. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 200th YCS Columbus: Round 3 Feature Match – Blair Alexander Hunter vs. Stanley Paul Andrew Jr.
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200th YCS Columbus: Round 3 Feature Match – Blair Alexander Hunter vs. Stanley Paul Andrew Jr.

September 22nd, 2018

You may have seen Cyber Dragon take the stage in Round 2 of our livestream coverage, but we’re taking a look at another Cyber Dragon Duelist here in Round 3. Blair Hunter from Warner Robins, Georgia is currently 2-0 with Cyber Dragons, having received new cards from Cybernetic Horizon facing-off against Stanley Paul Andrew, Jr. from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Andrew has True Draco, another popular strategy over the last Dueling season. It’s time to Duel!

Duel 1

Hunter won the roll and elected for Andrew to go first. Andrew started off with Amano-Iwato. He Set 3 to the back, activated Card of Demise to draw 3 cards. He then flipped the Set True Draco Heritage and used the effect, tributing the face-down True Draco Apocalypse to Tribute Summon Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior. He then drew 1 card off True Draco Heritage. He then Set 2 more and in the End Phase, discarded his hand and added Amano-Iwato back to his hand.

Hunter Special Summoned Cyber Dragon. He then activated Cyber Emergency to add Cyber Dragon Core from his Deck to his hand. After the chain resolved, Andrew activated There Can Be Only One. Hunter entered the Battle Phase and crashed Cyber Dragon into Andrew’s Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior, taking 300 damage. In Main Phase 2, Hunter Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and activated its effect. Andrew chained Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior and Hunter chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring to negate Ignis Heat’s effect. When the chain resolved, Hunter added Cybernetic Overflow from his Deck to his hand. He Set it and passed.

Andrew Normal Summoned Amano-Iwato again then went into the Battle Phase and had Amano-Iwato attack and destroy Hunter’s Cyber Dragon Core. Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior attacked directly leaving Hunter at 2400 LP.

Hunter drew Cyber Repair Plant. He activated it to add Cyber Dragon Herz from his Deck to his hand. He then activated Galaxy Soldier’s effect, discarding Cyber Dragon Herz. Andrew chained Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior’s effect, adding Disciples of the True Dracophoenix from his Deck to his hand. In a new chain, Hunter activated the effects of Galaxy Soldier and Cyber Dragon Herz. Herz’s effect added Cyber Dragon Core from his Graveyard to his hand while Galaxy Soldier’s effect added another copy from his Deck to his hand. He then flipped the Set Cybernetic Overflow, banishing Herz and Cyber Dragon from the Graveyard to destroy There Can Be Only One and Andrew’s Set Rivalry of Warlords. Hunter then Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and used its effect to add Cybernetic Overflow from his Deck to his hand. He then activated Machine Duplication targeting Cyber Dragon Core, which Special Summoned another 2 Cyber Dragons from his Deck. He then Link Summoned Cyber Dragon Sieger, then Xyz Summoned Cyber Dragon Nova whose effect was used, detaching a Material to Special Summon a Cyber Dragon from the Graveyard! Next, he put Cyber Drgaon Infinity on top of Nova then used its effect to attach Andrew’s Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior as a Material. All of Hunter’s monsters attacked directly, leaving Andrew at 1100 LP. He Set Cybernetic Overflow and passed.

Andrew Normal Summoned Amano-Iwato and then activated Dragonic Diagram. He Set a card and tried to use Dragonic Diagram’s effect but Hunter chained Cybernetic Overflow. Andrew chained the Set The Monarchs Stormforth. When the chain resolved, Hunter destroyed Amano-Iwato and Dragonic Diagram, so Dragonic Diagram’s effect wouldn’t resolve. Andrew then activated Card of Demise, and since Amano-Iwato was no longer on the field, Hunter chained Cyber Drgaon Infinity to negate and destroy Andrew’s Card of Demise, leading to a concession.

Duel 2

Andrew elected to go first. He started with Pot of Duality, revealing True King’s Return, Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster and Card of Demise. He took Card of Demise and shuffled the other two back to the Deck. He Set 4 cards then activated Card of Demise, drawing 3 cards. He then activated the Set Disciples of the True Dracophoenix. He used the effect to Tribute Summon Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior. He Set the last 2 cards and passed.

Hunter drew for turn and Andrew activated The Monarchs Erupt. Hunter Special Summoned Cyber Dragon. He activated Cyber Dragon Vier to Special Summon from his hand and have all Cyber Dragons gain 500 ATK and DEF. Hunter then activated Galaxy Soldier discarding Cyber Dragon Herz and Andrew chained Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior’s effect, adding True Draco Heritage from his Deck to his hand. Herz’s effect added another Cyber Dragon from his Deck to his hand. Hunter then activated Cyber Repair Plant which added Cyber Dragon Core from his Deck to his hand. He then Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and used it and Cyber Dragon Vier to Link Summon Cyber Dragon Sieger. He then Xyz Summoned Constellar Pleiades. Andrew activated True Draco Apocalypse and chained a second one, destroying the first Apocalypse, shrinking the ATK of all of Hunter’s monsters in half. He also used the destroyed Constellar Pleiades with the effect of the destroyed Apocalypse. Hunter Set Cybernetic Overflow and passed.

