. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 3 Feature Match: Michael Liang Yen vs. Nicholas Vincent Scarangella
Home > 2018/06 - Secaucus, NJ, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 3 Feature Match: Michael Liang Yen vs. Nicholas Vincent Scarangella

Round 3 Feature Match: Michael Liang Yen vs. Nicholas Vincent Scarangella

June 2nd, 2018

Although not dominating the tournament landscape like it once did, Duelists are still doing well with SPYRAL and in Round 3, we’re looking at Michael Yen from Davis, California and his SPYRAL Deck, featuring the new Sky Striker cards! He’s facing off against Nicholas Vincent Scarangella from Harrington Park, New Jersey. Scarangella has a Gouki Deck that also includes some Sky Striker cards. The Sky Striker cards from Dark Saviors are having a huge impact here this weekend. It’s time to Duel!


Duel 1

Scarangella won the roll and elected to go first. He started off with Marauding Captain and tried to his its effect but Yen chained Infinite Impermanence from his hand to negate the effect.

Yen activated Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! but Scarangella Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate the effect. Yen then activated Terraforming to add SPYRAL Resort from his Deck to his hand and activated it, then tried to use the effect to add a SPYRAL from his Deck to his hand; but Scarangella Chained Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit to destroy the Field Spell. Yen then activated SPYRAL Super Agent’s effect declaring monster. Scarangella revealed the Droll & Lock Bird on top of his Deck and SPYRAL Super Agent came down to the field. SPYRAL Super Agent attacked Marauding Captain, destroying it in battle.

Scarangella Set a monster and passed.

Yen drew SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue. He attacked with SPYRAL Super Agent, destroying Scarangella’s Set Gouki Octostretch. He added Gouki Suprex from his Deck to his hand.

Scarangella Normal Summoned Gouki Suprex and used the effect to Special Summon Gouki Headbatt from his hand. Scarangella then used both monsters to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights! He used the effects of the Goukis and Isolde to add Gouki Bearhug, Gouki Re-Match, and another Gouki Suprex to his hand. After the Chain resolved, Yen activated Droll & Lock Bird to prevent further searching or drawing this turn. Scarangella then use Isolde’s effect to send Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade to the Graveyard to Special Summon another Gouki Octostretch from the Deck. Scarangella then used the Divine Sword, banishing Gouki Suprex and Marauding Captain from the Graveyard to add the Sword back to his hand. He then used Isolde and Octostretch to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn. He used the effect, discarding Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade to shuffle Yen’s SPYRAL Super Agent back to the Deck. Unicorn attacked directly, leaving Yen at 5800 LP.

Yen drew and activated Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones, letting him Summon a Sky Striker Ace Token which was used to Link Summon Sky Striker Ace – Kagari! He used her effect to add Hornet Drones back to his hand and used the effect again to Special Summon another Token. He then used both monsters to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix then used Phoenix to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid. He tried to use the effect, but Scarangella Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate it. Yen elected to concede the Duel here.



Duel 2

Yen elected to go first in Duel 2. He started off by activating SPYRAL Resort and using its effect to add SPYRAL Quik-Fix to his hand. He Normal Summoned it and used its effect to add SPYRAL GEAR – Drone from his Deck to his hand. Next, Yen used SPYRAL Quik-Fix to Link Summon Linkuriboh! He Set 2 copies of Solemn Strike and in the End Phase, SPYRAL Quik-Fix was shuffled into the Deck for SPYRAL Resort’s effect.

Scarangella activated Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones, giving himself a Token. He then Normal Summoned Gouki Suprex and tried to use the effect, but Yen Chained Solemn Strike to negate it. He then used Suprex’s effect to add Gouki Twistcobra to his hand. He used the Token to Link Summon Linkuriboh and then crashed it into Yen’s Linkuriboh, destroying both.



