YCS Secaucus Top Tables Update: Round 9
Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in the final Swiss Round of Day 1 at YCS Secaucus!
Table 1: Braedon Dale Hooker (Sky Striker Trickstar) vs. Kristoffer Nielsen (Sky Striker Trickstar)
Table 2: Cristian Rafael Urena (Sky Striker Trickstar) vs. Matthew Evan Harris Vanden Heuvel (Gouki)
Table 3: Angel Enrique Carrion Tabarcia Jr. (Sky Striker Trickstar) vs. Yucheng Li (Altergeist)
Table 4: Logan Patrick Johnson (Trickstar) vs. Michael Zimmitti Jr. (Sky Striker Trickstar)
Table 5: Alex Edmund Coffey (Gouki) vs. Darren James Stephenson (Sky Striker Trickstar)
Table 6: Brandon Taylor Conrad (Trickstar) vs. Luke Joseph Parkes (Sky Striker Trickstar)
Table 7: Anthony James Sciulli (Trickstar) vs. Miguel David Soto Jr. (Altergeist)
Table 8: Calvin Habib Tahan (ABC) vs. Joshua Salomon Schmidt (Sky Striker)
Table 9: Thanh Cong Nguyen (SPYRAL) vs. Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva (Sky Striker Trickstar)
Table 10: Raymond Young Dai (Sky Striker) vs. Steven J. Trifunoski (60 Card Pendulum Magician)
Here’s the breakdown for Round 9:
8 Sky Striker Trickstar
3 Trickstar
2 Sky Striker
2 Gouki
2 Altergeist
1 60 Card Pendulum Magician
As we approach the end of Day 1 here at YCS Secaucus, Sky Striker Trickstar has proven to be the most popular strategy. A good amount of Duelists have also opted for pure versions of each strategy, but the mixed variant is by far the most common.
Gouki and Altergeist were both expected to be contenders, and have been in the top tables for each round so far. ABC and SPYRAL Decks each were solid Decks in the previous format, and are clearly capable of adapting to the recent shift. Finally, an unexpected 60 Card Pendulum Magician Deck is sitting at Table 10. It wasn’t clear if Magicians would be able to keep up after the Forbidden & Limited List, but they seem as resilient as ever.
This is the final Swiss Round for today, with two more tomorrow before the cut to Top 32 – check back tomorrow for more updates!