Home > 2018/11 - Pasadena, CA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Pasadena!

Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Pasadena!

November 17th, 2018

Welcome to North America’s last Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event of 2018! 1411 Duelists have gathered here at the Pasadena Convention Center here in Pasadena, California to compete for the chance to become a YCS Champion!

Soul Fusion revolutionized the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Advanced Format, bringing rise to popular new Decks like Thunder Dragons and Danger! Dark World. Thunder Dragon Colossus, Thunder Dragon Titan, and the rest of the Thunder Dragon cards in Soul Fusion have made Thunder Dragon monsters more competitive than ever before, while Danger!? Tsuchinoko? and other Danger! monsters from Soul Fusion allowed Duelists to use Danger! cards more powerfully than previously possible. Specialized “tech” cards like Trap Trick and Dinowrestler Pankratops have also made it into competitive Decks recently, and will likely impact the tournament here in Pasadena. The effects of Soul Fusion’s impact will be felt all weekend by Duelists competing.

The release of Hidden Summoners yesterday will further complicate this weekend’s tournament. Hidden Summoners is already legal for use in this YCS event, and introduces or invigorates Nephthys, Prank-Kids, and Mayakashi themes for competitive use. Even though the new cards for these themes were just released, a handful of Duelists have already gotten their hands on these cards and are piloting them in the tournament. Will these Duelists’ quick mastery of the themes give them the edge they need to become a YCS Champion?

The Duelists are shuffling up and Round 1 is about to begin! It’s almost time to Duel!