Yen Normal Summoned SPYRAL GEAR – Drone and used the effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of Scarangella’s Deck. Next, he used SPYRAL Resort to add SPYRAL Super Agent to hand, then used SPYRAL Super Agent’s effect, calling Spells and revealing Gouki Re-Match, Special Summoning Super Agent to the field. He then used Drone and Super Agent to Link Summon SPYRAL Double Helix! Yen tried to use the effect, Scarangella Chained Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion to negate the activation, and Yen Chained Solemn Strike to negate Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion! SPYRAL Double Helix Special Summoned SPYRAL Master Plan and its effect added SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from his Deck to his hand. He then used SPYRAL Double Helix and SPYRAL Master Plan to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn using its effect to discard Rescue to shuffle his own SPYRAL Resort into the Deck. Next, he banished SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from the Graveyard to Special Summon SPYRAL Master Plan from the Graveyard and used her effect to add another SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from his Deck to his hand. At this point, Scarangella elected to concede. We’re going to the third and final Duel!



Duel 3

Scarangella elected to go first in Duel 3. He started with Marauding Captain and tried to use the effect but Yen once again Chained Infinite Impermanence from his hand to negate the effect!

Yen started his turn by activating One for One, discarding SPYRAL Master Plan to Special Summon SPYRAL Quik-Fix from his Deck. He used Quik-Fix’s effect to add SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red from his Deck to his hand. Yen then activated SPYRAL Resort, then Normal Summoned SPYRAL GEAR – Drone to rearrange the top 3 cards of Scarangella’s Deck. He used both monsters to Link Summon SPYRAL Double Helix, using the effect to call Spells, revealing the Called by the Grave on top of Scarangella’s Deck. He Special Summoned SPYRAL Master Plan from the Graveyard and her effect was used to add SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from his Deck to his hand. Next, the two monsters were used to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn. Its effect was activated, discarding SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue to shuffle the SPYRAL Resort back to the Deck. (He noted that he forgot to search with it this turn.)  Yen then used SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue’s Graveyard effect, banishing it to Special Summon SPYRAL Master Plan from the Graveyard. SPYRAL Master Plan’s effect let Yen add another SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from his Deck to his hand. Knightmare Unicorn was used to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid. He used its effect, discarding SPYRAL MISSION – Rescue from his hand to Special Summon Knightmare Corruptor Iblee from his Deck. He then banished Rescue to Special Summon SPYRAL Double Helix from his Graveyard. Next, SPYRAL Master Plan and Knightmare Corruptor Iblee were used to Link Summon Knightmare Goblin.



In the next Chain, he used the effects of SPYRAL Master Plan, Knightmare Goblin and Iblee. Iblee went to Scarangella’s field, Knightmare Goblin let him get an additional Normal Summon, and SPYRAL Master Plan added SPYRAL Resort and SPYRAL Sleeper from his Deck to his hand. He activated SPYRAL Resort then activated SPYRAL Super Agent’s effect in his hand, declaring Spells, revealing Called by the Grave once again. He then activated SPYRAL GEAR – Big Red to Special Summon SPYRAL Quik-Fix, but Scarangella Chained Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion to negate the activation. He then used SPYRAL Resort’s effect to add another SPYRAL Super Agent from his Deck to his hand. He then used SPYRAL Quik-Fix’s effect in the Graveyard, discarding SPYRAL Super Agent to Special Summon SPYRAL Quik-Fix. Quik-Fix’s effect let Yen add SPYRAL GEAR – Last Resort from his Deck to his hand. Next, he banished 3 SPYRAL cards from his Graveyard to Special Summon SPYRAL Sleeper, then equipped it with Last Resort. He then used Knightmare Goblin, SPYRAL Super Agent and SPYRAL Quik-Fix to Link Summon Firewall Dragon! He used Sleeper’s effect to destroy Knightmare Corruptor Iblee and Scarangella’s Marauding Captain. All of his monsters attacked directly, leaving Scarangella at 800 LP. Scarangella then revealed his hand of 3 Spell cards, knowing he was drawing into Called by the Grave which was of no help. He extended the handshake!



Yen moves on with a 3-0 record using a SPYRAL Deck!