QQ: Which Card from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Animated Series do you Want in the TCG?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! There are lots of cool cards that characters from the animated Yu-Gi-Oh! series use that never made their way into the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. Some of them will be released in the upcoming Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge booster set on June 29th, 2018. I surveyed the Duelists competing this weekend to see which cards from the animated Yu-Gi-Oh! series they would like to see released in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. Check out their responses!
“Nibelung’s Treasure.” -Nicholas Ruciuppi
“New Order 8: Etheric Sebek.” -Christopher Ferrara
“Battle Armor cards.” -Julio Cruz
“Mischief of the Time Goddess.” -Rasheen Powell
“Judgement Arrows.” -Christopher Vinson
“Ragnarok.” -Robert Monclova
“Armament Reincarnation.” -Ryan Fox
“Number C:1000 Numeronius.” -Thomas Geddes
“Numeron Network.” -Anthony Parisi
“Numeron Network.” -Steven Jacobs
There’s a lot of variety in the Duelists’ answers. You’ll be able to find some new cards that were originally shown in the animated Yu-Gi-Oh! series in Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge when it releases at the end of the month.