. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 9 Feature Match: Aaron Furman versus Mark Myatt
Home > 2018/10 - Niagara, ON, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 9 Feature Match: Aaron Furman versus Mark Myatt

Round 9 Feature Match: Aaron Furman versus Mark Myatt

October 21st, 2018

Aaron Furman is no stranger to the competitive tournament scene. He competed in the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship in 2017 and won one Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational and one Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event. Now he’s back at YCS Niagara Falls, and this time he’s using his Thunder Dragon Deck made possible by Soul Fusion! Furman is looking for another YCS win, but now Texas’s Mark Myatt is Dueling against him in this Round 9 Feature Match! Myatt is using a Sky Striker Deck this weekend. Sky Strikers generally have a tough time against Thunder Dragons due to the effect of Thunder Dragon Colossus. Will Myatt be able to overcome this difficult matchup? We’re about to find out. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One

Myatt started off the Match by activating Terraforming to add Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zerofrom his Deck to his hand and activated it.



He Set a card to his back row and targeted it with Area Zero. He sent his face-down Sky Striker Maneuver – Jamming Waves! to the Graveyard to add Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole to his hand, then used Multirole to send Area Zero to the Graveyard and Special Summon Sky Striker Ace – Raye from his Deck. He traded Raye in for Hayate and then used Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to search for Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor and draw a card. He used Upstart Goblin next and then swapped Hayate out for Sky Striker Ace – Kagari. He used Kagari’s effect to return Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to his hand and used Engage to add another Sky Striker Spell to his hand and draw a card. He Link Summoned Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku next, Set 3 cards to his back row, and then Set Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! from his Graveyard in the End Phase with Multirole. He searched his Deck for Engage and added it to his hand with Shizuku in the End Phase as well.

Furman opened up Instant Fusion, Gold Sarcophagus, Chaos Dragon Levianeer, Thunder Dragonmatrix, Thunder Dragonhawk, and Batteryman Solar. He Normal Summoned Batteryman Solar and activated its effect, but its effect was negated by Widow Anchor. Next, Furman used Gold Sarcophagus to banish Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck, and used Dragonroar’s effect to Special Summon Thunder Dragondark from his Deck. He used Solar and Dragondark as Link Materials to Summon Knightmare Phoenix and then discarded Dragonmatrix to target Myatt’s face-down Widow Anchor with its effect. Myatt Chained it to target Phoenix, and then Chained Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster to protect his Shizuku for the turn. He took control of Phoenix after Eagle Booster resolved. Furman added Thunder Dragon Fusion to his hand with the effect of Thunder Dragondark and then discarded Thunder Dragonhawk from his hand to Special Summon Thunder Dragonmatrix from his Graveyard. He banished 2 LIGHT monsters and a DARK monster from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Dragon Levianeer next, and used its effect to destroy Myatt’s last 2 remaining back row cards! He then used Dragonmatrix as a Link Material to Summon Linkuriboh and added another Dragonmatrix from his Deck to his hand with its effect. He activated Thunder Dragon Fusion next, and Myatt Chained Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion from his hand to negate it. Furman combined Linkuriboh with Chaos Dragon Levianeer next, and Link Summoned Reprodocus. He activated Instant Fusion and paid 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Thousand-Eyes Restrict behind it and then used the effect of Reprodocus to make Thousand-Eyes Restrict a Dinosaur. He then combined his 2 monsters to Link Summon Summon Sorceress! He used its effect to Special Summon Dragonmatrix to Myatt’s field, and then used his Sorceress to Special Summon Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck. He Tributed the Dragonroar to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus and then attacked Shizuku to inflict 100 points of damage to Myatt. Shizuku was protected by Eagle Booster. Colossus attacked Shizuku next, dropping Myatt down to 7600 Life Points, and Shizuku was once again protected by Eagle Booster. In the End Phase, Knightmare Phoenix returned to Furman.

Myatt used Shizuku to Link Summon Kagari and used Kagari’s effect to return Widow Anchor to his hand. He combined Kagari with Dragonmatrix to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix, and Furman added a Dragonmatrix from his Deck to his hand. Next, Myatt used Phoenix to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid and discarded Reinforcement of the Army to Special Summon Knightmare Corruptor Iblee. He used Iblee to Link Summon another Mermaid and gave control of Iblee to Furman. Next, he Link Summoned Akashic Magician and used its effect to return the Iblee on Furman’s field back to his hand. He Summoned Iblee and used its effect to Special Summon Knightmare Phoenix from the Graveyard and then combined Iblee with Akashic to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn. He used its effect and discarded Twin Twisters to return Colossus to Furman’s Extra Deck and draw a card. Next, he Link Summoned Topologic Bomber Dragon by combining all of his monsters, and used Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to add Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor from his Deck to his hand and draw a card. He used Foolish Burial Goods next, and sent Metalfoes Fusion from his Deck to his Graveyard. He shuffled the Metalfoes Fusion back into his Deck to draw a card. Topologic Bomber Dragon attacked and destroyed Summon Sorceress and Myatt Set 2 cards to his back row before passing his turn.

