217 Newson Jr., Maurice Anthony 4
1218 Tam, Nelson CA 4
1219 Keys, LeVell DeShon 4
1220 Beygelman, Noah Michael 4
1221 Montanez, Gabriel Michael WA 4
1222 Rowland, Mason Reed 4
1223 Dreibelbis, Andrew John 4
1224 Malfitano, Mitchell Anthony 4
1225 Villatoro, Douglas Javier 4
1226 Creamer, Robert Bernard 4
1227 De Silva, Dinuk Christopher 4
1231 Essl, David Carl 4
1233 Rodriguez II, Juan Andres MD 3
1235 Mendoza Jr., Albert John NM 3
1235 Ulrich, Quyn Myles 3
1237 Madrigal, Jesse Daniel 3
1238 McIntee, Tyler Andrew 3
1240 Lai, Johnson BC 3
1241 Martinez, Miguel Angel TX 3
1244 Soriano, Ricardo Angel 3
1245 Echols Jr., Michael Craig 3
1246 Harder Jr., Douglas Edward 3
1247 Owens, Kaitlin Marie 3
1248 Davis, Dillon Kyle 3
1249 Rosen, Herbert Ronald 3
1254 Khan, Momin Yar 3
1255 Duong, Peter CA 3
1257 Shoemaker, Darren James 3
1258 Flores, Oziel Alan 3
1262 Ezel, Ty Joseph 3
1265 Reinholtz, Courtland Simon Rae 3
1266 Smith, Steven Jerome NY 3
1268 Lucy, Joshua Dylon 3
1269 Jimenez, Jhossue Javier RI 3
1272 Phillips, Kristopher Dante 3
1273 Cooksey-Garcia, Kailyn Cage 3
1275 Hernandez, Jose Dedios TX 3
1276 Bicaj, Bujar 3
1278 Lloyd, Hunter Francis 3
1280 Garcia, Christian Emmanuel TX 3
1281 Harris, Phillip Ellerbee 3
1282 Gallegos-Arguello, Luis Angel 3
1283 Kennicott, Joshua Caleb 3
1285 Ramirez, Joel Elias CA 3
1286 Rangel, Daniel Escamilla AZ 3
1287 Jackson, Samuel Adam TX 3
1287 Petty, Lance Arlen 3
1289 Castillejos, Matthew Ivan Cabizon 3
1292 Toscano, Roel 3
1293 Tune, Bryce Lewis 3
1295 Waldrop, Steffen Alexander 3
1296 Goodrich, Colin Blake 3
1297 Sexton, Zachary Michael 3
1299 Cabral, Christopher Daniel 3
1300 Stephens III, Johnny Lee 3
1303 Umoh, Kingsley Ubong Michael 3
1304 Lopez Robles, Ezequiel IL 3
1305 Karmany III, William Hummel 3
1306 Bachez, Alexander Humberto 3
1307 Gibson, Darrell Glen 3
1308 Ohlenforst, Tyler Christian 3
1310 Guerard, Lyle Richard Martin 3
1311 Bradford Jr., Santino Lorenzo 3
1312 Phipps, Brandon Michael 3
1314 Barkley, Thomas Reynaldo 3
1316 Zavala, Jacob Samuel 3
1316 Moyers, Kevin Alden 3
1319 Gray, Terrance John 3
1320 Campbell, Junior Joshua 3
1321 Uphoff, Kenneth William 3
1323 Mlasko, Drew Hunter 3
1325 Fabela Munoz, Erik Misael 3
1326 Carraturo, Benjamin Paul 3
1327 Bryan, Tyler Austin 3
1327 Rehberg, Aaron Christopher 3
1327 Velasquez, Erik Ivan TX 3
1330 Guerra, Aaron Jacob 3
1334 Blackshear, Nicholas James 3
1335 Huynh, Quoc Minh LA 3
1336 Aliyas, Andrew Phillip 3
1339 Tague, Brandon Austin 3
1341 Todd, Brandon Keith AL 3
1342 Arroyo Arreola, Hector Ramon UT 3
1345 Jones, Marland Mario 3
1346 Bellafiore, Ryan Anthony 3
1347 Sailor, Kaleb Mychal 3
1348 Winning, Dean Gordon 3
1349 Gottlieb, Jordan M. 3
1350 Veitch, Lucas Drake 3
1351 Chen, JunShen IN 3
1352 LaChance, Ryan Michael 3
1355 Turner, Carnell Terrel 3
1355 Dunn Jr., Walter Victor 3
1357 Tomaszewski, Taylor Joseph 3
1358 Munoz, Damian Anthony 3
1361 Rachal, Jared Michael 3
1362 Clarey, Brodie Robert 3
1363 Gee, Brandon Jeffery 3
1366 Tiemann, Aiden Christopher 3
1369 Owens, Jimmie Lee 3
1371 Nguyen, Johnny KS 3
1372 Shaw, LaRon Antwan 3
1374 Anderson, Jason Randal 3
1375 Ruiz, Jesus Sigifredo TX 3
1376 Orengo, Danny MA 3
1377 Timmis III, Robert Leslie 3
1378 Castellanos Jr., Francisco Julian 3
1379 Chen, Alex Jon-Kit December RI 2
1381 Collins, Tevin Lamont 2
1383 Tietjen, Matthew Steven 1
1384 Juhlin, Matt Randall 1
1387 White, Jeremiah David 1
1388 Perrotta, Connor Joseph 0
1389 Zamora, Tre Layne 0
1391 Schlenz, Connor William 0
1393 Marquez, Bryan Eduardo TX 0
1394 Parker, Austin William SC 0
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