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200th YCS Columbus: Top 64 Pairings

September 23rd, 2018

Here are the Pairings for the Top 64!

Table Player 1 vs. Player 2
1 Jones, Jeffrey Michael Alexander vs. Dawar, Manav
2 Camburako, Thomas Vasilis vs. Abrahim, Akeem Abu
3 Logan, Steven John vs. Lu, Jiawei ON
4 Winning, James Dean vs. Wix-Peeler, Carter Rodney
5 White, Joel Thomas vs. Hood, Christopher Peyton
6 Urena, Cristian Rafael vs. Li, Yucheng ON
7 Best III, William Jasper vs. McInnes, Aaron Christopher
8 Brown, Anton Dominick vs. Smothers, Austin Ryan
9 Espinosa, Andres Felipe vs. Greco, Luciano Frank
10 Lopez, Kevin Lionel NJ vs. Lee, Jongwon John
11 Harara, Shaheen Waheed vs. Gonzalez, Giovanni FL
12 Przymierski, Justin Joseph vs. Quiett, Phillip Allen
13 Judge, Ryan Joseph vs. Gonzalez, Adrian IL
14 Bown, Corey Joseph vs. Dai, Raymond Young
15 Devara, Davin vs. Khan, Mohammed Faisal
16 Lloyd, Hunter Francis vs. Li, Yuhang ON
17 Roytburd, Aleksandr vs. Holt, Jermey Joe Arthur
18 Bishop Stone, Zachary William vs. Rutherford III, James Paul
19 Joazil-Wallace, Bradley Xavier vs. Narro, Bastian Tristan
20 Mininger, Levi Jay vs. Mitchell, Jeremy Taeron
21 Barber, Jonathan Ray vs. Forbis, Joshua Chad MO
22 Barwicki, Christopher vs. Gadsby, Tavin Douglas
23 Scarangella, Nicholas Vincent vs. Wilson, Dablessin Jaquise
24 Zimmerman, Jarret Scot vs. Ramirez Medina, Daniel WA
25 Williams, Thomas John NY vs. Kotton, Jesse Dean
26 Chung, Samuel H. vs. Nichols, Jordan Larry MS
27 Morton II, Roland Baryl vs. Flora, Jared Brett
28 Mahoney, Christian Joseph vs. Commer, Trevor Glenn
29 Couch, Dominic Eduardo vs. Vargas, Gabriel Antonio
30 Angeloff, Dakota Clint vs. Kite, Logan Michael
31 Kalina, Brian John vs. McGlynn, Matthew James
32 Strakna, Daniel Timothy vs. Walters, Michael Kyle