Andrew went into the Battle Phase and Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior attacked into the halved Cyber Dragon Sieger leaving Hunter at 6650 LP. Andrew Set one to the backrow. In the End Phase, Hunter activated the Set Cybernetic Overflow, banishing 4 Cyber Dragons from his Graveyard (which included card whose names are treated as Cyber Dragon while in the Graveyard) to destroy Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior and the 3 Set cards, leaving Andrew with a face-up The Monarchs Erupt and True Draco Apocalypse. And because there’s no Tribute Summoned monster on the field during Andrew’s End Phase, The Monarchs Erupt destroyed itself.

Hunter Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Herz. He used it to Link Summon Linkuriboh! He used Herz’s effect to put Cyber Dragon Sieger back to the Extra Deck. Linkuriboh attacked directly for 300 damage leaving Andrew at 7700 LP.

Andrew Set 2 to the back and passed.

Hunter attacked directly for 300 with Linkuriboh.

Andrew activate Pot of Duality, revealing The Monarchs Erupt, True King’s Return and Anti-Spell Fragrance. He picked Anti-Spell Fragrance to add to his hand and shuffled the rest back into his Deck. He Set it and passed.

Hunter Tributed Linkuriboh for Cyber Dragon. Hunter then activated Anti-Spell Fragrance. Hunter’s Cyber Dragon attacked directly for 2100, leaving Andrew at 5300 LP. He Set a card to the back and passed.

Andrew Set another card to the back and passed.

Hunter drew Cyber Emergency. He attacked for 2100 LP leaving Andrew at 3200 LP. He Set Cyber Emergency and passed.

Andrew Tributed True Draco Apocalypse for Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster. He used Apocalypse’s effect to destroy Cyber Dragon. He then activated the Set True Draco Heritage and used its effect to draw a card. He then used Heritage’s effect, Tributing it to Tribute Summon Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior. He used Heritage’s effect to destroy Hunter’s Set Cyber Emergency. Both monsters attacked directly, leaving Hunter at 1750 LP.

Hunter topdecked Overload Fusion! Hunter activated his Set Twin Twisters discarding Red Reboot targeting Anti-Spell Fragrance and one of the sets, but Andrew chained the other Set card: Solemn Judgment! With no way to activate Overload Fusion under Anti-Spell Fragrance, Hunter conceded and we’re moving to Duel 3 with about 5 minutes left.

Duel 3

Andrew Normal Summoned Amano-Iwato, then activated Dragonic Diagram, setting a card before using Dragonic Diagram’s effect to destroy the Set True Draco Apocalypse to add True Draco Heritage from his Deck to his hand. He activated True Draco Heritage and used its effect to draw a card. He Set 2 cards and bight Amano-Iwato back to his hand.

Hunter activated Cyber Emergency and Andrew chained Anti-Spell Fragrance. Hunter had Red Reboot but with the round about to end and seemingly no way to end the game this turn, paying half of his LP was too great a cost. He allowed Anti-Spell Fragrance to resolve and added Cyber Dragon Core from his Deck to his hand. He then Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and used its effect to add Cybernetic Overflow from his Deck to his hand. Core then attacked directly for 400, giving Hunter a slim lead. Hunter Set 3 cards to the back and passed.

Andrew Normal Summoned Amano-Iwato. Andrew then used True Draco Heritage’s effect Tributng it to Tribute Summon Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster. Andrew used True Draco Heritage to destroy Hunter’s Set Overflow which was activated, banishing Cyber Dragon and Cyber Dragon Core to destroy Amano-Iwato and Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster. Cybernetic Overflow’s Graveyard effect let Hunter add a “Cyber” Spell/Trap from his Deck to his hand. Andrew then activated Dragonic Diagram but Hunter chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.

Hunter Normal Summoned Cyber Dragon Core and added another Cybernetic Overflow. He attacked for another 400 LP. He Set 2 cards and passed.

Andrew Normal Summoned Amano-Iwato and used Dragonic Diagram’s to destroy Anti-Spell Fragrance to add Disciples of the True Dracophoenix. He went the Battle Phase, time was called. Andrew tried to attack with Amano-Iwato but Hunter chained Cybernetic Overflow, banishing Cyber Dragon Core on his field to destroy Andrew’s Amano-Iwato. With no other monsters left to attack, the Duel ended 8000 LP to 7200 LP.

Hunter moves on with a 3-0 record!