YCS Pasadena: Day 2 Intro
Welcome to Day 2 of YCS Pasadena!
Yesterday, 1,442 Duelists threw down in nine Swiss rounds of Dueling action! Only the best were able to advance to the second day of competition, where they’ll duke it out in two more Swiss rounds, before cutting to the Top 32. There are a lot of great players in attendance, with multiple YCS Champions, UDS Champions, and more all in the tournament. We’ve even got a large group of players who made the trip from Europe, with many of them sitting at the top tables right now.
We’ve seen a variety of strategies succeeding this weekend. There are Warrior Decks which range from Gouki to Phantom Knights to HEROes, all looking to make huge Link Summon combos with Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights enabling them. Danger! monsters are making their way into many Decks, such as Dark World and Warrior Decks. Sky Strikers remain very popular too. We’ve also seen Thunder Dragons, Pendulums, Burning Abyss, Cyber Dragons, Altergeists, Zombies, and Trickstars at the top tables throughout the event. It’s anybody’s tournament at this point.
Round 10 is starting now – it’s time to Duel!