. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 7 Feature Match: David Noshakhare Imayeguahi Jr. vs. Andrew Stephen Taylor
Home > 2018/06 - Secaucus, NJ, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 7 Feature Match: David Noshakhare Imayeguahi Jr. vs. Andrew Stephen Taylor

Round 7 Feature Match: David Noshakhare Imayeguahi Jr. vs. Andrew Stephen Taylor

June 3rd, 2018

Round 7’s Feature Match is at Table 30. We featured a Deck Fur Hire in Round 1, and we now have David Noshakhare Imayeguahi Jr. from the Bronx, New York and his Deck Fur Hire in Round 7 with a 5-1 record! His opponent is Andrew Stephen Taylor from Levittown, New York and he’s also 5-1… with Elementsabers! This is the first appearance of Elementsabers in the YCS Feature Match area, so let’s see what this Deck can do! It’s time to Duel!


Duel 1

Taylor won the roll and elected for Imayeguahi to go first. Imayeguahi started off by Normal Summoning Recon, Scout Fur Hire and used its effect to Special Summon Wiz, Sage Fur Hire in Defense Position. He used its effect to gain 500 LP for each other monster Fur Hire he controlled, gaining 500 LP. He Set Solemn Strike and Imperial Order and passed.

Taylor Special Summoned Photon Thrasher, then activated Reinforcement of the Army to add Elementsaber Molehu to his hand! He then Normal Summoned Marauding Captain and used its effect to Special Summon Planet Pathfinder and used its effect, Tributing itself to add Palace of the Elemental Lords from his Deck to his hand! Next, Taylor activated Palace of the Elemental Lords and used its effect to add Elementsaber Lapuila Mana to his hand. He activated Mana’s effect, sending Elementsaber Malo and Elementsaber Makani from the Deck to the Graveyard; but Imayeguahi Chained Solemn Strike to negate and destroy Mana! Next, Taylor used Marauding Captain and Photon Thrasher to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights! He used the effect to add Elementsaber Lapaulia from his Deck to his hand. Next, he used Isolde’s other effect, sending Ring of Magnetism and Sword of Deep-Seated from the Deck to the Graveyard to add a Warrior from his Deck to his hand. Next, he used Isolde’s other effect, sending Ring of Magnetism and Sword of Deep-Seated from the Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon Elementsaber Aina from the Deck. Sword of Deep-Seated went on top of Taylor’s Deck for its own effect. Next, Elementsaber Lapaulia was discarded to Special Summon Elementsaber Makani in Attack Position. He used its effect, discarding another Makani to add Phosphorage the Elemental Lord to his hand. He then used the Graveyard effect of Malo to change it to a LIGHT Attribute, then did the same for Makani, which let him Special Summon Phosphorage the Elemental Lord. The Elemental Lord’s effect activated, destroying all monsters Imayeguahi controlled! He entered the Battle Phase and attacked with all of his monsters to drop Imayeguahi to zero LP and end the first Duel! (The Field Spell would have made Taylor skip his next turn’s Battle Phase, but this turn’s Battle Phase was fair game.)



Duel 2

Imayeguahi elected to go first. He started with a hand of Monster Reborn, Solemn Judgment, Rafale, Champion Fur Hire, Imperial Order and Called by the Grave. He Set Imperial Order, Solemn Judgment and Called by the Grave and passed.

Taylor activated Reinforcement of the Army but Imayeguahi Chained Imperial Order to negate the Spell’s effect! Taylor Set 2 cards to the back and Normal Summoned Marauding Captain and attacked directly for 1200.

Imayeguahi drew fur turn and he paid 700 LP for Imperial Order. He Normal Summoned Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire and used the effect to Special Summon Rafale, Champion Fur Hire next to Beat. He then activated Rafale, Champion Fur Hire as Chain Link 1 and Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire as Chain Link 2, adding Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire from his Deck to his hand, then excavated Wiz, Sage Fur Hire, adding it to his hand. After the Chain resolved, Taylor activated Droll & Lock Bird. Both monsters attacked, destroying Marauding Captain and leaving Taylor at 5200 LP.


Taylor drew and Imayeguahi paid another 700 LP. He Set a monster and passed.

Imayeguahi drew fur turn and paid another 700 LP. He used Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire’s effect to Special Summon Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire, then Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire’s effect Special Summoned Wiz, Sage Fur Hire from his hand. He gained 2000 LP with Wiz, Sage Fur Hire’s effect, Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire’s effect had all of the monsters Fur Hire gain 500 ATK and Recon, Scout Fur Hire’s effect destroyed Taylor’s Set Elementsaber Aina. All of Imayeguahi’s monsters attacked directly and we’re going to the third and final Duel!