Furman drew Denko Sekka and Normal Summoned it. Next, he banished Thunder Dragon Fusion from his Graveyard to try to grab a Thunder Dragon card from his Deck, but lost out when Myatt discarded Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring from his hand. He passed his turn with no other play.

Myatt Special Summoned Dinowrestler Pankratops, immediately prompting Furman to concede.



A strong start for Mark Myatt allows him to defeat Aaron Furman and his Thunder Dragons in Duel 1!


Duel Two

Furman opened up Duel 2 with Twin Twisters, Thunder Dragonmatrix, Allure of DarknessThunder Dragon Fusion, and Batteryman Solar.



He Summoned Solar and used its effect to send Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck to his Graveyard.  Next, he discarded Dragonmatrix from his hand to increase the ATK of Solar. He used Thunder Dragon Fusion next, shuffling the 2 Thunder Dragon cards from his Graveyard back into his Deck to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus.

(Unfortunately, neither Duelist realized that Thunder Dragon Colossus needs to use Thunder Dragon as a Fusion Material when it’s Fusion Summoned with Thunder Dragon Fusion, so it couldn’t have been Summoned. Nevertheless, the Duel continued.)

Furman Special Summoned a Batteryman Token to his field with the effect of Solar. He combined Colossus with a Token to Link Summon Some Summer Summoner and then Tributed Dragonmatrix to Link Summon Colossus linked to Some Summer Summoner. He then Tributed Some Summer Summoner to Link Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus and ended his turn with 2 copies of Colossus on his field.



Myatt activated Foolish Burial Goods to send Metalfoes Fusion from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Summoned Sky Striker Ace – Raye next, and used it as a Link Material to Link Summon Hayate. He attacked directly with Hayate, dropping Furman to 6500 Life Points and sending Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor from his Deck to his Graveyard with its effect. In Main Phase 2, he used Hayate as a Link Material to Summon Sky Striker Ace – Kagari and used Kagari’s effect to return Widow Anchor to his hand. He then activated 2 copies of Widow Anchor to negate the effects of both copies of Colossus, and the second Widow Anchor took control of one Colossus. Myatt activated Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zero next, and used its effect by targeting the Colossus he took control of. He added a Multirole from his Deck to his hand with its effect and sent the Colossus to the Graveyard. Next, he activated Multirole. Then, he used Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to add Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners! to his hand and draw a card. He used another Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! next, adding Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster to his hand and drawing another card. He used Afterburners to destroy Furman’s Colossus and then used Kagari as a Link Material to Summon Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku. He Set a card to his back row and then Set a Widow Anchor and Engage from his Graveyard with the effect of Multirole in the End Phase, and added a Hornet Drones to his hand with the effect of Shizuku.

Furman drew The Ascended of Thunder. He banished Thunder Dragon Fusion from his Graveyard to try to use its effect to search for a card, but Myatt Chained Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring from his hand to negate its effect. Next, Furman activated Allure of Darkness with no DARK monsters in his hand! He drew Thunder Dragonroar and Thunder Dragonduo, allowing him to banish Dragonroar to complete the effect of his Allure! He used the effect of Dragonroar and Chained Twin Twisters from his hand, discarding The Ascended of Thunder from his hand to pay the cost. He destroyed Myatt’s face-down Widow Anchor and Engage, banishing them from the Duel since they were returned to the field by Multirole. Myatt activated Eagle Booster to protect his Shizuku. Furman Special Summoned Thunder Dragondark with Dragonroar’s effect next, and then banished Colossus and Solar from his Graveyard to Special Summon Thunder Dragonduo.  He then combined his 2 monsters to Link Summon Reprodocus and used the effect of his Thunder Dragondark. Furman thought about his move, and then posed a question to Myatt.

“Do you have Belle?”, he asked.

“Yeah,” Myatt replied.

“Show me it and I’ll scoop,” Furman said.

Myatt revealed Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion from his hand, and as promised Furman immediately extended the handshake.

Mark Wyatt uses his Sky Strikers to take the win over Aaron Furman and his Thunder Dragons!