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North America WCQ Round 8 Feature Match: Brandon Miotke vs. Aaron Furman

July 1st, 2018

Brandon Miotke from Detroit, Michigan has been Dueling since 2003, and now he’s 6-1 in the North America WCQ! He’s Dueling against Aaron Furman – an Ultimate Duelist, YCS Champion, and 2017 World Championship Competitor – whose only loss this weekend was in his on-stream Feature Match. Will Furman be able to win this written Feature Match to make up for his previous loss, or will Miotke be able to defeat one of the biggest names in the game? It’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Miotke opened up Duel 1 with Shared Ride, Terraforming, Pot of Desires, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and Upstart Goblin.



He activated Pot of Desires first, banishing the top 10 cards of his Deck face-down to draw Scapegoat and Trickstar Lycoris, prompting Furman to discard Droll & Lock Bird from his hand. Miotke Set the Scapegoat and Shared Ride and then ended his turn.

Furman activated Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones to Special Summon a Sky Striker Ace Token and then used that Token to Link Summon Sky Striker Ace – Kagari. He activated its effect, and Miotke Chained Shared Ride. Furman returned Hornet Drones to his hand, and Miotke drew a card. Kagari attacked directly, dropping Miotke down to 6500 Life Points. In the End Phase, Miotke activated Scapegoat to Special Summon 4 Sheep Tokens.

Miotke drew Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones and then Normal Summoned Trickstar Candina. He activated its effect to add Trickstar Lycoris from his Deck to his hand, prompting Furman to discard another Droll & Lock Bird. Miotke used a Sheep Token to Link Summon Link Spider and then used another Sheep Token to Link Summon Linkuriboh. Then, he used a Sheep Token and Linkuriboh to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus. He Special Summoned Linkuriboh from his Graveyard by giving up a Sheep Token, and then combined his Link Spider, Linkuriboh, and Knightmare Cerberus to Link Summon Borreload Dragon. He attacked Kagari with Borreload and used Borreload’s effect to take control of Kagari, and then attacked directly with Kagari and Candina. He then Special Summoned 2 Lycoris from his hand by returning Candina to his hand, and attacked directly with both Lycoris, dropping Furman down to 1200 Life Points. He Link Summoned Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku by using Kagari as a Link Material and then ended his turn.

Furman drew a card, losing 400 Life Points due to the effects of the 2 Lycoris and then conceded, unable to recover from drawing an exceptionally poor hand.

Brandon Miotke wins the first Duel against Ultimate Duelist Aaron Furman!

Duel Two

Furman started off Duel 2 by Special Summoning Junk Forward to his field and Normal Summoning Gouki Suprex.



He used its effect to Special Summon Gouki Twistcobra and then activated Dragged Down into the Grave; but Miotke discarded Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate it. Furman Link Summoned Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights next, and added Gouki Headbatt and Gouki Twistcobra to his hand with the effects of the Goukis he used to Link Summon it. Miotke discarded Droll & Lock Bird from his hand. Next, Furman used Isolde’s effect to send Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade from his Deck to his Graveyard and Special Summon Gouki Octostretch.

Miotke drew a card and then had 2 copies of Trickstar Reincarnation, Terraforming, and Trickstar Candina in his hand. He Summoned the Candina and used its effect to add a Trickstar Lycoris from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Terraforming to add Trickstar Light Stage to his hand and used its effect to add Trickstar Lycoris to his hand. He attacked Isolde with Candina to destroy it, and then Special Summoned 2 Lycoris from his hand – 1 in Attack Position and 1 in Defense Position – by returning Candina to his hand. He used a Lycoris to attack and destroy Gouki Octostretch causing Furman to use its effect to add a Suprex to his hand. He Set a Reincarnation before passing.

Furman drew a card and then Miotke activated Trickstar Reincarnation. Furman Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate it, but Miotke flipped another copy to force Furman to banish his hand and draw a new one of 4 cards. He lost 2000 Life Points due to the effects of the 2 Lycoris and the Light Stage. Furman activated Gouki Re-Match to Special Summon Octostretch and Twistcobra and then combined Octostretcher and Twistcobra to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix. He used the Phoenix’s effect as Chain Link 3 to discard Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! and destroy Light Stage, and then added a Suprex and Gouki Bearhug to his hand with the effects of his Gouki monsters. Furman lost 800 Life Points as a result of adding those 2 cards to his hand. Next, Furman combined his Phoenix with his Suprex to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn, and used its effect to discard Instant Fusion and shuffle a Lycoris into Miotke’s Deck. He added a Gouki Re-Match to his hand, losing another 200 Life Points and dropping down to 3000 Life Points. Furman activated Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! next, adding Hornet Drones from his Deck to his hand and drawing a card, dropping down to 2600 Life Points. Furman activated Hornet Drones to Special Summon a Sky Striker Ace Token to the field and then Normal Summoned Suprex and used its effect to Special Summon Bearhug. Bearhug’s effect halved the ATK of Lycoris, and then Furman combined his Token with his Suprex to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus. He used his Cerberus’s effect to discard Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster and destroy Lycoris, then drew a card because it was co-linked to the Unicorn. Furman attacked directly with his Cerberus, Unicorn, and Bearhug, dropping Miotke down to 1800 Life Points. Furman combined Unicorn with Bearhug to Link Summon Firewall Dragon next and used the effect of Bearhug to add a Gouki Octostretch to his hand. He then used Knightmare Cerberus as a Link Material to Summon Knightmare Mermaid and activated its effect by discarding Junk Forward. He Chained Firewall Dragon’s effect, and Miotke Chained the Trickstar Reincarnation in his Graveyard to Special Summon Lycoris. Firewall Special Summoned Octostretcher from Furman’s hand, and Mermaid Special Summoned Iblee to Furman’s field. Furman banished 2 Warriors from his Graveyard to add a Divine Sword from his Graveyard to his hand, losing 200 more Life Points in the process. Then, he combined his Mermaid with his Iblee to Link Summon Knightmare Goblin co-linked to Firewall, and used its effect to discard the Divine Sword, gain a Normal Summon, and draw a card. He lost 200 more Life Points due to Lycoris’s effect. Furman activated Instant Fusion next, giving up 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Dragoness the Wicked Knight. He used Dragoness and Octostretch to Link Summon another Knightmare Goblin co-linked to Firewall Dragon and then ended his turn.

Miotke drew Trickstar Lilybell and then Normal Summoned Candina. He used its effect to add a Light Stage to his hand and activated it to add another Lycoris to his hand. He used Lycoris and Candina to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus and then attacked a Goblin with his Cerberus. Furman used the effect of his Firewall to add 2 Goukis from his Graveyard to his hand; but the Cerberus destroyed the Goblin in battle. Next, Miotke banished Reincarnation from his Graveyard to Special Summon Candina and attacked over the Goblin with Candina. Furman lost another 700 Life Points, and with only 200 Life Points remaining Miotke Special Summoned Lycoris by returning Candina to his hand.

On Furman’s next turn, he drew a card and the rest of his Life Points were depleted by Lycoris’s effect.

Brandon Miotke defeats Aaron Furman and advances with a 6-1 record!