Duel 3

Taylor elected for Imayeguahi to go first. He Normal Summoned Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire whose effect Special Summoned Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire from his hand. Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire’s effect let Imayeguahi add Wiz, Sage Fur Hire from his Deck to his hand. Next, Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire’s effect Special Summoned Wiz, Sage Fur Hire and Wiz, Sage Fur Hire’s effect let Imayeguahi gain 1000 LP. He Set Mayhem Fur Hire and Solemn Judgment and passed.

Taylor activated Terraforming but Imayeguahi Chained Wiz, Sage Fur Hire, discarding Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire to negate Terraforming. Taylor activated a second Terraforming but Imayeguahi Chained Solemn Judgment paying 4500 LP to negate the Spell! But Taylor found a Field Spell anyway since he Normal Summoned Planet Pathfinder! He Tributed it to add Palace of the Elemental Lords from the Deck to his hand. He activated it, then activated the effect of Elementsaber Lapaulia Mana, sending Elementsaber Malo and Elementsaber Makani to the Graveyard to Special Summon Mana. Taylor then used the effect of Palace of the Elemental Lords to add Elementsaber Molehu from his Deck to his hand. He then activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Elementsaber Makani from his Graveyard. Next, he activated Elementsaber Makani’s effect, sending Elementsaber Molehu from his hand to the Graveyard to add Phosphorage the Elemental Lord from his Deck to his hand. Taylor then activated Moon Mirror Shield, equipping it to Elementsaber Lapaulia Mana. Taylor’s Mana attacked into Imayeguahi’s Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire, but Imayeguahi activated Mayhem Fur Hire and Special Summoned Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire from the Graveyard. The other Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire’s effect activated, giving all other monsters Fur Hire 500 ATK and DEF and Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire’s effect let Imayeguahi add Rafale, Champion Fur Hire from the Deck to his hand. Imayeguahi redeclared the target to Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire, using Moon Mirror Shield to attack over Beat by 100. Makani then attacked over one of Imayeguahi’s Beats, Bladesman Fur Hire. Next, Taylor used Makani and Elementsaber Lapaulia Mana to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights! Isolde’s effect added Elementsaber Lapaulia from his Deck to his hand while the Moon Mirror Shield that fell off of the Elementsaber went back to the bottom of his Deck by paying 500 LP. Next, he used Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights’s other effect, sending Ring of Magnetism and Moon Mirror Shield to the Graveyard to Special Summon Elementsaber Aina from his Deck. Aina’s effect let Taylor discard Elementsaber Lapaulia to Special Summon Elementsaber Molehu from the Graveyard. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights and Aina were used to Link Summon Decode Talker. With 3 LIGHT monsters in the Graveyard and 2 Elementsabers that can change Attributes, he Special Summoned Phosphorage the Elemental Lord and used its effect to destroy all of Imayeguahi’s monsters! Taylor passed here.



Imayeguahi drew for turn. Life was 7500 LP to 3100 LP. Imayeguahi activated Pot of Desires, banishing the top 10 cards to draw Wiz, Sage Fur Hire and Recon, Scout Fur Hire. Recon was Normal Summoned, but Taylor activated Elementsaber Molehu, sending Elementsaber Malo from the Deck to the Graveyard to turn Recon face-down.

Taylor drew a card, then used the 5 Elementabers in his Graveyard to change them to WATER, then Special Summoned Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord! Moulinglacia’s effect made Imayeguahi discard the Rafale, Champion Fur Hire and the Wiz, Sage Fur Hire in his hand. He then used Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord and Phosphorage the Elemental Lord to Xyz Summon Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector! He used the effect declaring Exodia the Forbidden One. He excavated the top card of his Deck which was Pot of Desires. Because it wasn’t Exodia, Pot of Desires was sent to the Graveyard which allowed Alsei’s effect to kick Imayeguahi’s face-down Recon, Scout Fur Hire back to the top of Imayeguahi’s Deck.

Imayeguahi drew Recon, Scout Fur Hire and that was it! He could Set it but Taylor’s Alsei could kick it back to the Deck again and there was nothing to stop Taylor’s monsters from attacking for game!



Andrew Taylor moves on with a 6-1 record with Elementsabers!