. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: Which Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?
Home > 2018/06 - Secaucus, NJ, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?

QQ: Which Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?

June 2nd, 2018

QQ stands for Quick Questions! There’s a wide variety of Decks entered in YCS Secaucus, but only one of them can win. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Deck they think will take first place. Check out their responses!


“Trickstar Sky Striker.” -Christopher Middleton

“Ritual Beasts.” -Nicholas Ruciuppi

“Gouki.” -Theodore Mahan

“Trickstar.” -Christopher Ferrara

“My ABC Deck.” -Calvin Tahan

“Sky Striker.” -Julio Cruz

“Flower Cardians.” -Rasheen Powell

“Sky Striker Invoked Mekk-Knight.” -Lewis Gordon

“Invoked.” -Johnny Vu

“Sky Striker.” -Muhtasim Mallick

“Trickstar Sky Striker. All of the Europeans are playing it.” -Alexander Dobrochasov

“Sky Striker Trickstar.” -Douglas Villatoro

“Sky Striker.” -Ryan Fox

“Sky Striker Trickstar.” -Thomas Geddes

“Sky Striker Trickstar.” -Anthony Parisi

“Trickstar Sky Striker.” -Steven Jacobs

“Sky Striker.” -Eric Zhao


There are lots of competitive Decks this weekend, but it looks like most Duelists are expecting some variant of a Sky Striker Deck to win this weekend. Will those Duelist be right? Follow the coverage to find out!