QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Shadows in Valhalla?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! The new Shadows in Valhalla booster set has lots of cool cards in it, including Zigfried von Schroeder’s most iconic monsters from the original animated Yu-Gi-Oh! series. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which cards from Shadows in Valhalla are their favorites. Check out their responses!
“Mischief of the Time Goddess.” -Julian Cebrian
“Aleister the Invoker of Madness.” -Thomas Cardenes
“Aleister the Invoker of Madness.” -Giovanni Gonzalez
“Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.” -Sean Hinson
“Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.” -Michael Campos
“Mermail Abyssmegalo.” -James Sledd
“Invoked Mechaba.” -Eric Hernandez
“Aleister the Invoker of Madness.” -David Robinson
“White Dragon Ninja.” -Jake Kuenzi
“Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.” -Lyle Connor
“Mischief of the Time Goddess.” -Martin Kass
“Secret Rare Twin Twisters!” -Brian Rayos
“Mischief of the Time Goddess.” -Michael Tang
It looks like Zigfried’s Mischief of the Time Goddess was a popular choice, and is even more popular than his Valkyrie monsters! Aleister the Invoker of Madness also has its fans, while other Duelists are just glad to see Super Rare reprints of competitive cards like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Shadows in Valhalla is available in stores now.