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200th YCS Columbus: Top Tables Update Round 9

September 23rd, 2018

Check out which Duelists and Decks are at the top 10 tables in the final Swiss Round of Day 1 here in Columbus, Ohio!

Table 1: Kevin Lopez (Sky Striker) vs. Adrian Gonzalez (Altergeist)
Table 2: James Rutherford (Sky Striker) vs. Andres Espinosa (Dark Gouki)
Table 3: Levi Mininger (Altergeist) vs. Dablessin Wilson (Gouki)
Table 4: Roland Morton (Danger! Gouki) vs. Gavin Reiniche (Dark Gouki)
Table 5: Braedon Hooker (Trickstar) vs. Shaheen Harara (Gouki HERO)
Table 6: Jordan Palmer (True Draco) vs. Brandon Pittman (Cyber Dragon)
Table 7: Anton Brown (True Draco) vs. Michael Burket (True Draco)
Table 8: Alex Mondlak (Cyber Dragon) vs. Avery Foster (Gouki)
Table 9: Timothy Li (Cyber Dragon) vs. Ryan Pasnik (Paleozoic Frog)
Table 10: Jared Flora (Gouki) vs. Rodrigo Rojas Morales (Sky Striker)

Check back tomorrow to see which Decks rise to the top in Day 2!