. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend And Why?
Home > 2018/06 - Secaucus, NJ, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend And Why?

QQ: Which Deck Are You Using This Weekend And Why?

June 3rd, 2018

QQ stands for Quick Questions! There are lots of different competitive Decks being used at YCS Secaucus. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Decks they chose to use, and why they chose those Decks. Check out their responses!


“Sky Striker Trickstar. I like the Deck.” -Christopher Middleton

“Trickstars. It’s the Deck I’m most comfortable with.” -Theodore Mahan

“Gouki. I don’t want my opponents to Summon from the Extra Deck.” -Christopher Ferrara

ABC-Dragon Buster.” -Calvin Tahan

“SPYRAL. I like to go second and OTK my opponent.” -Kevin Tran

“Mekk-Knight Invoked. It’s fast.” -Lewis Gordon

“Trickstar. It benefits from the new end of time procedure.” -Johny Vu

“I am using ABC-Dragon Buster with Sky Striker cards and Knightmare monsters.” -Christopher Vinson

“Burning Abyss Phantom Knights. It’s my favorite Deck.” -Robert Monclova

“Sky Striker Trickstar.” -Muhtasim Mallick

“Sky Striker. It’s cute.” -Alexander Dobrochasov

“Altergeist Anti-Spell.” -Douglas Villatoro

“Blue-Eyes Chaos Max. It’s fun and he’s big.” -Ryan Fox

“Zefra. I like the flow of the Deck.” -Anthony Parisi

“True Draco. Sky Strikers are expensive and True Draco is the Deck I’m most comfortable with.” -Miguel Valercia

“Pure Sky Striker. It’s hyped up!” -John Kellermann

“Sky Striker because of Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!” -Eric Zhao


Duelists are using lots of different Decks for lots of different reasons here at YCS Secaucus! Follow the coverage to see which Decks make it into the top cut this weekend!